NT it's your time to get it off your chest now thread.

I don't trust anybody 100%

I'm sensitive emotionally and I compensate by being cold and distant from people

Being in seclusion and being a loner my whole life has lead me to believe in myself in ways I can't put into words...I live in my own world

I feel blessed to be alive...people are starting to come into my life and I get closer to my niche every day

Women drive me crazy with their nature....I see girls that I know aren't happy but they stick with the meat heads....by the time females figure out Ima genuine guy it'll be too late
--I rub people the wrong way, but I feel like most of that is envy on their part.
--I have a list of people I want to eat dinner with and laugh at when I'm balling. I would never do it though.
--I give white people the benefit of the doubt, but I really don't trust them.
--I get satisfaction from checking people who are in positions of power or authority.
--I prefer dumb women because I'm not trying to have deep convos with someone I'm smashing. Keeps it simple.
--I don't care what you think, but I'll listen and pretend to most of the time. I'd rather you talk so I don't have to tell you what I really think.
--I've done some foul things that will no doubt be revealed some day. I'm prepared for that day.
--I want to tell my boss how lame he is but I just laugh at him. It hurts him and I can see it. He's a prejudiced %*!$!%@ though.
--There's a chick I work with who's mad that I wouldn't !#+% her with Magic's **** and I laugh at her too. She's mad.
--I think my parents are losers and did a horrible job. I give them a D overall.
Originally Posted by So Slickening

I have killed over 60 people, and my family has no idea. Nobody alive knows. I dump their dismembered bodies in the ocean to dispose of the evidence. Recently, I killed an innocent man by mistake. I told someone it was a hunting accident and that I was distressed. He offered to help get me through. That man was the next person I was going to kill.

After I killed him, I came home to my wife dead in a bathtub and my infant son sitting in her blood. It was all my fault. I had to tell my other 2 kids the news upon returning from Disney World with their grandparents. My daughter hates me - she said I should have been there to protect her mother.

I have been making funeral arrangements and I have just felt so detached from the world. I don't know what to do.

Thanks for listening, NT.
 Dexter is such a great show. 
Originally Posted by jthagreat

I'm currently single wit the thought of one day getting back wit my ex...i dont like having sex with tho. Could you marry the "one you love" but not enjoy the sex?


Im crazy about one of my friends who i never even used to look at like that. Never seriously came at her, but i when i jokingly do, i'll "never smell it".

I'm a serious underachiever, but currently have no desire to achieve

I'm seriously bored of NT, glory days are over, but i still keep coming here

I've lost my mojo somehow, i barely used to get rejected, never feared rejection now since the "never smell it" it's like i curled back into a shell, and think about it all the time. It's probably because this time it's more emotion than penis
I'm not good at talking to women at all. Even though I have had some luck with women in the past and I'm a pretty attractive guy...I just can't seem to put it together. I can talk to them well but getting over the hump is what I have trouble with. I really dont know what to do because when it comes to like hooking up or initiating that kind of stuff I'm really not good at it. I really dont know.

I don't think i'll be able to go to the colleges i wanna go to.(Ivy's)

I'm going to brazil in January and I'm hoping that i'll smash a bunch of chicks. (I'm 16 so I hope they haven't been infested with AIDS yet, but I'm sure they won't because i'll be going to school with ones that are like the richest of the rich in like Brasilia so I'm guessing they will be highly protected since they're parents are in the gov't.)

Sometimes I wish I had more white traits like blue eyes just because it would look so cool. (Im mixed btw)

Im attracted to all races(not really asians but thats because I havent really seen one that I would smash on site besides Lucy Lu), but I really wanna marry a white girl. Preferably a brunette.
Trying to hold out for a girl that I love in Boston, I go to school in Florida and shes there.
And we're both freshman in college 
- I've been lying to my family about something school related for awhile now, but I'm running out of time and lies. Once January of 2011 hits, any lies I tell from there on will probably not make sense. I'm doing my best to avoid the whole predicament.

- I do not like one of my aunts on my mother's side of the family.

- I'm ashamed of my family's ethnic background. In no way will I have my children practice any of their customs. It's not my family why I have an aversion towards it, but most of the people I've encountered. I hate being around them.

- There are things I believe but wouldn't share with anyone, not even my closest friend, and we talk about almost anything.

- When it comes to black and east asian women, the mixed ones clearly look better than the ones who aren't mixed. I think people say otherwise because they want to avoid the "brainwashed" label and just want to be politically correct.

- It hadn't been until this year that I started to like my friend in college, who has a boyfriend. I knew she had a boyfriend when we met a couple years ago, but I never felt any special way towards her. She's peruvian, has long, black, wavy hair, and the non-physical traits that I want in a female. She will be graduating this year, too. :/ 

- I believe some minorities exaggerate about their struggles.

- I think some people get upset and are embarrassed about what others say about their race because they feel it's true, more so than getting offended because it's negative. 

- Life feels like a trap at times. The great things that could happen keep me motivated whenever I feel that way, though.
I met a girl that I really liked last night. I usually don't fall for girls that I meet at bars, but she was special. somehow I let her slip away, and its been buggin me all day.
Originally Posted by Jiggaman414

I met a girl that I really liked last night. I usually don't fall for girls that I meet at bars, but she was special. somehow I let her slip away, and its been buggin me all day.

I feel your pain bro!!!

Other than that, life's great
20 year old virgin 

got 2 more semesters left of college & I don't feel I'm ready
I know I'm going to be scraping by for the rest of my life
hate being regarded/treated as black by everyone (I'm mixed)
jealous of a lot of my friends because they seem to have more going for them (significant others, fun jobs, laid back lifestyles)
have a friend going to jail for statutory rape and no matter what he says, I don't believe his story

this didn't make me feel better
i have trust issues that are causing me alot of problems.

and i feel like im losing my grip on reality..
Originally Posted by Fog Raw

OP, change the thread title to "NT, it's your chance to get it off your chest now thread"

I'm faded at the moment, but here's some of mine:

-Freshman at college, and I'm not sure what the !%@* I'm gonna do in the future... I feel like I'm wasting money taking useless courses.
-Still can't find "that one girl"... Been looking all my life, still haven't found her yet
This... except i know what i want to do with my life.
I was trimming my chest hair on friday and only got halfway done because I was late for a doctor's appointment. I figured it wouldn't matter because I just needed to consult with him to get a prescription refilled and didn't think I'd need to take off my shirt. Wrong.
I had to get an EKG as a precaution so the dude administering came in and saw me with the half and half going on

And he still had to shave little areas of my chest to do the EKG so now I've got two bare patches on each side. Debating whether to shave it all off or just trim the rest down so it's shorter, but then I still have to wait for those bare spots to grow back and it looks awkward.
-I can't believe my race (well the younger kids) is famous for being on tumblr and making youtube covers
-All my friends, well most, have girlfriends....i don't....i don't know if i'll ever have one, knowing myself...if i do, that girl must be amazing....sometimes i think some dudes get girlfriends, just because everybody got a girlfriend.
-Depressing that none of the cute chicks like me....but are rather attracted to these d-bag hypebeast kids. I'm not salty, if you seen them, you'd agree.
-I'm a loner here in college....thought it would be a lil easier to make friends here, but it's a lot harder than high school.
-I'm fine being alone and i need it at times, but i find it depressing to see other people have plans while i'm just here.
-I don't think i have a best friend. I have good friends, but no best.
-I don't have a single friend that i can truly relate to. Like they listen to rock and all that, but i listen to rap.
-There's this one person who is really bugging me. I don't know why, but he's just that annoying.

Other than that, my life is good.

-I know facebook ain't that serious, but man i don't seem to be getting as much friends as some people
Its been a long time since I met a girl I was attracted to physically and mentally and yesterday I did......................... she was 17
. I currently have no one in my life I can completely open up to and I like it. Its making my relationship with God stronger. As I get older and interact with different types of people I realize how weird and different I am and I love it. Last night I kicked it with some O.G.s from Piru and they just need hugs. Deep down in my heart in the deepest recesses of my inner jungle my higher self and primal carnality are at constant war. I enjoy seeing people happy even if its at my own expense and its tearing me apart.
- i was in a relationship for a year and it had gotten worse over the months its mostly my fault i love her but she thinks i don't care about her but part of me just wants her to leave because i feel im doing more bad than good we broke up we have not talked in over a day.

- when i was with her i thought about other girls is that normal

- i really think im ugly i dont even like looking in the mirror

- I hate people

- i rather be alone than be with my friends or family
- I find myself being less and less attracted to white women
- Some of the things that bother me the most cant really be helped so I feel talking about them is pointless.
- I haven't been genuinely happy in years. Lately its been somewhat inhibiting.
- I was looking forward to going back to school for the social part as one reason but i don't connect with anyone in my class(same class 6 hours a day, 4 days a week)
- I love seeing others smiling and happy..especially couples. Makes me all fuzzy inside I know that sounds kinda gay.
- Being unemployed for so long gave me time to look at things and go into deep thought. I hate some of the things ive seen but maybe later on it will be for the better. It doesn't feel that way though.
- I too have a hi tech phone that i hardly get calls on lol smh
- Sometimes I hate being an introvert and wish I could be "someone else"
cant shake it
- If another girl tells me that im quiet i think im going to snap
- It takes a while for me to feel "free" around someone I don't know well.

I currently have no one in my life I can completely open up to and I like it. Its making my relationship with God stronger.

How does this work exactly?
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