NT, What Beer Do You Drink?


Im currently in seattle, picked these up.
Un Anee Airing of Grievances. Excellent flavor, but too thin and too much carbonation for a good RIS.

Dinner - pork shoulder steak, rice & cranberries, romaine braised in Founder's reDANKulous. Remains of the bomber on the side.
I'm a bit late, but I finally got to try BCBS for the first time tonight on draft at a local spot.... All I can say is, Wow. Lived up to the hype. Super boozy, super smooth, and pretty all around delicious. Can't complain about $6 for a 12oz pour either, haven't seen any bottles around but if I do I'd like to grab one to age for a year.
Had lion stout and Weihenstephaner Original. The stout I found interesting with the licorice and dark fruit. Not something I'd seek out but it wasn't bad at all. The Original I found pretty disappointing. Had pretty high hopes. Guess I'm just not into that style.
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Heard Four Peaks out of Phoenix, AZ got bought out by AB INBEV a couple days ago.. It's a dream situation for the owners. But now that they aren't really local, much like Ballast Point, I see no reason to give your hard earned dollars to line the pockets of the big wigs. We do that enough in other walks of life. Beer was that one true escape. Now FPs will compete, almost unfairly, as they enter other states and knock truly local beers off of taps because they can offer a better price. They're buying their way into our hearts city by city, state by state.. Who's next?

Stillin729, youre taking the winter beers serious. I'll have one or two "winter" beers and jump into more normal non themed beers.

Mangudai954, Sucks about Weihenstephaner Original. I try to get some friends into craft with that sort of beer. That or a light pilsner, or a beer like Pilsner Urquell. Nice dry bite, light sweetness. They are all very subtle. That's hard to readjust back down to near Bud light type beers when most craft is just so full of flavor.
Heard Four Peaks out of Phoenix, AZ got bought out by AB INBEV a couple days ago.. It's a dream situation for the owners. But now that they aren't really local, much like Ballast Point, I see no reason to give your hard earned dollars to line the pockets of the big wigs. We do that enough in other walks of life. Beer was that one true escape. Now FPs will compete, almost unfairly, as they enter other states and knock truly local beers off of taps because they can offer a better price. They're buying their way into our hearts city by city, state by state.. Who's next?
I've done consulting work for a firm and can confirm that craft beer is a very M&A-heavy target industry.

A lot of majors give absolutely no dambs about paying premiums for small brewers. Let's be real though; these small owners are smart to take the money.
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Early XMas gift from a good friend.
Don't mind the snapchat text lol
Never had any of these before. Pretty anxious to pop the Brothers Reserve

Do you guys purposely pair a particular style of beer with food?

I usually just order whatever beer I feel like at the time to start the meal, then look at the food menu and decide what I want regardless of what beer I ordered
Mangudai954, Sucks about Weihenstephaner Original. I try to get some friends into craft with that sort of beer. That or a light pilsner, or a beer like Pilsner Urquell. Nice dry bite, light sweetness. They are all very subtle. That's hard to readjust back down to near Bud light type beers when most craft is just so full of flavor.

Right. Wasn't bad by any means, just more mellow than I anticipated.
I'm not a big beer drinker but recently fell in love with two......


Just saw there was a Not Your Father's Gingerale, gotta try it.


Anyone tried that banana beer?

Secret Santa in a beer group brought these up from Florida. Jai Alai is one of the few "regular" IPAs that I love (Sculpin & Two Hearted), and the BCBS means I get to drink one this year without screwing up my vertical. Excited for the Funky Buddha & Cigar Ciry :-D
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