NT, What Video Games Are You Playing?

Super Mario Galaxy 2. I have beaten all of the regular boards with every crown but havent gotten to beating the extra boards yet.
Super Mario Galaxy 2. I have beaten all of the regular boards with every crown but havent gotten to beating the extra boards yet.
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker on Sega, of course.
I felt like playing something other than the 360 so I dug up my Sega and the games.
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker on Sega, of course.
I felt like playing something other than the 360 so I dug up my Sega and the games.
Secret of Mana on the Wii
Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
Secret of Mana on the Wii
Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom
Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike
Battlefield: Bad Company 2
I just beat Dead space. Im working on a platinum trophy. It will be my second (Assassins Creed 2 was my first)
I just beat Dead space. Im working on a platinum trophy. It will be my second (Assassins Creed 2 was my first)
Right now I'm playing madden 10 because I need to get my game back to where it used to be for august when 11 comes out.
Other than that I've been playing a lot of eternal sonata and waiting for arc rise fantasia.
Right now I'm playing madden 10 because I need to get my game back to where it used to be for august when 11 comes out.
Other than that I've been playing a lot of eternal sonata and waiting for arc rise fantasia.
PS3- DeathSpank, Pixel Junk series
PC- TF2, L4D2, Fallout 3 GOTY...I d/l Alien Swarm but haven't really gotten the chance to play yet..
PS3- DeathSpank, Pixel Junk series
PC- TF2, L4D2, Fallout 3 GOTY...I d/l Alien Swarm but haven't really gotten the chance to play yet..
-Ocarina of Time on the PC w/ High Res textures

-XBox got the RROD today; damn thing only lasted for 3 1/2 months (an all time low)

-PS3 Super Street Fighter IV and Uncharted 2
-Ocarina of Time on the PC w/ High Res textures

-XBox got the RROD today; damn thing only lasted for 3 1/2 months (an all time low)

-PS3 Super Street Fighter IV and Uncharted 2
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