NT, What are your biggest fears?

as of lately ive been having these i want to get out of my dysfunctional relationship syndrome

but i fear of going to court and losing my kids
, well not really lose them just she would have most of the control with them and that would be no bueno

i think this is the only time its Cali FTL
Not accomplishing my potential
Wasting too much time on the wrong things
Living paycheck to paycheck
Not being able to support my family, then myself
The beginning point of roller coasters, when you're going up
Being a failure- Not striving to do my best in school, quitting jobs, not saving enough money, having "too" much fun being young.
Originally Posted by ElCatfisho

damn some of you are too deep.

i have a robust fear of 16 gauge needles
i got plugged with a 12 gauge iv for a blood transfusion and a 14 before surgery.
  the needle didn't even hurt but that tube after they pulled the needle out stung like a mf for like an hour.

i don't really have any fears that i constantly think about.  lightning makes me uneasy though when i'm outside in a storm.  i was posted outside one day and it wasn't even raining.  lightning hit a tree like 30 feet away.  that was the loudest scariest crap ever.  i had my dog with me and we both just started running a random direction at mach speed.  didn't even think about it it's just how i reacted.  if i'm in a car or something i don't care.  just standing outside.
I had this dream two nights ago where I missed my flight and couldn't get another one back home.. now that was skurrrry man.
Only things I have no control of such as:
Worsened quality of life due to others (business leaders, corporations) sacrificing our livelihood to fuel their greed.
Injuring myself while skateboarding
Crazy evangelical people
My parents finding out I'm Agnostic. They're CRAZY religious.
Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh

Originally Posted by DajonDondo

Elavators (i go on them but still.. dont like to go on it alone)
Group of black people
getting in car accident
not being financially situated when im older.


Seriously though. wifing a skeez/cheater, drowning, and failure.
1. Finding out down the road that I'm infertile
2. The dark
3. Angler Fish (I don't give a eff if they live way deep in the ocean, those things are def evolving to come shallower so they can get me)
4. The ocean in general actually. Some messed up creatures live in the ocean.
5. Clowns
6. Moths and/or butterflies. They're flying worms. And have special dust on their wings that if you wipe it off, they can't fly. Flying dust. Tell me that's not f'd up.
Doing my absolute best and finding out it's not good enough
Getting in prison under false circumstances(raped)
Burning to death/Drowning
- One day being pushed to committing suicide. I feel as though I would have done it, if it hadn't been for me not wanting to hurt my family members.

- My unborn child being raised without both parents.

- Living alone, growing old, and missing the opportunity to share great moments with someone special.

- Not enjoying life in my 20s.
Not being able to make my children the happiest children in the world... I feel childhood should be the happiest part of your life. I don't want my children to endure any of life's stresses while they're in my care... I know that's almost impossible because of human nature and thoughts...but i'm gonna try my hardest
- Being a failure at life as far as not having a good job, becoming a bum, etc.
- Not finishing college.
- Losing my parents. I almost lost my mom and dad before at one point.

- Losing anyone that I love a lot.
- Not being able to provide for my children, if I ever have one or some.
- Getting shot or stabbed.
- Getting kidnapped.
- Growing old alone.

I have a lot more, but those are the main ones that I can think of off top.
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