NT... What Was Your Graduation Present?

nothing, cuz i havent graduated, but i doubt therell be anything

theyll prob help me with colege expenses though, def appreciated
Originally Posted by FlyNY

A $*%+%%$ tea cup that says "Congratulations"
Had me like

I didn't get anything for HS.
Well I didn't realize how much the recession was going to effect my grad gifts but I sure do feel it now...smh
I got some money, and a plane ticket to see an aunt I hardly know.
Hopefully some more funds are coming in the mail or this is going to be an interesting summer.
Well i only graduated elementary school so far and pops was like now once you graduate high school I'll be proud
so one more year to go still
My dad made a deal with me that if I got college paid for he'd give me 5k (Prepaid tuition money he spent) , so I just took my mom's car (which isworth about there) instead, so thats my gift. Im super thankful, parents are payin for insurance and all the car stuff minus gas, and college is totally paidoff.
i never graduated but i had a trust fund set up by my tribe for when i graduated or got my g.e.d. or turned 21. i got my g.e.d. and got 6 grand. my sistergot a acr from our dad and gas $ pretty much from fam
Macbook Pro, Toro Bravo pack, a trip to Florida (to see my grandma, would have happened regardless of school status,) and a car after my freshman year.

It's gonna be a hot summer.
so far....$1200

Still waiting on mom's gift....I think its a MacBook and more $$$ but who knows....

Either way...im blessed
300 cash for my hs..i dont think i shouldve gotten anything.. but

purple n64 for my elementary school one

I'm treating myself to a Macbook.

My parents are looking to buy a third car for the family so that'll leave me with a car to drive all the time. That's good enough for me.
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