^^ god damnit. Now RKO is gonna come in here with some paragraph long response on how god never turns his back on anyone & all that other jazz
If there ever was a time to start repenting its NOW! my opinion is to just to treat ppl the way you want to be treated-it sounds ayo but its true..
Do it because it's the right thing to do and not because of a religion.

If you need to do it through religion, then do it through religion.
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by jibbycanoe

you in the wrong place to proclaim this. please don't go off on how everyone else should follow your path now. born agains FTL. the only thing that is really wrong is your avy
Man, shutup I asked who is with me. I didnt say FOLLOW ME, Patrick Duffy.
fam im with you slightly on this. ima stop cussing & start treating people better & all that.

but im not gonna stop having premarital sex
Originally Posted by Khlav Kalash

I already try not to. I never do in front of women.

what the $&*#

lol but good luck to you, but really its not worth it! life is life and words/actions/emotions should be let free.

#*&$ this &^$# is wack! i would never stop %%@$++$ cussing!
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

I realized today NT, that I'm not living my life the way God said I should. No more of my post will be filled with smashing, awesome jawsome, and profanity. Who's with me?!


Where is team born again?



Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

I realized today NT, that I'm not living my life the way God said I should. No more of my post will be filled with smashing, awesome jawsome, and profanity. Who's with me?!


Where is team born again?
I feel you bo.

Turned my life around in the last year and a half.

Its the best possible thing you can do in this life. Our society promotes destruction and scoffs at righteousness...._ is all @ss backwards.

My only advice is...don't get caught up in the trappings of religion. Rather, explore yourself and fine tune your spiritual connection with the world andyour God.

Good luck my G.

Stay focused.
Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

I realized today NT, that I'm not living my life the way God said I should. No more of my post will be filled with smashing, awesome jawsome, and profanity. Who's with me?!


Where is team born again?
I feel you bo.

Turned my life around in the last year and a half.

Its the best possible thing you can do in this life. Our society promotes destruction and scoffs at righteousness...._ is all @ss backwards.

My only advice is...don't get caught up in the trappings of religion. Rather, explore yourself and fine tune your spiritual connection with the world and your God.

Good luck my G.

Stay focused.
What did you do?
Originally Posted by Myron Rhodes

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

I realized today NT, that I'm not living my life the way God said I should. No more of my post will be filled with smashing, awesome jawsome, and profanity. Who's with me?!


Where is team born again?
I feel you bo.

Turned my life around in the last year and a half.

Its the best possible thing you can do in this life. Our society promotes destruction and scoffs at righteousness...._ is all @ss backwards.

My only advice is...don't get caught up in the trappings of religion. Rather, explore yourself and fine tune your spiritual connection with the world and your God.

Good luck my G.

Stay focused.
What did you do?

you dont have to take up religion to better yourself. That #!#% is just like a crutch for those who question their own resolve.
Originally Posted by Myron Rhodes

Originally Posted by abeautifulhaze

Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

I realized today NT, that I'm not living my life the way God said I should. No more of my post will be filled with smashing, awesome jawsome, and profanity. Who's with me?!


Where is team born again?
I feel you bo.

Turned my life around in the last year and a half.

Its the best possible thing you can do in this life. Our society promotes destruction and scoffs at righteousness...._ is all @ss backwards.

My only advice is...don't get caught up in the trappings of religion. Rather, explore yourself and fine tune your spiritual connection with the world and your God.

Good luck my G.

Stay focused.
What did you do?

Stopped smoking marijuana.

Cut my alcohol intake to a minimum.

Tried to completely leave any trappings of an illegal and immoral lifestyle behind.

Stop having sex with random girls...just because I could.

Stop playing around with my education.

Tuned out television. Picked up books again.

Took a look back at my life to this point. Assessed who I was and who I wanted to be.

Started investigating different forms of spirituality around the world. Found them all to have the exact same things at the roots.

Investigated the history of world religions and saw the outright lies and ways that the state has always used religion as a tool of control.

Tried to uplift my soul and converse with a higher power more intimately.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

why did you stop smoking trees?
That was probably the toughest part...

But I had to look at things objectively.

I had been smoking for 10 years. At least 3 times a day....Where is the line drawn of being an addict/abuser and being overly dependent on something.

I wanted to prove to my self that I could honestly stop and stay off anything. That I didn't need and subsatnce to function and enjoy life.

Plus I was ruining my potential and hanging around people that weren't on my level just because they smoked.

My spirit, mind and body has never felt stronger. Feel like I have a new life.

I will probably partake in the herb again in the future...but I have goals to achieve right now and honestly...Im not missing it at all right now.
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