**NT Motorcycle Owners please enter** Vol. good beginner bike?

Well I'm sure you can still get started on a 600. My cousin said after riding the 250s in the training program, he felt like if he took it slow enough, a600 to begin with wouldn't be that bad.
What are the insurance rates looking like for people in their early 20's? I'm looking at the Ninja 250cc. Can I trade my 07 Cobalt in for one?
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

damn..that's a sick helmet.
I don't think I'd ever wear it...but pretty sick.

Its a squid bike to be real about it.
sorry...I beg to differ..

a newb on a 1000cc is a squid bike.
a 250 is the least squid bike there is.
250 is a great starter bike. These idiots out there buying liter bikes for their first bike are squids and are doing so to try and impress. For whatthough? To sit at starbucks and try and look cool. You can easily sell a ninja 250 years down the road for just about what paid for it, and it is a lot moreforgiving then a liter bike. And please buy some proper gear if you are planning on getting a bike.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

indeed. my life >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what someone else thinks about me.

Was that to me? are you saying its not a good quality helmet? or am i just missing something lol

cause Shoei = good helmets and that paint on a Shoei = amazing

but if you were talkign to someone else then just ignore me lol
I've been wanting a bike for a minute now but i don't know where to start the process. I'm out in Cali, is it like getting a permit to drive a car.Do i have to take classes before i can even get the permit or can i just study something online, head down to DMV pass the test and it's done with. Ifanyone can school me on the process i'd appreciate it. My parents always tell me they'd kill me if i got a bike but i think every parent says that,they'll just have to live with it.
Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

I've been wanting a bike for a minute now but i don't know where to start the process. I'm out in Cali, is it like getting a permit to drive a car. Do i have to take classes before i can even get the permit or can i just study something online, head down to DMV pass the test and it's done with. If anyone can school me on the process i'd appreciate it. My parents always tell me they'd kill me if i got a bike but i think every parent says that, they'll just have to live with it.
How old are you? All you need to do is go down to the DMV and take the written test and if you pass you get a permit. Then if you want the M1endorsement you need to pass the riding test, which if you have never been on a bike before can be pretty difficult. I suggest that you take the MSF course,and that will bypass the riding test.
Originally Posted by gsxrpaul

Originally Posted by jrdnsrnss

I've been wanting a bike for a minute now but i don't know where to start the process. I'm out in Cali, is it like getting a permit to drive a car. Do i have to take classes before i can even get the permit or can i just study something online, head down to DMV pass the test and it's done with. If anyone can school me on the process i'd appreciate it. My parents always tell me they'd kill me if i got a bike but i think every parent says that, they'll just have to live with it.
How old are you? All you need to do is go down to the DMV and take the written test and if you pass you get a permit. Then if you want the M1 endorsement you need to pass the riding test, which if you have never been on a bike before can be pretty difficult. I suggest that you take the MSF course, and that will bypass the riding test.

Thanks for the response, i'm 19.
honestly...if you know the laws of the road and have basic common sense...you'll be fine with the written.

when I got my permit...I went in...and I didn't know they would administer the written right there and then...so I winged it.....passed with ease.
so i got the booklet to study, i will take the written test in a week or so. then i either take the safety course to get my license or i can just take a roadtest to get my license?
We need to get a NT bike Summit going on the east coast.....for cats in the DC/MD/Va area....
You need to be at the Friday's in Greenbelt on Wednesday's if your trying to hook up with ryders in the urea champ. Stop by and holla.
Originally Posted by solesurvi0r7

any info on insurance for someone my age/in my age group?

Age is just one of the factors in figuring an insurance quote..it's no different then from a car insurance quote really.

Past tickets from driving

How many years you've been riding a motorcycle

How many cc's your bike is

Past accidents you've had ...etc all factor in to your insurance quote.

Just call up Geico or something or go on their website and get a quote.

Anyways here's some crazy weird helmets I just came across...thought I'd share.
Creepy clown (dude sold theses for like 1200$ each)


Hell raiser...kinda of scary



Jack in the box




all from their myspace ..headtrip helmets
i started with a r6 im 5'7 and it was kind of uncomfortable. but i dont think you need a 750 for a starter bike. and you might get bored of a 250 fast. imnot sure about in NY but in california if you take the cc riders class i know your insurance will be half off. and i heard m1 driving test at the DMV was veryhard. and also i suggest you take some kind of class because it teaches you defense driving. go with a gixxer great starter bike! and very comfortable. my 2cents.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

damn..that's a sick helmet.
I don't think I'd ever wear it...but pretty sick.

Its a squid bike to be real about it.
sorry...I beg to differ..

a newb on a 1000cc is a squid bike.
a 250 is the least squid bike there is.
Im just stating the facts. Hes asking opinions and im giving him my thoughts as a 9 year rider. I def. feel that a beg. should pick up a bike that theyfeel most comfortable on whether its a 250cc or 1400cc. Its all about that comfort feeling so they can begin gaining the skill and knowledge of a motorcycle.If your uncomfortable on a bike then you cant do that. I feel like there is no squid bike but squid riders. If i feel more comfortable on a 1 then im going tobuy one but i dont so i ride a 6. As far as the MSF go i would def. do that before anything. that will give you the basic knowledge you need and your insurancewill go down a little. That DMV test is pretty hard. I went to a test about 2 weeks ago with a friend and out of the 10 or 12 people there 4 or 5 failed. Iveread a lot of posts on the motorcycle forums saying that a lot of long time riders fail that test because they forget the basics and the proper way to dothings. Either way if you want to start riding buy a bike that is cost efficient because everyone goes down. Its apart of motorcycles and when you feel likeyour comfortable enough buy a better bike. THE ONLY advice i give is buying the right gear. These HJC helmets and alpine star mesh gloves look coo and are DOTapproved but that doesnt do anything for you when you sliding down the freeway and your wearing cheap gear.
Yea, I have seen a few cracked HJC helmets to keep me from EVER buying them. Same goes for ICON and kjb or whatev.

I still with my suomy or shoei, real talk. Or arai. Maybe JUST MAYBE agv.
^What's up Jon? Everything good? I'm out here waiting for the weather to hit 60 or better, so I can go riding. It's been a loong winter. I'veactually been considering selling my bike, I still want the R1 too but I don't get to ride as much as I used to. Most of my peoples don't ride anymoreso it's mostly just back/forth to work.
I'm 6'2" 250, I was wondering what you guys think would be the most accomodating sport bike between the major models(ie: gixxer, cbr, ninja etc.).I'm taking the riders course over the summer so I hope to finance one during the fall(I live in cali so the weather will be fine).
that black 250r is nice...i really want it, i just need something to start learning...nothing fancy yet.
yo yo.

After my bike was wrecked, i slipped out of the curve.

I am currently looking at an old school harley, + the r1.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

From another thread I replied to a while back...and don't underestimate my advice because I'm a female.
I know what I'm talking about.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

I've been looking into it myself. Most people like to start off on 250s (preferably the Ninja 250) because they let you learn quickly and they are light and easy to handle and if you drop it (which A LOT of people do at some point when learning it won't be dropping such an expensive bike)..

Most people(guys because they think 250s are for wusses) skip straight to a 600cc because they look cool...and sound nice. But as I'm sure you know the new 2008 Ninja 250r looks a lot like a 600 and I promise you most people would not be able to tell the difference (except the engine sound..)

I was about to get a used gixxer 600, R6, or my favorite...the CBR600 RR (fireblades look so nice).
But I would rather learn on sporty/stylish looking Ninja 250r (which are selling fast considering they just came out) and then move up to a 600 or higher in about a few months. I can't decide between red or black.

and the MSRP is only $3500
The blue is stunning..(This one has a fender eliminator kit, rear seat cowl, and an Area P full system exchaust)

Tell me thats not a bad!+@ 250!!

Another thing you will like about owning a 250cc is that the insurance is much much lower especially sense you're a beginner. Ninja 250s also donot depreciate in value as fast so once you're ready to sell it you won't lose too much money that you spent on it in the first place and you can move on to something bigger once you have your confidence.

Also if you're going to be just commuting to school or work a 250 is perfect and the MPG will make you happy (estimated at about 65 mpg ). But don't expect more then about 100-115 for top speed (depending on your weight)...which is plenty for just starting out.
Many people think they can just hop on a bike and handle it but it's something that you should take your time with.

Take the MSF course if you already haven't (cost's like 200$) and they will teach you stuff that will literally save your life out there on the road full of reckless/crazy drivers!
And don't be like these fools out here wearing tank tops and helmetless...invest in some proper riding gear.

After I get my 250 and learn this summer..after I feel like I can move up I want to get a nice 600 or higher..I love this orange ninja 6r

But when it all comes down to it...go down to the dealership when you get your motorcycle license and ask to test ride that 650R! See how comfy it is...remember it's not the bike'll kill ya, its you making wise decisions not to try and pull any fancy stuff before your ready!

And some food for thought.. IT'S YOUR FIRST BIKE....not your last. So screw what people say.

Here's a pic of it in black with a fender elim. and yoshi pipe







OR AN R1....OR A SUZK 600


[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You brought this #*+@ back from the dead, to D-Ride on a n_'s thats beenbanned for months now...[/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]You should be thinking about how you gonna do us all a favor, and offyourself[/color]
Get the 250 and practice high reving and high rpm shifting...you wont be sorry. If you get an old 600 you might be ok but the new 600s can keep up with the1000s till about 90mph and then they pull away. Always were a helmet and jeans... trust me on that one!!
Originally Posted by JordanDon23

You brought this #*+@ back from the dead, to D-Ride on a n_'s thats been banned for months now...

You should be thinking about how you gonna do us all a favor, and off yourself





Originally Posted by rdon27

Get the 250 and practice high reving and high rpm shifting...you wont be sorry. If you get an old 600 you might be ok but the new 600s can keep up with the 1000s till about 90mph and then they pull away. Always were a helmet and jeans... trust me on that one!!


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