NT Recommend me some hobbies

Start taking @*+% apart. Now youre gonna piss ppl off alot but eh its something to do....

...N maybe you can remember how to put the stuff back together. You learn to fix stuff. Fixing stuff is my hobby. Yup fixingstuff....or just generally tinkering around.
I run wires for speakers in cars, fix stuff, take stuff apart. I guess thats a hobby
build stuff... my last project was making a catalpult(sp) ...and what do you know my sister used my model for a science project and got an easy A. cheaa

just search the internet they got lots of neat stuff. comes with everything in the kit so theres no hassle to buy the neccessary tools
Damn Court, I feel so bad for you
. I'm practically hobiless myself though. I've been workin on my meet and greet demo with white people latelytho. I guess that counts right?

I'd say try poetry but you're already onto that....shh I dunno. Just listen to my music then

It was easier to quit smoking then to quit WoW.
I quit smoking and WoW in august, I haven't smoked a ciggy since, but I cracked after 1,5 months and have my daily hours of WoW.
Folk, take them aerobic stripper classes.

How could you not benefit?
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