NT what are your pranks for April Fools day on your friends?

I usually put pictures of the dude all over his neighborhood saying he is lost and the reward is 200dollars...and then put his number as the "call if yousee this person"...it works every year.
A couple years ago my boy and his girl had their friend call his girl's house and leave a message on the answering machine like she was from PlannedParenthood. The parents heard it and FLIPPED
I set my the time on my sisters alarm clock and phone 4 hours fast when she was sleepin. So she got up and took a shower, got dressed, and was ready for schoolat 3 in the morn. She busts in the room and is like Yo lets go I'm gonna be late, I show her the time on my blackberry, laugh in her face and go back tosleep

My boy who is goin to Cincinnati for football next year tho easily had the best prank at school. Last night at like 11 he texted everyone sayin that yesterdaywas his last day of school, they start practice today and he'd be back for prom. I knew instantly it was an April Fools joke but he told me to keep itgoin. Anyways this morn at school he was just chillin in the front lobby waiting for everyone to show up. Everytime someone walked by they would double takeand be like "+@@!!" and get pissed as hell at him. Mad dudes sent back some soft, emotional messages, ##!$ was hilarious
Best prank I've heard on here was someone got to their roommates laptop and changed the Windows start up tone to a minute long porno soundclip. When dudetook his laptop to class and started it up.. the rest is history
. To this day, I'm tryin to catch somebody with that.
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