NT what religion are you?

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Just today I told my parents I'll never forgive them for Baptizing me andmaking me do confirmation etc etc.. Technically I'm Catholic but the bible and Jesus is a joke to me. I believe in the Universe (w/e that means).[/color]
Originally Posted by thagreatj

If i had to pick, i would say Christian, but i only believe in God and Jesus.
all the stories surrounding it (dont always seem true to me) but what i do believe in is the "morals" of the story, like the good of it.

Believe theres a higher power and do good by YOUR STANDARDS and you good in my eyes.
Pretty much. I don't concern myself with the details of the extended metaphors andparables...Watch Dogma. I'm THAT. Dammit, I ain't saying I believe....but I got a good idea and hella faith in it.
Originally Posted by hotshots24

im catholic what are you? Id like to learn more about jajovas witness (sp?) i bet alot of you are athiests

i think it's spelled Jehovah's Witness....anyway...I'm Christian.
My sister once visited a morman church with a friends of hers... I went one day. & every mother lover in there was smiling for no reason!
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