NT QUESTION? A Chick You Trying To Get At Has A Man Does That Dude Matter Update on Pg4

Nah chicks dont cheat on me I PUT ON FOR MY CITY
^^^ keep thinkin u cant get cheated on son and you'll be on the other end of one of these threads one day
Originally Posted by ShoeHefner5

you going through this trouble for a girl who looks like shes one nibble away from looking like Ms. Piggy?

lol, but i glad you hit that, i would have.
Son, stop being a simp and man up. You got yours now just move on and put her on the afterburners.

Chick was a h0 and she's untrustworthy. She told you that she cheated on her man twice and made you the 3rd one. Why in the hell would you continue toassociate yourself with such a lying !@!!?
Simpery at it's finest 'olCapt. Save-A-Ho type dude.

She's not even fine. I suggest you just remove yourself from all contact with the aforementioned female and get on with your life. She's a h0...let herdo what it is that her type does and just move on. You can't change her.
This aint some stuff on do on regular (NOTE I do think that is trifling Golden Rule) but I wanted chick so I went off
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by FedExciter

^^^ keep thinkin u cant get cheated on son and you'll be on the other end of one of these threads one day

Why do dudes who do this always say that. So because it COULD happen to me I should go around smashing girls who got a man? That doesn't make sense.
nah, i think he was talking to old boy who said something to the effect of "girls don't cheat on me" w/ current catchphrase

Oh...my bad then disregard.
Originally Posted by geminifly

Shorty is bad, I would do it if I could. Her man ain't got nothing to do with u.
QFT...if she's with it....YOU'LL SMASH!
Just fall back alil and play your position.
I know I'm not the only dude on here that had success after a shorty was holler'n that "I got a man" crap.
Im saying NT acting like they not about breaking up relationships... thing is chick is going to be back up here after christmas break expecting to move in mycrib
Can't wife a cheater, especially one that was about to head down the altar
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