NT Revolt From W-Mart!!!

Aug 7, 2012
NT stop shopping at Walmart!!! YES, i know its hard but STOP!!!! paying people like 3 dollars an hour while they get there stuff overseas for next to nothing!!!! I mean i worked there for about 3 weeks and all the chicken,french fries, mashed potatoes, etc. they dont sell they just throw away!!! yes throw it away, they cant even give it to the homeless JUST WASTING FOOD!!!
NT stop shopping at Walmart!!! YES, i know its hard but STOP!!!! paying people like 3 dollars an hour while they get there stuff overseas for next to nothing!!!! I mean i worked there for about 3 weeks and all the chicken,french fries, mashed potatoes, etc. they dont sell they just throw away!!! yes throw it away, they cant even give it to the homeless JUST WASTING FOOD!!!
Did you try approaching the manager and volunteering to take it to the shelter?
NT stop shopping at Walmart!!! YES, i know its hard but STOP!!!! paying people like 3 dollars an hour while they get there stuff overseas for next to nothing!!!! I mean i worked there for about 3 weeks and all the chicken,french fries, mashed potatoes, etc. they dont sell they just throw away!!! yes throw it away, they cant even give it to the homeless JUST WASTING FOOD!!!
It's illegal to give leftover food away from there.  Hotels and 203940234 other food related businesses throw food out on the daily basis.
they throw away clothes also. a certain number of clothes they have to shred/cut up and toss.
It's illegal to give leftover food away from there.  Hotels and 203940234 other food related businesses throw food out on the daily basis.
Does anyone know what actions can be taken on how to abolish this law? i mean yea i know people will not buy the walmart chicken,french fries, and whatever else is in there little diner if they give it away after the day, but the food could go to use with homeless kids, grown-ups, people in Africa, shelters, etc. 
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Well if they didn't over-order they wouldn't have extra food to be thrown away; did you offer to help them fix their ordering issues? Evidently not.

You prick. :x
they throw away clothes also. a certain number of clothes they have to shred/cut up and toss.

retailers get credit from the manufacturer for unsold clothing items, on the condition that they are destroyed. Either that or they have to return the unsold goods.

Also do you know how much time and manpower it would take to box and ship out 5000 unsold coats.
Does anyone know what actions can be taken on how to abolish this law? i mean yea i know people will not buy the walmart chicken,french fries, and whatever else is in there little diner if they give it away after the day, but the food could go to use with homeless kids, grown-ups, people in Africa, shelters, etc. 

the thing is, the food could be tampered with while it is sitting unsold in a store. SO unless, there is a bill or something that prevents people from bringing lawsuits against companies, then there is no way.
NT stop shopping at Walmart!!! YES, i know its hard but STOP!!!! paying people like 3 dollars an hour while they get there stuff overseas for next to nothing!!!! I mean i worked there for about 3 weeks and all the chicken,french fries, mashed potatoes, etc. they dont sell they just throw away!!! yes throw it away, they cant even give it to the homeless JUST WASTING FOOD!!!

Wrong. I work in the deli dept there and we put our food in a compost and the meats go into a bin where its picked up and processed for makeup and dogfood.

Plus we can't just give it away for legal reasons.
It's illegal to give leftover food away from there.  Hotels and 203940234 other food related businesses throw food out on the daily basis.
Yep, when I worked at the Commissary (supermarket on Army bases), we threw away SO MUCH food. I would just be posted up on the dock with the boxes of "bad" produces eating apples, melons, and **** before throwing them in the dumpster. When I worked Supply at an ATC unit, the Defac (cafeteria) throw away literally enough food to feed 100's, if not 1000's, daily, even unopened things. It is beyond wasteful.

But yea, not going to stop shopping at Wal Mart over it bro. Prices too good. Their pay isn't that bad over here anyways, unless (and it seems to be the case) people think they should pay more than other comparable businesses just because they make so much themselves. It's like $8 here for a cashier, same or even more than what you will make at the mall, Sears, local supermarket. The job market has established it as a ~ minimum wage job. Overnight stockers make a bit more.

But a lot of people I know HATE Wal Mart and pay considerably more to stick it to them. When I took Economic Geography, my professor was one of those dudes and had us watching so much anti Wal Mart documentaries like Faded Glory wasn't the only name brand furnishing them 4XL polo's he had on.
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the only problem i have with walmart is the disgusting people who shop there. i swear i seen the craziest/weirdest people ever when i go there :x :x :x
never do Wally World unless it's Black Friday....hate the look of there stores and layout. Target>>>
NT stop shopping at Walmart!!! YES, i know its hard but STOP!!!! paying people like 3 dollars an hour while they get there stuff overseas for next to nothing!!!!

everyone gets EVERYTHING from overseas. that's why they can afford to sell things so cheap. can you imagine how expensive things would be if it was made in the USA?

like you think Nike stuff is expensive? imagine if they didn't use those sweatshops in China, Indonesia or Vietnam? Should we ban Nike too?
the only problem i have with walmart is the disgusting people who shop there. i swear i seen the craziest/weirdest people ever when i go there

the people there are all ugly and annoying

only seen one fine worker in all my trips to walmart
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