NT: Why are you staying home on a Saturday?? vol. 1/12/08

Feb 20, 2004
-i just sprained my ankle playin bball

-just ordered some pizza watchin the patriots game
-got to do a whole bunch of Econ hw

how about you all???
Watching the game and I gotta pack cause I'm leaving for college on Tuesday =/



but as soon as the game is over and my patriots are declared victorious we will be on our way to


Football as of now...

Not sure if I'm staying in...

Kid Sister show, and a couple joints...

Matter fact I'll Holla...

im at home sipping on some vodka watching the football games

got plans to go out later though...
Been home all day watching football and college basketball... getting ready to head to a madden tourney after the pats game to take some
rent money
I don't like going to parties or clubs. My friend are into that so I'm left at home with NT, Xbox Live, Blockbuster Total Access, and some books incase I want to do reading for my classes.
Went to MJQ last night in the ATL had class bright and early...honestly I just don't feel like doing anything.
getting ready to go back to school-- packed - set - relaxed for the 5 hour drive i am gonna have to make.

i will miss my home and moms - no more home cooked meal lol. Damn the holidays went by fast-- all is well it was fun while it lasted
Watching the game and I was yacking all morning from a mean hangover, so I was pretty much out of commission until like 5:30.
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