NT OPEN YOUR EYES...*insert sarcasm*

Frank, Ive thought the exact same thing. But then I think, why would videos like "The Industry" be on youtube??
So Africa conquered the world before Europe did. Very interesting my life has changed so much.
Being enlightened is great.
Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Seems to me that everything had already been discovered by Africans, and the Europeans were upset and came back through and just re-wrote it with their names. Discoveries in philosophy, religion, lands, chemistry, etc etc.
"You got second, in a dual meet...thats dead last"
Somehow it turned into a chest bumping contest.
Thanks for this thread Haze.

It always pissed me off so much how in school we'd learn about European history and they would completely overlook the era of the Islamic Golden Age andthe Moorish empires. When Europe was in its Dark Ages, the Islamic empires in southern Europe and in the Middle East were flourishing and blossomed toincredible civilizations which contributed immensely in profound ways to society. Philosophers, engineers, poets, scientists, etc. of those civilizations areignored in Western history. It was due to the Islamic Golden Age and the the Moorish empires that the Renaissance was able to get started since the Europeanswere greatly influenced by them. If it was not for the Islamic Golden Age and its Moorish empires, we would have lost all of the ancient Greek/Egyptian booksand contributions. Christian Europeans thought it was crap,unholy, a bunch of !*#**$#+ and tried to burn it all. But, it was the Moorish empires that retrievedthem, saved them, preserved them,and studied them in order to expand on them. This is why to this day we have great works and literature of ancient Greekphilosophers. So, not only did they expand on ancient contributions from the Greeks and Egyptians, they invented a lot of their own.

I was always so fascinated by the period of the Islamic Golden Age and its great contributions. I had maybe only 2 courses in University where theprofessors/course syllabus touched upon this era.

You always have to read and learn about history and what is going on in the world today beyond the surface. The truth is hidden from us because we are forcedto be imprisoned and follow the system. Educating youseld is how you can awaken and become enlightened. Seek wisdom, and it will find you and free you. LikeRousseau said, "Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains."
Posting to come back a read tomorrows replay's
Originally Posted by Lokillo40

So Africa conquered the world before Europe did. Very interesting my life has changed so much.
Being enlightened is great.

Africa did many things before Europe. I don't know if conquering was necessarily their thing though.

A globalist agenda is a centuries old phenomenon. Europe has some experience on that end.

Originally Posted by Mr Kuter

Frank, Ive thought the exact same thing. But then I think, why would videos like "The Industry" be on youtube??

I guess for the same reason they put it in the videos to begin with. They want people to see it. I don't really draw a specific meaning from whats in thevideos, it could be any number of things. Whatever it is, it's there. The question I ask is why? Who benefits and how?
Originally Posted by FrankMatthews

I guess for the same reason they put it in the videos to begin with. They want people to see it. I don't really draw a specific meaning from whats in the videos, it could be any number of things. Whatever it is, it's there. The question I ask is why? Who benefits and how?

Watching those videos and listening to the songs is participation in the ritual. By participating, we all give energy to "it".

Not saying that by ignoring it, it'll simply go away. I don't know if that's possible at this point. One thing is clear though, that "thegreatest trick the devil ever pulled..." line is true. The signs are around us everywhere -on corporate logos, in entertainment, on clothing, tattoos,etc., and people have no idea of what they are participating in. It's like a big ongoing ritual...

Why? Not sure. Who benefits? I would have to guess the people who know without a doubt that our energy is being channeled for a purpose.
Ok, so quick question since I am still not too knowledgeable about the Mason/Illuminati stuff. What does their relationship with the devil/Lucifer have to dowith achieving their goals? Do they believe in him in a literal/figurative sense?Or he is just a metaphor?

There is even hidden messages in pop music/videos.

Jay Sean Down ft Lil Wayne illuminati video ritual

My friend pointed this out to me the other day. Britney Spears' song "3", before the chorus, she sings "Living in sin is the newthing".
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Ok, so quick question since I am still not too knowledgeable about the Mason/Illuminati stuff. What does their relationship with the devil/Lucifer have to do with achieving their goals? Do they believe in him in a literal/figurative sense?Or he is just a metaphor?

There is even hidden messages in pop music/videos.

Jay Sean Down ft Lil Wayne illuminati video ritual

My friend pointed this out to me the other day. Britney Spears' song "3", before the chorus, she sings "Living in sin is the new thing".
Well in Christianity, God basically allows Satan dominion over the earth...it's up to the devout christian to eschew the ways the world andtheir flesh and seek a spiritual relationship with God, beyond the physical. Theres much to be said for people who choose to give up the pursuit of materialwealth for what is considered to be "righteous". So it would make sense that a relationship with Satan would lead to success on earth, but diminishyour spritual relationship with christ. The entertainment industry and the world of business are built on many of the things religion preaches against, whichwould lead one to believe that "success" in todays industries is simply easier to gain once one conforms to "sinful" lifestyles. Thats justmy take though, im sure theres deeper reasoning than that
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

AntonLaVey wrote:
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

AntonLaVey wrote:
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

AntonLaVey wrote:
Originally Posted by 18th letter

AntonLaVey wrote:

man why even come in here?

I expected LULz....interesting stuff tho.

You are an interesting man to me. From what I can see from a message board, you seem extremely vulnerable, lost and crying for help.

I'm curious to know what your future will be like...
Would you like to offer any advice on how I could achieve a successful and fulfilling life and future oh wise one? You can start by helping me ace this exam tomorrow.

I shouldn't be that interesting. I am man in its most BASIC form. I take a very simplistic, earthly and humanist view on life. Everyone else is interesting to me.

Cry for help?...why cause I made a thread about being stressed and anxious?
Nah but really if you got any advice, send it over....I need a hug.

I think you really mean that sincerely. And I never saw your post about being stressed and anxious. It's just something I picked up on from dialog throughout various threads.

Also, by no means am I trying to come off as a "wise one", but if that's how people see me, I'm flattered. Even if it's sarcasm, I'd rather come off as attempting to be wise than mindless.

The only advice I could offer you is to try a diferent approach and outlook on life. Reconsider this LaVey guy you look up to so much...

HBD btw.
Your perception of me is clearly skewed by assumptions on 1. My beliefs and 2. Your own self-righteousness

Give you some advice....whenever you see me post keep two things in mind 1. I am very sarcastic ansd satirical 2. My ideas on life are the least bit trivial. To understand them requires one to in essence, come back to earth and the embrace the reality of our existence.

What may this approach be I need to take be? God? spirituality? phantoms?. My reality and needs and your reality are completely different. Although I have a somewhat pessimistic outlook on life and I have no faith in humanity....on a personal level I am doing pretty well for myself. I literally have nothing to complain about.Most people have it way worse than I do, which is why I find humor in Ls or unfortunate events in my life.

Laters, wish me luck.

Regardless of my perceptions, I dont see anything at all wrong with trying a different outlook and preception on life. I have a lot of faith on humanity. I dont understand how I could be a human and NOT have faith in us. People have lost sense in what it is to be human. Our history is so rich and full of substance that it makes for a future that I can only be optimistic about.

Also, I think your beliefs give me every right to have a certain outlook on you because... They are your beliefs. What more should I go by to build a perspective on a person other than their beliefs? A trench coat? [/sarcasm]

When you say:

To understand them requires one to in essence, come back to earth and the embrace the reality of our existence.
Can you explain what the reality of our existence is to you? What does it mean to you?
I'll go into that later, the point you should've gotten out of that post is not to call people lost because their outlook on life andbeliefs are different from yours. You don't know me on a personal level, all you had to go by were a few arguments I've had about religion andphilosophy.

Hmm i guess. but I try to be open minded and "put thought" into these topics and i rarely see it. I seen the graphic in your screen caps, but it went so fast that.....it had no effect on me.

You can't be serious bruh
about what?

People can push you in the right direction but you gotta go within....

"what YOU lookin for YOU the question AND the answer"
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Ok, so quick question since I am still not too knowledgeable about the Mason/Illuminati stuff. What does their relationship with the devil/Lucifer have to do with achieving their goals? Do they believe in him in a literal/figurative sense?Or he is just a metaphor?

There is even hidden messages in pop music/videos.

Jay Sean Down ft Lil Wayne illuminati video ritual

My friend pointed this out to me the other day. Britney Spears' song "3", before the chorus, she sings "Living in sin is the new thing".
That video makes some interesting points but damn, that ++#! turns to comedy at 2:50

This was is disturbing because it's a textbook pop song, and the chorus is ambiguous, but this one might be reach.

Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Ok, so quick question since I am still not too knowledgeable about the Mason/Illuminati stuff. What does their relationship with the devil/Lucifer have to do with achieving their goals? Do they believe in him in a literal/figurative sense?Or he is just a metaphor?

There is even hidden messages in pop music/videos.

Jay Sean Down ft Lil Wayne illuminati video ritual

My friend pointed this out to me the other day. Britney Spears' song "3", before the chorus, she sings "Living in sin is the new thing".
That video makes some interesting points but damn, that ++#! turns to comedy at 2:50

This was is disturbing because it's a textbook pop song, and the chorus is ambiguous, but this one might be reach.

or not so much of a reach.
Depends on who you ask with that hand signal...
For those interested in these topics, visit the site Vigilant Citizen. http://vigilantcitizen.com/

Here's an analysis he did for Rihanna's "Russian Roulette".

[h2]Rihanna's "Russian Roulette" or What's Wrong with the Entertainment Industry[/h2]Nov 22nd, 2009 | By Vigilant | Category: Vigilant Reports
The promotional material that came along with Rihanna's new album, "Rated R", has raised many eyebrows due to its racy nature. Behind the daring imagery of her videos, songs and pictures exists, however, a dark underlying theme: mind control and Illuminati symbolism. We'll look at Rihanna's new material and its symbolic meaning.

One of the first articles I've written for this website was an analysis of Rihanna's 2007 hit Umbrella. The symbolism in that video was very subtle and cleverly hidden. Since Umbrella however, there has been a great increase of dark occultism and references to mind control in pop videos. I'm constantly surprised by the increasing obviousness of the imagery and the boldness of the messages. The incorporation of occult/mind control-themed elements in pop music (aimed at the young) is being accomplished in a seamless and gradual matter, apparently to desensitize the viewers. Those elements invoke dark truths about the entertainment industry and some of its sinister "behind the scenes" practices. Dark rituals, initiations, pacts and mind control methods are all part of it.
[h2]First Hand Witnesses[/h2]
You do not need to take my word for it, though. Some artists who are signed with major labels have spoken out about the sinister ways of the music business. Their words are not picked up by the mainstream media (duh) but the truth is out there if you look for it. Upon the release of "Russian Roulette", signer and song writer Tifanny Evans vented out on the industry. Here's a short article written about this in The Examiner:
[h5][/h5] Tiffany Evans
"Just days after its release, Rihanna's new single "Russian Roulette" has caused numerous online discussions involving the song's dark lyrics and obvious play on suicide.

Written by Ne-Yo, the track has many wondering the direction of Rihanna's upcoming album Rated R, including singer/songwriter Tiffany Evans, who feels "Russian Roulette" could possibly lead many Rihanna fans to commit suicide.

Evans (best known for her single "Promise Ring" ft. Ciara and her stint on Star Search) took to her Twitter page on Wednesday morning to discuss the topic. She tweeted:

"Russian Roulette= Suicidal Rate gon sky rocket!

You gotta watch what u say. Because there are a lot of weak people in the world. They are susceptible to anything so anything you say or do some people actually do listen. So make sure its nothing bad. Its okay to be deep, but not murder deep.
Man! I really wish I could tell you guys what the industry really is and what stars are apart of destroying this world. The stars who worship satan,and those who have killed to get the respect they have now. You'd be verrrry surprised. Some of your favorite people pretend to worship God but they only do that to save face. Or seem innocent.

Satan was head of music in heaven. He uses influential people…to help influence the world. Think about that. Once u make a certain amount of money. Just know that that's when they ask u to join. To get in you have accept the beast, worship. Once you join they assist u with ur career.make u huge.only if u agree and obey to destroy Gods word.and his children.
Ppl listen and pay attention. Its a war going on right now between Good and Evil. Evil will rule this world for a min. The people that have this power are the people that RULE the whole world. I'm done I won't say anymore before I get in trouble."

Evan's tweets are centered around the "rumored corruption and brainwashing that goes on behind the scenes of the entertainment industry, often referred to as a group called the Illuminati".

R&B singer Omarion, who has been in the music business since 2001, has provided the urban magazine Boombox a surprisingly honest description of the industry. He entered the business as a pre-teen with the group B2K and went through some strange controversies. He is well placed to give a first hand account of the business. Here's what he had to say regarding Rihanna's Russian Roulette to the magazine Boombox:
[h5][/h5] Omarion
"I don't personally know Rihanna's beliefs but I think there's a very dark and very sinister part of the entertainment business and I think it's very visible," he said. "This is something that a lot of people don't look at [but for example] Michael Jackson used to be a Jehovah's Witness and I remember hearing that he wanted to separate from the religion - and this was during the time that he was doing 'Thriller' [which ended up being] his biggest album."

"Fast forward to now," Omarion continued, "[and] it really made me think that there is a [time as an artist] where there's going to be a choice. The [entertainment] world [dictates] that you have to be with three or four women, or do this in order to get that [and] I think it's really interesting. With God and the industry, it's really dark. The dark side is having to get in, there's a certain submission you need to have. Just like a gang [initiation], so to speak. You might have to do something against your moral code. I'm not saying that it's always this way, but when you're someone that is young and you're coming up in the industry and you really don't have a grip on your morals it can be very dark. The game is just about over saturation.

"I don't know if Rihanna [has fallen victim to those pressures]. I've never really heard her speak about it," he said. "I hope that she doesn't believe in that stuff and I don't think that she does, but I don't know. It's not just been a Rihanna thing, [there's has been religious speculation] about a lot of artists."

Notice how he mentions the concepts of "submission" and "gang initiation". Those are things that many young stars have to go through in order to be "accepted". Those concepts are reflected in the symbolism of these stars' videos and photo shoots. The artists are forced to work with those symbols as part of their "pact". One of the symbols revealing the acceptance into the "Order" is the hidden eye.
[h2]One Eye Symbolism[/h2]
In my first article on Lady Gaga (here) I've mentioned the fact that she constantly hides one of her eyes as a symbol of her "initiation". Some smart-#!# comments claimed that Gaga hid one eye due to her "horse face" and she was trying to hide it. Well Rihanna does not have a horse face, so why is she doing it? Furthermore, why do the artists who flash that sign - Rihanna, Lady Gaga and Beyonce - explore similar themes in their videos. Coincidence?

I've explained in the Lady Gaga article the occult meaning of hiding one's eye, which can be traced back to the "eye of Horus" of Egyptian mythology. This symbolism seems to have evolved into a a kind of "signal", flashed by the artists who have been initiated into the select circle of Illuminati pop stars.

[h2]Russian Roulette[/h2]Rihanna's first single has caused some controversy due to its suicidal theme. Even more disturbing is the way this lethal game is depicted in the video.

The premise of the video is Rihanna being locked in a padded room while a man dressed in an army-type uniform - her handler - is manipulating her thoughts through high-tech devices. The video is in fact depicting mind control and Monarch programming in a stylized and aesthetic way. The handler is using his gadgets to make Rihanna hallucinate traumatizing events in order to break her spirit and re-build her. Many key elements this sadistic practice (which have been documented in CIA documents) are being portrayed in that video.
[h5][/h5] a Rihanna facing her handler
Monarch programming, a type of mind control procedure, was discussed in some previous articles (notably Beyonce's Sweet Dreams - Occult Mind Control). The main goal of this technique is to cause the subject to live an intense trauma which will cause the victim to dissociate from reality. A fragmentation of the personality will ultimately ensue.
"Due to the severe trauma induced through electroshock therapy, sexual abuse and other methods, the mind splits off into alternate personalities from the core. Formerly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, it is presently recognized as Dissociative Identity Disorder and is the basis for MONARCH programming. Further conditioning of the victim's mind is enhanced through hypnotism, double-bind coercion, pleasure-pain reversals, food, water, sleep and sensory deprivation, along with various drugs which alter certain cerebral functions."

In the video, Rihanna is forced by her handlers to experience traumatizing scenarios. One of those situations is to play Russian Roulette with a man. The lyrics start off with the handler guiding Rihanna through the game:

"Take a breath, take it deep
Calm yourself, he says to me
If you play, you play for keeps
Take a gun, and count to three
I'm sweating now, moving slow
No time to think, my turn to go"

There is a constant back and forth in the video between scenes of Rihanna looking tormented in her cell and the scenes of her hallucinations. This is to convey the fact that none of these scenarios are real, they are forced into her consciousness. The video illustrates the fact that Russian Roulette is not actually about suicide, it is about being forced to commit suicide by a handler. It is about mind control.
A one point, the cell gets filled with red smoke while a faceless Rihanna acts in a robotic way. This is video-friendly reference to the use of hallucinogenic drugs such as LSD in Monarch programming to alter the slave's consciousness. Flashes of scary images convey this sense of drug-induced terror lived by mind controlled slaves.

The handler then presses a button on his control panel to apparently prompt, in Rihanna's head, other deadly scenarios in which she must accept her fate (death) with complete submission.

In the above frame, Rihanna is submerged under water, a scene recalling the floating or weightlessness sensation felt by mind controlled slaves during their "treatments". Bullets fly all around her but there's nothing she can do about it: she is physically and mentally controlled and she must keep being a passive witness of her own death. As she says in her lyrics, she must "pass this test" and pull the trigger.

And you can see my heart beating
You can see it through my chest
And I'm terrified but I'm not leaving
Know that I must must pass this test
So just pull the trigger

At the end of the video, Rihanna's companion shoots himself. This traumatic event, as well as the others, will result in the the fragmentation of her personality, the creation of new alters, that will be programmed by her handlers. This fragmentation is visually represented in some scenes like this one:

This was a quick overlook of the mind control symbolism found in the Russian Roulette video. For a detailed review of the mind control elements of Russian Roulette, I suggest you read this article from the great site Pseudo-Occult Media which also covers many other aspects.
[h2] Rihanna's Pictures[/h2]

Most of the imagery surrounding Rihanna's Rated R album contains some sort of Illuminati symbolism. She is truly their current poster-girl. The welcoming page of her official website (rihannanow.com) says it all. Here's a screenshot of it:

A bunch of mannequins surrounded by barb wires…I don't think there's clearer way to portray mind controlled slaves. The themes of dehumanization, control, pain, torture and restriction are all represented. The cover of the single of Russian Roulette depicts Rihanna as one of those mannequins. Her eye patch reveals who is controlling her.

[h5][/h5] Literal veil in front of her eyes

Surrounded by naked dolls: multiple personalities and dehumanization

Finally, if you know a little about mind control, I suggest you take a look at this promotional video. I'm sure you'll be blown away by the symbolism in there. Mannequins and mannequin body parts, checkerboard floors, cages, sex-kitten references and even Rihanna yelling stuff. It's all there.
I had to find out where Flaco Bey originated. I guess "Bey" is a title for an individual that is in volved with "MOORISH ORTHODOX CHURCH".
I'm going to further this research.

There's so much that I want to say, and there is no way that I'll be able to say it all in a clear, concise and brief manner, so I'll try my best:

There is always dual forces at work in our reality, i.e., light/dark, male/female, yin/yang, positive/negative, sun/moon, etc.

We tend to have a knee-jerk reaction when we realize that things are hidden from us and assume we are being manipulated...but it's not always the case. Theancient mystics and cults hid the knowledge that they were privy to not because they wanted to rule over people, but because they knew the power that thewisdom held. If it got into the wrong hands, there is no telling the havoc it would/could unleash. Go back and read "alternative" texts about Hitlerand his fascination with the occult and ancient mystics. He knew the power it held and desperately wanted to fully grasp it...but other forces prevailed.

I'm going off on a tangent, but what I'm really trying to say is that MUCH of what is being said/displayed, not necessarily in this thread, but in the*insert label here* community at-large has been misinterpreted, as well as many ancient texts, including The Bible. The dark side of things wants you to give into that fear and think you are theirs for the taking. Just look at all the "end of days" and"2012" negativity that has been spread.

"The apocalypse is coming!!"

That's a prime example of how things have been misinterpreted and maligned throughout the centuries.
Apocalypse - (Greek: Ἀποκάλυψις Apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation")
The Book of "Revelations" is about the apocalypse...butit's not what we think. Humanity is about to undergo the greatest "reveal-ation" in our existence.

And for those worried that the dark, underlying forces are all that there is..."As above, so below"
Jay is all over the place though, little black magick, little Egypt, little Christianity, little Judaism, little Islam, little Buddhism. You can tell he studied a lot of stuff and he mixes them together his own little recipe for influence and power (real or imagined)
The essence of Masonry as far as I know

What I think (maybe lol) is that these entertainers are the ones being duped. I think they are being shown some things, being turned on to somethings that they never were aware of and would have never otherwise been aware of had they not been able to gain a captive audience. I think they are being duped the same way Crowley, Anton Lavey, and pretty much all the New Agers duped their followers into thinking they were worshiping self-god, or nature or some other ego pleasing bs. Lucifer was actually a good guy! Actually, maybe he was. Who knows.
Please read between the lines of this song and video
So many questions and observations I have....but I dont see anything coming out of this for me

One question, if anyone can answer this....

If a person is not a weak minded indivdual, they can take in all the "pop culture" they want and not be taken over and wisked into following thedevil? correct?

I just would like to know peoples thoughts on the success rate of converting people over to following the devil through this method.

I look at an artist like Jay-Z and all the flack said on the internet about him rocking with the devil, but I dont hear that in his music and I feel I listenclosely...and if it is all hidden who is it getting to and if they are the only ones able to catch the hidden messages, shouldnt that mean its something wrongwith them to begin with
really like this thread, salute to the big dogs for dropping stepping stones to lifting the veil..

i've always been interested in stuff like this. I've noticed things since i was little that my parents wouldn't. I'd noticed alot of symbols inmovies that they didn't. When i watch t.v i always hear the frequency change in my ears, and it always led me to believe that ppl can control thosefrequencies...but someone help me with that..

I just listened to Jay's " A star is born".

"Everyday a star is born..clap for em...clap for em..clap for em"

"And I am one of one,
can't you see just along my front,
My brain new lou sun shine
been a star since i was back in one time,"

"And could i be a star,
this fame and this game have to change who you are,
could i be the same one who came from a far away life,
just to make it in this broadway lights,"

Lucifer..Morning Star...

*Pops in Jay's Lucifer song*

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