NT, what is your passion? Are you doing your passion or on your way to doing it?

Appreciate it speakup, I wish the best for you also
. I remember you were into cars.
My passion is helping people better themselves. The easy way I've found to do that is educating them.

I'm on track to graduate in a year and a half. After that I plan on enrolling in Teach for America and doing that for 2 years, then pursuing a masters if I feel like it's a logical step.

I'm majoring in computer science tho. Computers are my side hobby. I want to teach CS in schools, but still be that one teacher that does a bunch of other stuff to help out in the community. I can't/won't do computer science stuff 24/7. I'm just not that passionate about it.
Music & Politics (but not together) are my passion.

I am in HS so am doing neither.
To be honest, I'm passionate about a lot of things like computers, cars, and helping people out. The problem is that I just haven't broken it down when it comes to job opportunities, like what types of jobs can I do with the things I'm passionate about. Right now I just started going back to grad school to get my MBA hopefully to get a job in either finance or accounting.
My dream when I was a kid even now is to race exotic cars. Like Lamborghinis and Ferraris... man I was addicted to Need for Speed and Fast and Furious as a kid. Along the way I got into business and have been yearning to start my own businesses. So maybe some day I can combine the two. Entrepreneurship and cars.

I guess my true passion is being perfect, or at least great. And driving is one of those things I love, so naturally I want to be great at it. I want to make something out of it. I love going fast, I love nailing turns and cars are beautiful to me.

I remember I was in class last year and we were saying what our plans were after college and I told everyone I was going to be a racer. Everyone was laughing and saying I was wasting whatever opportunities I was given... I started laughing too, pretending like I was messing but honestly I wasn't messing, I was serious.
Music is one of the only things I've always had in my life...that has always remained constant and loved me back unconditionally.  So I pretty much owe my life to it, and I'll spend the rest of my days writing lyrics and singing songs.  It's truly what I live for and I just hope that my passion translates through my songs.  I want to inspire and I want people to feel again, through music.  That's my first goal, but there are many more...  
Originally Posted by syxth element

I think about exercising/lifting weights even on my off days (weekends)
i would have to say in the same boat, the idea of being on a diet and pushing my body limit sounds great to me. Im not doing it right now though


Im thinking of furthering my knowledge from basic growing and getting involved in the science of it all.
Honestly anything with design. I just love to draw and plan on going to the Academy of Art for it, and many people succeed and actually get jobs once out of the school so im pretty hyped for that.
right now im majoring in science psychology. its cool and i like it and everything...but passion? like, PASSION?

nah, its sports followed closely by music. im switching faculties, hoping i can get into sports psychology, now THAT would be awesome but its pretty difficult to get in. if i dont get in (which is likely), i hope im steering myself into the right direction in the process

i just have to apply sports to something practical...like physiotherapy working with athletes or something, i dunno. im not good enough at sports to make a living off of playing them, so i feel like this is the next best thing
Surfing, and I feel pursuing it as a career would contaminate the pure joy I get from it (and I'm not good enough to surf professionally). Keeping it simple and separate from other aspects of my life such as money is important to me and keeps that passion strong.
i dont know if this makes sense but, making money.

im not good at it though lmao. (right now)

the next best thing is probably music. i dont make (original) music, but i LOVE to play.

often times before trying to work/other goals and end up not doing what im supposed to be doing.
kung fu and various martial arts.

once you start, you never stop.

nowww if i lived on the west coast, it would definitely be surfing. but im on the east coast
My passion in life right now is to achieve the same educational level as my pops (Ph.D). I am almost done with the bachelors so I would say I'm on my way

Also lifting weights/soccer are my latest "passions". Lifting is going really well, soccer not so much
I've always been interested in computers so that's my focus at the moment. Majoring in computer science and will be taking programming classes once the basics are out of the way.
Btw If anyone can help me with a intro into programming reply or pm me.
Where do I begin? Bare with me.

Initially I came into college and wanted to go into marketing because I'm very imaginative and I have a knack for what sells and what doesn't.

Changed my major to Mass Communications after I decided I wanted to be the next Stuart Scott ( That didn't work out
) but learned to further tap into my creative side as far as Multmedia goes.

Finished my Comm degree and along the way, I got involved in clubs, volunteering, greek, etc. and fell in love with helping people and being a leader.

So it comes down to this:

I look to get 3 Post-graduate degrees. My 1st Degree looks to be in either Educational Multimedia or Higher Education. Then, I look to obtain my MBA in marketing or entrepreneurship (I want to start a side business: Restaurant, Charter bus company or Sports Marketing/Multimedia group). After that, get my Ph.D in either in Higher Ed. or Ed. Multimedia to become a professor.

It sounds like a lot, but I feel like I can obtain my educational goals by the time I'm 30, 32 at the latest and I'm 23 now. I'm a person that gets bored so I have to place my eggs in different baskets so I want to make sure I'm good.


-Came into college as marketing major.
-Changed major to/graduated with Mass Comm degree.
-Decided to get three Post grad degrees, Ph.D by 32 at latest.
-Trying to put on for me and mine
Originally Posted by MonStar1

This might turn into one of the realest threads in a while here.

Alot people aren't mentally strong enough to follow there dreams. To truly acheive something great it takes great work ethic and a "never quit" attitude.  Honestly, not alot of people are willing to give what is required.  They want things to be easy or given to them.  A sense of entitlement ruins too many people.  I see it all the time. 
Following your true passion is hard. I'm not doing my passion right now but hope to be soon.
My passion is traveling.. Seeing the world. I grew up a history and geography buff, there is nothing like watching Carmen Sandiego as a kid, to eventually visit all the places you fell in love with or that intrigued you then.
I' am 26 and I'm finishing up my degree to join the Peace Corps and pretty much work to travel, learn other languages and experience life for the next 5 years or so. Being the poor kid from a concrete jungle, I never could have imagined seeing the places I've been to (on my own dime).

If you have or want to pursue a passion, chase that shh until you can't anymore.
I dont know, thats my problem in life. I feel terrible that i dont know what my passion is. It used to be basketball because i was better then everyone at it. Now its learning, but learning has no meaning if it has no directions. I know once i find what im passionate about i will feel better about myself and i wont be the no money making college kid. Ill be the kid in college working on his passion that might not finish college.

My idol is James Bladwin, but my writing skills are no where near good. I recently started working on my skills though.

As long as i make more then my father, and successful build and raise a family like he did ill be good in life, but i still need passion to keep me sane(some of us have decades ahead of us).
Passionate about soccer.
I play 2 times a week.  Favorite thing to do. 

I am still trying to find things that I am passionate about.  I love technology.  I would love to further my knowledge of computer programming just not sure how to go about it.  Tips appreciated.  I always want to know how people actually jailbreak iphones.  Yes my ipad and iphone are jailbroken i just want to know how the people who initially do it and then make it public do it.  Would love to just watch some one on a dev team do it. 
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