NT I Need to Invest... Best Options from experience?

I don't doubt that there are people who beat the market more than others, but I'd consider them the exceptions rather than the rule. There are always outliers and I have not seen anything strong enough to refute the semi-strong form of the EMH. You should check out the book "When Genius Failed" ...
Amazon product ASIN 0375758259
As far as Buffet, he gained most of his wealth through investing in under-valued businesses, not stocks. He's unique in the fact that when he likes a company, he buys a large interest, often firing management and replacing them with his own. Therefore, it's his business-sense that made him wealthy. 

That is is not true at all. Buffet never fires management. He is known for keeping the company intact and rarely even speaking to management. Also his stock picks have beaten the market for decades, so how can you say fundamental analysis don't work when it worked for him for 20+ years straight? And its not just him, there are more people who consistently beats the market, he is the most famous so I use him. BTW I already read that book.
It is so hard to find ppl who are serious about making big moves nowadays....All want it, most just talk, and few actually do it.

This is so true esp the bold
My advice (and probably anyone else's who knows anything about corporate finance):

If you really want to play the stock market but have no idea how to analyze securities, I would recommend purchasing broad-market ETFs, such as SPY.  I would also recommend placing a portion in broad market ETFs in foreign industries (emerging markets, Europe, etc.).

You should concentrate on diversifying your portfolio to maximize yourreturn per unit of risk.  Ideally, you would want to diversify yourportfolio by purchasing a "world market" security.

But you should also consider looking into bonds and other investment vehicles as well.  Most people wanting to invest usually tend to focus too much on equities. 
What's the minimum initial contribution for most roth ira's?

I know Vanguard is 3k, is it similar for other funds?

bump btw
well the minimum initial roth contribution changes depending on the financial company you're investing through. vanguard, fidelity, most major banks, etc... all have different minimum investments, or automated monthly contributions. you should look into the ones that you're interested in, and contact a financial planner for more specific info.
You guys aren't kidding about the rates on ING. I'd rather light money in a fireplace with that kind of yield.
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