NT, I'm going to the movies with my girls mom.

18 & 17 year olds going out I presume and she has to come along???

That's not normal, I don't care what any of you say

Act like it's cool, like you don't mind at all.
Be a gentleman, create some conversations with them and then they'll feel more comfortable with you.
If you are in fact smashing already, this isn't that serious just keep it real casual between you and your girl, don't make it awkward and have fun. Befriendly with the mom, make her laugh and you'll be all good. Just watch the same movie, be polite, conversate, offer to pay etc. etc.

Now if you were just beginning to talk to this girl and her mom was on some overprotective %+!# it would be a different story but this isn't that serious,make the best of it.
Let it be. What's the worse that could happen? Her mom sitting right between you guys sharing one small bag of unsalted popcorn?
It's lame. But there's nothing else you can do. I mean unless you wanna just say eff your grl. Best thing I could tell you is just to make a goodimpression. Shows manners, respect, you know. That should eventually convince her that y'all two can go out by yourselves.
hope that she's gonna go to a diff theater and smash there. then take her undies and give them to her mom
if her moms is coming to the movies with her, chances are shorty is a freak. the ones with the overprotective parents always wild out once they get from underthe parental supervision
13-15, sure.



Hole in the bottom...Meat in the hole..

Good ol' popcorn trick, word to Great Moments in Hookup History.
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Did I miss it, or has this seriously gone 4 pages without someone suggesting to try to get 'em both in bed.
Really though. This is how those situations are made. Go for the threesome OP!
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