NT Losers: It's Saturday Night, What Are You Doing At Home?

Originally Posted by ourtran

im flying rio de janero tomorrow so i dont consider myself a loser staying home on a saturday night.
sweet. NT will expect pics

a lot of sick people tho
make sure to drink plenty of fluids and getlots of rest.
Ive been working on a project thats worth 25% of my grade all day... its due monday and im about half way done.
I just got in. I went out to eat with a few friends, went back to one of their houses to put up their Christmas tree. I was getting into it too, with all theornaments and whatnot

Yeah, that was my Saturday night.
I'm tired as hell, plus I know if I go out it would prob be just with a bunch of dudes complaining about me not drinking as much as them..... That'sprob why I haven't gone out in...... A few months I think....
I'm back in my hometown on Thanksgiving break until December 1st so I'm just relaxing at my parents house watching Texas Tech get smashed on.

- Tical.
Mad cold in NYC so that's my excuse.

Nah, I'm about to go play some pool with a couple of my peoples like in an hour or so.
Originally Posted by Face82

Originally Posted by Rafool

relaxing and watching OU give Texas Tech get a major whoop $%#

OU just literally copped a squat and #%# itted on these dudes
Just got done watching the game and my girl was like, "DAMN...."
she don't even like football
And its cold in the "A"
Face82 I know you getting out tonight fam
Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Originally Posted by Face82

Rafool wrote:

relaxing and watching OU give Texas Tech get a major whoop $%#

OU just literally copped a squat and #%# itted on these dudes
Just got done watching the game and my girl was like, "DAMN...."
she don't even like football
And its cold in the "A"
Face82 I know you getting out tonight fam

Man my homegirl Bday party was tonight and outa all nights all my people out on the town. I'm sick as hell in the crib. I hate when it goes down like that.
Ehh, Thanksgiving Break is coming up very, very soon so I'm trying to get a lot of work done before then so I can chill/relax more during the break. SoI'm trying to finish up my circuits homework so I can start my design project for thermodynamics tomorrow.

I really don't go out much...if at all.
But...I'm content sinceat least I still got some homies that I chill with on occasion.
Just watched The Midnight Meat Train(pause) and about filter it out with some cartoons. Nothing planned tonight though (or no one is telling me about anything)but I might call an ex if I get too bored though (damn it Tim, why must you keep giving in).
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