[[ NT PRODUCERS: Show Your Music Setup (PICS) ]]




First off no i'm NOT rich, i work very hard

No not even the best producer on here, but i work smart (check me out on openlabs.com under spotlight artists)

As a few know, i had the motif rack and mpc 2500 - sold those to get the miko

so now i got a desktop, macbook pro, miko, fantom - for piano practice -

The miko host all my sounds...and when on the go - i use laptop with reason

Can I get sound samples of the miko??...what's so special about it? I forgot all about those...don't they do video editing or something?
i'm about to make a video of me using it, just soo busy with work... it sounds like what eva you put in it - VST's - i mean all kinds of VST's ...

1. i can have 25 powerful VST's going at one time and not one hiccup

2. Hate midi and the use of mpc and motif and fantom, and the other soundmodules i was going to buy was going to be a pain, so i went for all in one solution

3. I can make a beat and sequence, and record all in one DAW - reaper - its the PC version of Logic

4. Yes video editing can be installed

5. expandable 1,000 gb memory - so you can have access to over 1, million sounds ( YES VERY OVERKILL)

Does anyone need it NO
Make beats better NO
Worth it if i plan on making music YES
450 voice polyphony

If I got the 37 key, could I controll it with an 88 key controller? I didn't find midi specs..
yo floss, you gotta make a video with that miko!
word. the miko is something serious
ive looked at the neko lx for a minute, but i doubt i'd get it unless i sold my motif rack,keystation pro, microkorg, and my rane ttm 56. then i would still be $3000 away from buying it
If I got the 37 key, could I controll it with an 88 key controller? I didn't find midi specs..

Yep it has midi in and midi out - 2 usb and firwire installed

Mythos - i peeped your beats, you got a nice sound - i check ed out the first song on your myspace

Flu - let me know what you wanna see and i will video for it...no problem

Quest uno - yea the neko was an option, but i can just use the fantom 61 keys and still come out cheaper
damn floss just came and ****ted on everybody wit the miko....

but yea show how the sounds are stored...and if u got it can u show mimik takes some sounds off ur fantom?(if u feel like it...u said u hate hookin that $++%up)...

id also like to see reaper...
Time i got you - ill get my cousin to film me working on the miko

i'll do where the sounds are stored and how you reach them and def. show you reaper

the mimik is a little more complicated since it takes time and mulitple tries to get it right...its cool though because you really get to manipulate the soundand you save it as a sfz file or ogg file
how's the outputs on the Miko? I heard they were kind of iffy? Props on having one. If i had the $ to burn I'd go after one too, and just go rip everykeyboard or sound module my friend has.

And to everyone else who says "it's not fair you hate yourself" etc etc.....It's not about what you have, it's how you use what you have.I had the MV8000, but after I bought Logic I really don't need it anymore, so now it's gone.

Time is SICKMADE and he only uses Reason to my knowledge.

Part of it is how you learn. I tried to get down on FL and Reason back in the days but couldn't figure the software out, so I bought hardware. Wasn'tgiven to me, I worked hard for everything I got.

I sat down and told myself I had to figure Logic out because I hate wasting money, so I did. After I did that I looked at my gear and said it's time tobreakup.

Other piece of it was I am always on the go and spend alot of time at my girl's house, so I needed a great mobile setup. I'm just waiting on a plug ona Macbook and no more equipment buying for me.

If anyone here is on Logic and wants to pick up on some important information get on youtube and search for member SFLOGICNINJA. Check out logicprohelp.com
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