NT What Is Your Favorite Summer Cocktail? Vol. I found a new drink and it kicks.


I saw this thread title and I came in here to post the Moscow Mule!

High five!


Goes down so smooooothhhh.
Just give me a good beer man, none of that sweet sugary stuff. You're already drinking alcohol in the sun, no need to dehydrate yourself anymore with that sugar
Wow you guys take this macho tip seriously. Moscow mule sounds good. I've been mixing rum with a little bit of pineapple jaritos. No name for it but it's good.
Been drinking the mule for years...

Here's a remixed version for extra hot days, and if you have a lady or two coming through...

RECIPE: Lime Sorbet with Vodka & Mint
Serves: 8
500ml water
100g raw sugar
zest of 2 limes
juice of 6 to 8 limes
ginger beer
handful of mint leaves
Pop water, sugar and zest in a small saucepan and bring to the boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool for 15 minutes. Stir in lime juice and pour into a metal container and pop into the freezer.
Every hour, for about 4 hours, take the sorbet out of the freezer and give it a quick stir around. This is to stop solid crystals forming.
To Serve: Place a scoop of sorbet in a cocktail glass, pour over a nip of vodka and dash of ginger beer and top with a couple of mint leaves.
For those who have never tried one or heard of this... I introduce you to:

The Moscow Mule.

2 shots of Vodka

4-6 oz of Ginger beer

a squeeze of Lime Juice and throw in the slice/wedge

Ice cubes


You need to buy:

Your favorite Vodka (no need for the expensive stuff however)


A 6 pack of Ginger Beer


Sliced or wedged Limes


Oh and just some cubed ice from the freezer will work perfect.

All of this together = One hell of an easy sippin drink by the pool or wherever you like to enjoy your summer weekends. :pimp:

dog, i was about to post this...it's my summer cocktail as well
One handle of Smirnoff vodka. 30 rack of miller high life. 2 country time lemonade mix
It's been my Memorial Day weekend mix since i was 18 , thanks skips if u get some
A basil and lime mojito. Throw in a little grapefruit juice........AMAZING!!!

I also made this joint. But I forgot exactly what went into it.
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