NT what are your thoughts on gold diggers

You must not be from any real city in the Bay
Im from the city and now I live on the east side of San Jose. Not saying thats every city, but even all of my friends from san leandro, daly city, and the town agree with me. I hardly see any guys want a REAL relationship with a girl who has nothing to offer except her face. For some yambs, yeah of course thats the only thing that matters. But especially for a self made man that busted his ***, it makes no sense to me that he would want to give a dime to the girl who aint ****.
Financial security is important to all women. ALL WOMEN. Some are just more upfront with their intentions.

There was a girl I used to kick it with, chemistry was great, we were sexually involved and she sucked me up and everything. Ever since high school I wanted her to be my gf, especially since we were kicking it so tough. After we crossed the line sexually (this was after college) I brought up the notion of us being an item, her response: "you dont seem secure enough financially and I dont see you making any moves."

If I Was making decent bread back then, it would've been a different story, I'm sure. I know she felt like we were a good connection, but these females are looking out for their wellbeing and their potential child's well being first and foremost.
Im not talking about financial security either, that is completely understandable, nobody wants just hop on a sinking ship. Im talking about girls (who havent done anything worth it in their lives) that feel like they truly DESERVE a strong, self made millionaire that will actually love them and treat them right. I mean how can anybody who has made themselves into something great ever be attracted to a women that has absolutely nothing to offer besides her face. 

Maybe you guys aren't really understanding what I mean by gold digger. Let me give you an example of girls here in Vegas.

-they have no drive to do anything besides buy makeup

-they live off of their parents

-they work deadend jobs

-are very boring

-have the weakest character

-dont know any form of struggle whatsoever

-only care about a guys MONEY and nothing else. the dude could be mute for all they care. as long as they look flashly and have lots of money

-and on top of that they truly believe that a prince charming will really go for them, just cause they spend all their effort and money on trying to look pretty.
i hate these self entitled broads.
There was a girl I used to kick it with, chemistry was great, we were sexually involved and she sucked me up and everything. Ever since high school I wanted her to be my gf, especially since we were kicking it so tough. After we crossed the line sexually (this was after college) I brought up the notion of us being an item, her response: "you dont seem secure enough financially and I dont see you making any moves."
do you know how or who this girl ended up with?

gold diggers have a short shelf life. many are just relying on their looks and every day, they get older and older. and there will always be that newer, younger, faster, more beautiful girl coming around the corner . . .
when that desperation kicks in >>>*
helllll no.

and if you're not over 45 with a bunch of retirement plans, youre out.
oh she on THAT level...

ol' girl tryin to tap into your 401k and IRA paper...
I recently just moved to back Vegas and realize that gold diggers are a much more common case than I originally thought. Call me sheltered but I lived in the bay area for most of my life and I never met any until I came to back to Vegas and saw them with my own eyes.

Im just curious what makes women (who have accomplished absolutely nothing) feel like they deserve anything without doing any actual work? It just amazes me. I mean don't get me wrong im not tryna hate cause im broke, im actually doing pretty good. But I noticed I get treated differently when my cars in the shop and I have to use my parents mini van, than when im driving my own car and wearing a button up and slacks. And I aint stingy either, I make a good amount and I aint even into money at all so I got no problem with giving it all away to my friends, family, and HARD-WORKING future wife that will deserve it.

Can anyone explain how women can actually believe that they will find a prince charming thats also a self made billionare without having anything to offer in return, except for a pretty face?

Is it just a Las Vegas thing, or is this in other cities too?


How old are you? Six? :lol:
I feel... If my salary is over 50k and I decide im about that life, prenup.

Oh, and lightskin chicks will steal your soul. Wouldn't suggest wifing one.
Bruh, you're in Vegas, what do you expect? Cities are like conduits of energy my man. Whatever that city sells usually forms the ideologies of its citizens. Vegas is a superficial and soulless city by design so obviously the women would reflect that. Its no different than LA. its a entertainment hub so the industry is appearance and superficiality. Travel man. Any "self made" guy has the means and desire to get up and get out and traveling is seriously the elixir of life. When I was broke and stuck within a 25 mile radius of Los Angeles I had given up hope on women until I started traveling and seeing just how ****** up LA was. There are dimes with decent heads on their shoulders literally EVERYWHERE. Its really overwhelming. These females youre talking about are just nut recepticles man. They talk about wanting a dude with money but trust broke ****** are running all through them. Never pay attention to what women say. They are walking contradictions. A lot of women say they want a baller but the reality is a baller is more rare than a dime. Think about how often you run into a legitimate inarguably flawless woman. Now consider running into that flawless woman and her falling in love with you and wanting to cook,clean and take care of you........... Its a Cinderella story which is all these females are living because they got cartoon minds as my uncle used to say. I know you arent doing right by yourself and taking care of YOUR business because you're actually paying attention to what women say. A truly self made man is self made because he doesnt pay attention to what other people say because he is too concerned with winning on his own terms. This thread clearly wasn't made by a "self made" man. That isnt a shot O.P. it was a kick in the butt that hopefully motivates you and anyone else in here complaining to breeze past these type of chicks by upgrading yourself. It isn't about money its about a state of mind. Peace
haha thanks, but im not asking because im mad or bothered by their views. i got a girl already. im just amazed and curious as to how they believe this, and im confused cause i never met any girls with this mentality till i moved here. i mean yeah sure i met tons of girls that want a guy with money. but these girls out here really believe that they deserve/will get their billionaire prince charming without having anything to offer.

and i aint really mad at these girls either, im just wondering how they come to this mindset. it just makes no sense to me. im still in the process of growing and learning, but in my eyes when i reach my goals and become the person that i strive to be, any girl thats not on that same level will not even be an option to me. and im sure that cant be the minority opinion.

How old are you? Six?
im 22. i met tons of girls that are into money in the bay, but its not the type of gold digging im talking about. maybe you should read the rest of the thread
I live in Vegas and its pretty bad. Even chicks who aren't bonafide gold diggers aren't messing with anyone who doesn't "look like" they have a certain level of wealth, which leads to a lot of guys buying stuff they shouldn't, instead of building up assets. Maybe if women realized that if dude saved that $800 he spent on one head to toe outfit he could have some extra money to buy you things, and you all wouldn't have to do clubs and cheap dinners for entertainment. You could travel and take a trip or something..... but nah, they're just gonna keep getting trapped by month to month budgets for the gucci and lv accessories, fly clothes, and car. 
haha right. i mean dont get me wrong of course you will be looked at different if your in sweats with bed hair as opposed to nice clothes and a fresh haircut, but these girls out here are something else. when i go out with my girl and her friends are gonna be out there, she tells me i gotta wear my nice watches and all. its ridiculous 

on top of that whenever i try to get to know any new people out here. i try to make normal convo to get to know them, but the only questions they can fire back are "oh whered you buy this, how much money you make, what phone you got, how much did that watch cost". its like they dont know nothing else.

i like having nice stuff too, but the things i own dont define me in the slightest, i would be the same exact person i am now if i had $0 or a billion. the only things that change me are my goals and character. all these people out here would literally die if their closet got taken away 
I don't really understand how you could allow a gold digger in your life? Unless there's arrangements of some sort. (cook, clean, have children, sty looking good).

I'd marry a gold digger if she signed a pre...stating that if she fell behind in work performance she might get traded.
I don't really understand how you could allow a gold digger in your life? Unless there's arrangements of some sort. (cook, clean, have children, sty looking good).

I'd marry a gold digger if she signed a pre...stating that if she fell behind in work performance she might get traded.

i like the thought of this...but i aint intentially marrying a gold digger.
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