NT Revolt From W-Mart!!!

I understand not giving out food, it takes one dude getting sick to cause all kinds of problems. But at least give out the clothing

yea, what the hell is the point of having those winter coat drives and clothes donation bins if companies are just shredding up clothes? O we must do it to support the needy, but companies are diff because they gotta regulate their supply? eff outta here.
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I understand not giving out food, it takes one dude getting sick to cause all kinds of problems. But at least give out the clothing
yea, what the hell is the point of having those winter coat drives and clothes donation bins if companies are just shredding up clothes? O we must do it to support the needy, but companies are diff because they gotta regulate their supply? eff outta here.
Bruh what would happen to these brands' prestige if homeless people are roccin it? It detracts from the brands' swag and therefore their bottom line.
havent been to wal mart since they opened target 2 blocks away... target>>>>>>>>>>>

the price diff is like 20 cents on the things i buy... but i'd be willing to pay even 1$ more for things to avoid that dump.
they have 900 check out lines but only 3 are open at any given time
nothing but *******s and ignorant ghetto mf'ers shop at the one by my crib
hella unorganized
pisspoor customer service

target on the other hand is nice and clean
they dont allow solicitors who harass u for change when u go in n out of the store
always have plenty of cashiers on schedule
the carts are better
the plastic bags are better
more organized

i hate wal mart.

ALLL of this

Go to target to shop

Go to walmart to people watch
I dont know where you dudes live but for the most part walmarts around my way are clean as hell but I do shop at ones in primarilly white areas so that would explain it you do see some hill billys in there tho but thats everywhere mall etc.

and I dont no where all this talk of them ripping off their employees comes from my lil bro worked there and was making good bread plus was catching $500 bonus checks every couple months cuz the store was doing so well

and them prices soo cheap :smh:
The walmart a that are trashy are the ones in the hoods / south ..... I wonder why :lol:
target on the other hand is nice and clean
they dont allow solicitors who harass u for change when u go in n out of the store
always have plenty of cashiers on schedule
the carts are better
the plastic bags are better
more organized

i hate wal mart.

yeah, target is a whole different world and different business / customer service philosophy, etc. i'll go out of my way to hit up a Target.
Don't go there often but I don't make it a point not to.  Honestly if outsourcing is your primary issue you have a long battle ahead of you.
All these global giants are dirty and will do anything to increast profit. Its best if we support smaller mom and pop spots even if they are a little higher :D
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