NT True Life - I'm an alcoholic

Originally Posted by AJChick23

adding on to my post to answer your question OP

I think that once you get your problem under control..and I mean control. You shouldn't drink at all.
It's that slippery slope effect..once you have one..you have to have another,etc.

Once you get it under control you can probably enjoy a drink or 2 responsibly if you feel you can handle it and keep that limit.
I feel like i can continue drinking and control it...but then i'll just go back to the point where my mind keeps telling me i need more...ineed to completely be sober...luckily it took something pretty petty for me to realize a problem and not something such as death or jail time...
whats considered an alcoholic? cuz i had my fairshare of blackouts
but not anymore cuz its too embarrasing the next day
...since were on the topic of drinking... is it bad for your liver to drink twice a week? i drink on friday and saturday nights at the crib whileplaying ps3... nothing serious just vodka and oj 2 cups a night so 4 total for the week....
Originally Posted by I LOVE my Jordans

whats considered an alcoholic? cuz i had my fairshare of blackouts
but not anymore cuz its too embarrasing the next day
...since were on the topic of drinking... is it bad for your liver to drink twice a week? i drink on friday and saturday nights at the crib while playing ps3... nothing serious just vodka and oj 2 cups a night so 4 total for the week....
if you are continually blacking out when drinking that is a sign of alcoholism...
if youre questioning yourself as to whether or not you can continue casually drinking, i suggest you dont drink at all. If you cant control your thoughts aboutdrinking, youre not gonna control the drinking itself.
Originally Posted by plumber E 20

if youre questioning yourself as to whether or not you can continue casually drinking, i suggest you dont drink at all. If you cant control your thoughts about drinking, youre not gonna control the drinking itself.
exactly...i know once i start drinking again i'm gonna get to the point again where i can't control it...
man as *!%*!* as it sounds you should probably stop bro

sorry to hear about this.....but you clearly know what you need to do, you need to focus on making it a reality and cutting it out of your life. a supportsystem (AA, etc.) would probably do you a lot of good as well.
i know how you feel. im a person who cant control his drinking. i drink to get smashed i cant keep a nice buzz. when i get smashed i tend to do things thatarent good. been told im not the same person when i drink and lost a few friends over it. after all that i stop for bout 2 months. even went to the bars and afew parties and didnt drink. its a lot differnt being the sober one. but i had just as much fun being sober then all the ppl making a fool of them self beingdrunk. now i drink every once in awhile but i know what to do and not to do
You need to get people around you that dont drink. Start doing mentally (read, study) and psychically (workout, play sports) healthy things. Your mind has away of helping you deny terrible stuff for your body. I guess if it comes down to it, your going to have to really want it. I had trouble at first because madfriends would hit me up with club here, party here. Ive lived in the party drunk like for 3 years since i graduated highschool, so i have a lot of connectionto alcohol. The sober life is boring, but mentally its satisfying. To start off i went like 30 straight days of no alcohol, and now ill prob drink like once ortwice a month. I just wanted to have fun control of my drinking.

I think way clearer, studying is a lot easier. physically i feel amazing, because there is more time to workout, instead of being drowse all day because of thenight before. Safer for society, ive had some crazy nights. I almost burned my house down twice with my family and i sleep. Left the stove on because i wasthrowing up and just passed out. I have to many stories, im surprise im even alive, but God has blessed me.

Another reason i stop smoking was because of cigarettes, i only smoke when im drunk. And i didnt want it to carry on to my normal life. So i gave up drinking,i wish my pops would of helped me with my prob more, he was an alcoholic. it would have avoided a lot of money watse and pain, my dad and i dont even talk atall and we live in the same house. Im not putting blame on him, because i made my own choices, but looking back a few months ago i was so lost and there was noway i could have fixed myself. It took something bad happeneing to snap me back into reality. Drugs just take you away from reality, going through you lifewithout them is going to be an everyday struggle.
Originally Posted by KanyeWestJayZ4life

You need to get people around you that dont drink. Start doing mentally (read, study) and psychically (workout, play sports) healthy things. Your mind has a way of helping you deny terrible stuff for your body. I guess if it comes down to it, your going to have to really want it. I had trouble at first because mad friends would hit me up with club here, party here. Ive lived in the party drunk like for 3 years since i graduated highschool, so i have a lot of connection to alcohol. The sober life is boring, but mentally its satisfying. To start off i went like 30 straight days of no alcohol, and now ill prob drink like once or twice a month. I just wanted to have fun control of my drinking.

I think way clearer, studying is a lot easier. physically i feel amazing, because there is more time to workout, instead of being drowse all day because of the night before. Safer for society, ive had some crazy nights. I almost burned my house down twice with my family and i sleep. Left the stove on because i was throwing up and just passed out. I have to many stories, im surprise im even alive, but God has blessed me.

Another reason i stop smoking was because of cigarettes, i only smoke when im drunk. And i didnt want it to carry on to my normal life. So i gave up drinking, i wish my pops would of helped me with my prob more, he was an alcoholic. it would have avoided a lot of money watse and pain, my dad and i dont even talk at all and we live in the same house. Im not putting blame on him, because i made my own choices, but looking back a few months ago i was so lost and there was no way i could have fixed myself. It took something bad happeneing to snap me back into reality. Drugs just take you away from reality, going through you life without them is going to be an everyday struggle.
thank you. very informing. and yes, my pops was an alcoholic too...he quit when i was born and has been sober for 21 years, even being abartender...
Good luck.

You should check and see if there are any AA meetings close to where you live.
what did you do at the work event that youre so ashamed of? story?

by the way, good luck. seriously. props on that decision.
alcoholism is a serious problem, younger ppl will clown on ti and not take it serious,
but alcohol affects everyone differently, the best part is that you've admitted you have a problem, ive been around it all my life, and it sucks,
best thing i can say is believe in yourself, and if you're for real do it, only you can change,
also try to stay away from it, if your dont have it close to you its somethign less you have to worry about,
if you do want to drink dont say , oh just 1, then that adds up, you got a long way to go to just even start drinking,
i was sober for 3month, did not have 1 drink, and i work int he industry, it was hard, this was a few yrs back,
at first i was real tempted, then i saw a change in myself, physically and mentally and SPECIALLY in my pocket, saved alot of money,
now i drink, not heavily but very frequently,
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

Originally Posted by I LOVE my Jordans

whats considered an alcoholic? cuz i had my fairshare of blackouts
but not anymore cuz its too embarrasing the next day
...since were on the topic of drinking... is it bad for your liver to drink twice a week? i drink on friday and saturday nights at the crib while playing ps3... nothing serious just vodka and oj 2 cups a night so 4 total for the week....
if you are continually blacking out when drinking that is a sign of alcoholism...

OP, im feeling where youre coming from....between 18-20 i went thru an alcoholic phase....did tons of stupid things....blacked out A LOTTTT!!!

after the weekend of my 21st bday, i been able to drink in MODERATION.....i still love alcohol, but I think i got it under control.....i must say, it was noteasy!!! the first couple days/week were hard were i was dying to drink....but once i realized i could avoid the problem too much drinking brings first hand, ibeen able to control it....

i also drink a 40 or vodka/___ while playin 360...its just relaxing.
Originally Posted by PJ and Bompton

i'm embarassed to go into work though i don't know who was there when i was wylin out...

I don't mean to laugh AT you... But dog, you're only talking all this stuff now cuz of what happened last night. As soon as you find out that whateveryou did at the party wasn't as bad as you thought, you'll be like
, lemme get a drink.

I've seen it quite a few times. Someone does/says something they regret when they are out drinking... realize they made a fool of themselves... swear offdrinking... go on hiatus for a little while... and then eventually relapse right back to the bottle. It's a vicious cycle.

You can't do it alone. If you REALLY want to stop drinking, you NEED a support system around you. So that people can nag check up on you often to make sure you're not drinking.
I was alcoholic for about 3 years straight.

It was pretty bad. The fun started to wear off, I so I drink to have fun, and before I knew it, I was an alcoholic.

My advice. Find a girl or a friend you can trust. They can really help you through it.

If you start drinking again (which usually always happens) talk to them...they might help you stop before you get way too wasted.

God bless you OP....This is not an easy thing to get over.
Originally Posted by petermans

Once it hits thursday night I start drinking and dont stop till sunday night.
sounds like me

and if i were around more people like myself im 100% sure i would drink more than i do now
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