NT, Real Talk - How Do You Feel About Gays?

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Hmm, post a pic of guys kissing like i'm homophobic, this is different, we can work with that. Don't think for a minute i would not +%%@ you though b, get up in that !%% cuz i know you ain't never had no black in you.
Double entendre
Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Hmm, post a pic of guys kissing like i'm homophobic, this is different, we can work with that. Don't think for a minute i would not +%%@ you though b, get up in that !%% cuz i know you ain't never had no black in you.
Double entendre
Originally Posted by red mpls

I didn't read through the entire thread but the last few pages are 
.  Y'all are crazy.

On topic, why anyone would have a problem with who someone loves or wants to have sex with is beyond me... why they feel like those with a preference other than theirs should be denied rights based on those preferences is even more mind-boggling.

I truly believe our grandchildren will look back in shame and disbelief at this period of time and how society treats its homosexual brothers and sisters.

Yes, NT fools have no concept of history whatsoever. It's a repeating cycle, and for the most part progress always prevails.
Originally Posted by red mpls

I didn't read through the entire thread but the last few pages are 
.  Y'all are crazy.

On topic, why anyone would have a problem with who someone loves or wants to have sex with is beyond me... why they feel like those with a preference other than theirs should be denied rights based on those preferences is even more mind-boggling.

I truly believe our grandchildren will look back in shame and disbelief at this period of time and how society treats its homosexual brothers and sisters.

Yes, NT fools have no concept of history whatsoever. It's a repeating cycle, and for the most part progress always prevails.
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

The ol' "Decision v. Born-that-way" debate.

When will people realize it's not one way or the other,  but both? Sometimes a person is "born" that way (naturally attracted) to the same sex, and sometimes it is a conscious decision on their part. It really does vary from person to person.
I agree with this. We should be humble about our place in the universe, but realize we're collectively complicated at the same time. I personally have a problem believing that every boy that was molested by a man and ended up gay/bi was born that way. That's just an example. (I'm not saying that all gay men who choose to be were molested or that all boys who were molested by men end up gay.) 
Originally Posted by Nike Star Jay

The ol' "Decision v. Born-that-way" debate.

When will people realize it's not one way or the other,  but both? Sometimes a person is "born" that way (naturally attracted) to the same sex, and sometimes it is a conscious decision on their part. It really does vary from person to person.
I agree with this. We should be humble about our place in the universe, but realize we're collectively complicated at the same time. I personally have a problem believing that every boy that was molested by a man and ended up gay/bi was born that way. That's just an example. (I'm not saying that all gay men who choose to be were molested or that all boys who were molested by men end up gay.) 
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Hmm, post a pic of guys kissing like i'm homophobic, this is different, we can work with that. Don't think for a minute i would not +%%@ you though b, get up in that !%% cuz i know you ain't never had no black in you.
Double entendre
Originally Posted by Noskey

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Hmm, post a pic of guys kissing like i'm homophobic, this is different, we can work with that. Don't think for a minute i would not +%%@ you though b, get up in that !%% cuz i know you ain't never had no black in you.
Double entendre
Dude is kinda cute, I'd like to intrude his bed. No ayo. Anyone rocking this costume this year?
Dude is kinda cute, I'd like to intrude his bed. No ayo. Anyone rocking this costume this year?
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

_____ people are attracted to the same sex

When a _______ has sex a human cannot be produced naturally 100% of the time

Mad libs can be difficult sometimes I guess 

Brilliant!!!!....so because gays can't reproduce it makes them less human.

You know I honestly wish less human beings would have children, we'd have less idiots, murderers etc.

So a couple that can't have children due to reproductive issues, that choose to adopt a child in need of a home is less of a human being. I plan on forgoing procreation and adopting, I suppose I'm less of a man as well. I guess all these fathers who have 10 children by 40 different women and don't take care of any of them are better in your eyes.

Yall are so smart...so smart.

Who said they are less human? You did. Thats whats so funny about you dudes yall come with your talking points and blinded by stuff that was never said. Homosexuality isnt a race it isnt a class ITS A FREAKIN SEXUAL PREFERENCE. 
What you do between your sheets is your business. Yall so in love with defending gay people like they little orphan kids from 3rd world countries yall dont even see them as regular people who do stuff that some people happen to find gross !*# hell. Im all for gay rights every human should have the same rights but that dont mean I agree with what every human does.

And ok so theyre born that way. well the same scientist say pedophiles and sadists are too so wheres the anti discrimination for them? Maybe in a couple decades they will be culturally accepted too. And why the hell not.
I sat out this thread because y'all got silly with it, but i just saw this response.  are you serious with this son?!

c'mon man...

Well in some countries its legal for a 12 year old to screw whoever she wants. If a 48 year old pedophile gets "consent" from her who are you to judge? Since he is born a pedophile. So I guess you can compare it to heterosexuals and homosexuals if you want. being that they were born that way. Or is your idea of "equal rights" only skewed to American law? How close minded of you.

No, there is no country where "a 12 year old" can screw who she wants.  there are countries with people being betrothed at young ages, but i guarantee you it's not them choosing who to be married off to, and they certainly can't screw whomever they want.

And are you seriously still comparing pedophilia to homosexuality??  You have to be more logical than this...
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

_____ people are attracted to the same sex

When a _______ has sex a human cannot be produced naturally 100% of the time

Mad libs can be difficult sometimes I guess 

Brilliant!!!!....so because gays can't reproduce it makes them less human.

You know I honestly wish less human beings would have children, we'd have less idiots, murderers etc.

So a couple that can't have children due to reproductive issues, that choose to adopt a child in need of a home is less of a human being. I plan on forgoing procreation and adopting, I suppose I'm less of a man as well. I guess all these fathers who have 10 children by 40 different women and don't take care of any of them are better in your eyes.

Yall are so smart...so smart.

Who said they are less human? You did. Thats whats so funny about you dudes yall come with your talking points and blinded by stuff that was never said. Homosexuality isnt a race it isnt a class ITS A FREAKIN SEXUAL PREFERENCE. 
What you do between your sheets is your business. Yall so in love with defending gay people like they little orphan kids from 3rd world countries yall dont even see them as regular people who do stuff that some people happen to find gross !*# hell. Im all for gay rights every human should have the same rights but that dont mean I agree with what every human does.

And ok so theyre born that way. well the same scientist say pedophiles and sadists are too so wheres the anti discrimination for them? Maybe in a couple decades they will be culturally accepted too. And why the hell not.
I sat out this thread because y'all got silly with it, but i just saw this response.  are you serious with this son?!

c'mon man...

Well in some countries its legal for a 12 year old to screw whoever she wants. If a 48 year old pedophile gets "consent" from her who are you to judge? Since he is born a pedophile. So I guess you can compare it to heterosexuals and homosexuals if you want. being that they were born that way. Or is your idea of "equal rights" only skewed to American law? How close minded of you.

No, there is no country where "a 12 year old" can screw who she wants.  there are countries with people being betrothed at young ages, but i guarantee you it's not them choosing who to be married off to, and they certainly can't screw whomever they want.

And are you seriously still comparing pedophilia to homosexuality??  You have to be more logical than this...
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

_____ people are attracted to the same sex

When a _______ has sex a human cannot be produced naturally 100% of the time

Mad libs can be difficult sometimes I guess 

Brilliant!!!!....so because gays can't reproduce it makes them less human.

You know I honestly wish less human beings would have children, we'd have less idiots, murderers etc.

So a couple that can't have children due to reproductive issues, that choose to adopt a child in need of a home is less of a human being. I plan on forgoing procreation and adopting, I suppose I'm less of a man as well. I guess all these fathers who have 10 children by 40 different women and don't take care of any of them are better in your eyes.

Yall are so smart...so smart.

Who said they are less human? You did. Thats whats so funny about you dudes yall come with your talking points and blinded by stuff that was never said. Homosexuality isnt a race it isnt a class ITS A FREAKIN SEXUAL PREFERENCE. 
What you do between your sheets is your business. Yall so in love with defending gay people like they little orphan kids from 3rd world countries yall dont even see them as regular people who do stuff that some people happen to find gross !*# hell. Im all for gay rights every human should have the same rights but that dont mean I agree with what every human does.

And ok so theyre born that way. well the same scientist say pedophiles and sadists are too so wheres the anti discrimination for them? Maybe in a couple decades they will be culturally accepted too. And why the hell not.

LOL so being a homosexual is equivalent to a father having incestual sex with his 8 year old daughter

Well in some countries its legal for a 12 year old to screw whoever she wants. If a 48 year old pedophile gets "consent" from her who are you to judge? Since he is born a pedophile. So I guess you can compare it to heterosexuals and homosexuals if you want. being that they were born that way. Or is your idea of "equal rights" only skewed to American law? How close minded of you.

Is the person really considered a pedophile if this situation is related to a certain culture (common practice dating back centuries)? Just a question please don't bite my head off. Just trying to get educated.
Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

_____ people are attracted to the same sex

When a _______ has sex a human cannot be produced naturally 100% of the time

Mad libs can be difficult sometimes I guess 

Brilliant!!!!....so because gays can't reproduce it makes them less human.

You know I honestly wish less human beings would have children, we'd have less idiots, murderers etc.

So a couple that can't have children due to reproductive issues, that choose to adopt a child in need of a home is less of a human being. I plan on forgoing procreation and adopting, I suppose I'm less of a man as well. I guess all these fathers who have 10 children by 40 different women and don't take care of any of them are better in your eyes.

Yall are so smart...so smart.

Who said they are less human? You did. Thats whats so funny about you dudes yall come with your talking points and blinded by stuff that was never said. Homosexuality isnt a race it isnt a class ITS A FREAKIN SEXUAL PREFERENCE. 
What you do between your sheets is your business. Yall so in love with defending gay people like they little orphan kids from 3rd world countries yall dont even see them as regular people who do stuff that some people happen to find gross !*# hell. Im all for gay rights every human should have the same rights but that dont mean I agree with what every human does.

And ok so theyre born that way. well the same scientist say pedophiles and sadists are too so wheres the anti discrimination for them? Maybe in a couple decades they will be culturally accepted too. And why the hell not.

LOL so being a homosexual is equivalent to a father having incestual sex with his 8 year old daughter

Well in some countries its legal for a 12 year old to screw whoever she wants. If a 48 year old pedophile gets "consent" from her who are you to judge? Since he is born a pedophile. So I guess you can compare it to heterosexuals and homosexuals if you want. being that they were born that way. Or is your idea of "equal rights" only skewed to American law? How close minded of you.

Is the person really considered a pedophile if this situation is related to a certain culture (common practice dating back centuries)? Just a question please don't bite my head off. Just trying to get educated.
Originally Posted by he told on me

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

_____ people are attracted to the same sex

When a _______ has sex a human cannot be produced naturally 100% of the time

Mad libs can be difficult sometimes I guess 

Brilliant!!!!....so because gays can't reproduce it makes them less human.

You know I honestly wish less human beings would have children, we'd have less idiots, murderers etc.

So a couple that can't have children due to reproductive issues, that choose to adopt a child in need of a home is less of a human being. I plan on forgoing procreation and adopting, I suppose I'm less of a man as well. I guess all these fathers who have 10 children by 40 different women and don't take care of any of them are better in your eyes.

Yall are so smart...so smart.

Who said they are less human? You did. Thats whats so funny about you dudes yall come with your talking points and blinded by stuff that was never said. Homosexuality isnt a race it isnt a class ITS A FREAKIN SEXUAL PREFERENCE. 
What you do between your sheets is your business. Yall so in love with defending gay people like they little orphan kids from 3rd world countries yall dont even see them as regular people who do stuff that some people happen to find gross !*# hell. Im all for gay rights every human should have the same rights but that dont mean I agree with what every human does.

And ok so theyre born that way. well the same scientist say pedophiles and sadists are too so wheres the anti discrimination for them? Maybe in a couple decades they will be culturally accepted too. And why the hell not.

LOL so being a homosexual is equivalent to a father having incestual sex with his 8 year old daughter

Well in some countries its legal for a 12 year old to screw whoever she wants. If a 48 year old pedophile gets "consent" from her who are you to judge? Since he is born a pedophile. So I guess you can compare it to heterosexuals and homosexuals if you want. being that they were born that way. Or is your idea of "equal rights" only skewed to American law? How close minded of you.

Is the person really considered a pedophile if this situation is related to a certain culture (common practice dating back centuries)? Just a question please don't bite my head off. Just trying to get educated.
Only if it's consensual and the younger partner understands in detail what is happening. Bassically, they'd have to be at least 13 and in ancient Greece or Rome.
Originally Posted by he told on me

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

_____ people are attracted to the same sex

When a _______ has sex a human cannot be produced naturally 100% of the time

Mad libs can be difficult sometimes I guess 

Brilliant!!!!....so because gays can't reproduce it makes them less human.

You know I honestly wish less human beings would have children, we'd have less idiots, murderers etc.

So a couple that can't have children due to reproductive issues, that choose to adopt a child in need of a home is less of a human being. I plan on forgoing procreation and adopting, I suppose I'm less of a man as well. I guess all these fathers who have 10 children by 40 different women and don't take care of any of them are better in your eyes.

Yall are so smart...so smart.

Who said they are less human? You did. Thats whats so funny about you dudes yall come with your talking points and blinded by stuff that was never said. Homosexuality isnt a race it isnt a class ITS A FREAKIN SEXUAL PREFERENCE. 
What you do between your sheets is your business. Yall so in love with defending gay people like they little orphan kids from 3rd world countries yall dont even see them as regular people who do stuff that some people happen to find gross !*# hell. Im all for gay rights every human should have the same rights but that dont mean I agree with what every human does.

And ok so theyre born that way. well the same scientist say pedophiles and sadists are too so wheres the anti discrimination for them? Maybe in a couple decades they will be culturally accepted too. And why the hell not.

LOL so being a homosexual is equivalent to a father having incestual sex with his 8 year old daughter

Well in some countries its legal for a 12 year old to screw whoever she wants. If a 48 year old pedophile gets "consent" from her who are you to judge? Since he is born a pedophile. So I guess you can compare it to heterosexuals and homosexuals if you want. being that they were born that way. Or is your idea of "equal rights" only skewed to American law? How close minded of you.

Is the person really considered a pedophile if this situation is related to a certain culture (common practice dating back centuries)? Just a question please don't bite my head off. Just trying to get educated.
Only if it's consensual and the younger partner understands in detail what is happening. Bassically, they'd have to be at least 13 and in ancient Greece or Rome.
Originally Posted by he told on me

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

_____ people are attracted to the same sex

When a _______ has sex a human cannot be produced naturally 100% of the time

Mad libs can be difficult sometimes I guess 

Brilliant!!!!....so because gays can't reproduce it makes them less human.

You know I honestly wish less human beings would have children, we'd have less idiots, murderers etc.

So a couple that can't have children due to reproductive issues, that choose to adopt a child in need of a home is less of a human being. I plan on forgoing procreation and adopting, I suppose I'm less of a man as well. I guess all these fathers who have 10 children by 40 different women and don't take care of any of them are better in your eyes.

Yall are so smart...so smart.

Who said they are less human? You did. Thats whats so funny about you dudes yall come with your talking points and blinded by stuff that was never said. Homosexuality isnt a race it isnt a class ITS A FREAKIN SEXUAL PREFERENCE. 
What you do between your sheets is your business. Yall so in love with defending gay people like they little orphan kids from 3rd world countries yall dont even see them as regular people who do stuff that some people happen to find gross !*# hell. Im all for gay rights every human should have the same rights but that dont mean I agree with what every human does.

And ok so theyre born that way. well the same scientist say pedophiles and sadists are too so wheres the anti discrimination for them? Maybe in a couple decades they will be culturally accepted too. And why the hell not.

LOL so being a homosexual is equivalent to a father having incestual sex with his 8 year old daughter

Well in some countries its legal for a 12 year old to screw whoever she wants. If a 48 year old pedophile gets "consent" from her who are you to judge? Since he is born a pedophile. So I guess you can compare it to heterosexuals and homosexuals if you want. being that they were born that way. Or is your idea of "equal rights" only skewed to American law? How close minded of you.

Is the person really considered a pedophile if this situation is related to a certain culture (common practice dating back centuries)? Just a question please don't bite my head off. Just trying to get educated.
yes. youre a pedophile if you like children that way. no cultural or social or legal factors come into play. its just the meaning of the word.
Originally Posted by he told on me

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by cartune

_____ people are attracted to the same sex

When a _______ has sex a human cannot be produced naturally 100% of the time

Mad libs can be difficult sometimes I guess 

Brilliant!!!!....so because gays can't reproduce it makes them less human.

You know I honestly wish less human beings would have children, we'd have less idiots, murderers etc.

So a couple that can't have children due to reproductive issues, that choose to adopt a child in need of a home is less of a human being. I plan on forgoing procreation and adopting, I suppose I'm less of a man as well. I guess all these fathers who have 10 children by 40 different women and don't take care of any of them are better in your eyes.

Yall are so smart...so smart.

Who said they are less human? You did. Thats whats so funny about you dudes yall come with your talking points and blinded by stuff that was never said. Homosexuality isnt a race it isnt a class ITS A FREAKIN SEXUAL PREFERENCE. 
What you do between your sheets is your business. Yall so in love with defending gay people like they little orphan kids from 3rd world countries yall dont even see them as regular people who do stuff that some people happen to find gross !*# hell. Im all for gay rights every human should have the same rights but that dont mean I agree with what every human does.

And ok so theyre born that way. well the same scientist say pedophiles and sadists are too so wheres the anti discrimination for them? Maybe in a couple decades they will be culturally accepted too. And why the hell not.

LOL so being a homosexual is equivalent to a father having incestual sex with his 8 year old daughter

Well in some countries its legal for a 12 year old to screw whoever she wants. If a 48 year old pedophile gets "consent" from her who are you to judge? Since he is born a pedophile. So I guess you can compare it to heterosexuals and homosexuals if you want. being that they were born that way. Or is your idea of "equal rights" only skewed to American law? How close minded of you.

Is the person really considered a pedophile if this situation is related to a certain culture (common practice dating back centuries)? Just a question please don't bite my head off. Just trying to get educated.
yes. youre a pedophile if you like children that way. no cultural or social or legal factors come into play. its just the meaning of the word.
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