NT i just made a Twitter....have i really been missin that much?

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

dont be a lame, delete that asap

no comment.................................

twitter is like #NT 2.0....i honestly only use twitter cuz of NTers on there are entertaining....sig BTW.........

Originally Posted by Mac A Roni

yeah what is this twitter @!+* i keep hearing?

FTR, I wrote this months ago...just thought it applied...

After thinkin about it a lil, I realize I hate Twitter. I do. Obviously you have a computer/cool cell phone so you know what that is...or at least I hope.Anyway, I think its the most pointless %$$@ ever in the history of humankind...I mean, seriously...what possible important %$$@ can you say with 140 (I think)letters? Did you know they ran a study on Twitter, and only 8% of the posts on the ENTIRE website were about anything at all? Which means 92% of the things youread on there are 'omg I'm bored lol', 'i had a great time last night, wish I could find my panties' or 'im sitting on theporch'...and people spend all day on that sunbia. I do not get it at all...I don't get the appeal. (Apparently neither do Twits...I asked one personwhy she liked Twitter, she said I don't...but everyone else does so I got one...great rationale sweetie...)

Its like they took all the worst parts of Facebook and Myspace and put them together... If I wanted to sit there and read random facebook statuses all damnday, id...y'know...get on facebook...at least fb does other things. By the way...Twitter is not a %+!@+! news source. It don't belong on the newspaperor on the tv news that nobody said nothin on Twitter cuz 1) it might not be them...anybody could get a pic and say they whoever they want. I bet right now if Igot a pic of some random female celebrity, started a Twitter account and said I was pregnant it would be in the %+!@+! paper and all over the internet by thisafternoon...I think that's tragic.... and 2) Its %+!@+! Twitter. What's next, they gonna start publishing celebrity text messages and %$$@? Its thatdeep?

And oh no, don't even get me started on how I feel about 'following' folk. (No, you don't make friends on Twitter, you follow folk) Sillyrabbit, I'm not followin you, I don't even know you! (Imagine if a dude came up to you in the street talkin bout some 'follow me'...brothaplease...) My mommy raised me not to be a follower. Only people over the age of 5 that follow other people are tour groups, cult members and stalkers...comethe @!@$ on. Not only that...you don't post, you 'tweet'. Now you tell me if a grown @** man should be tweeting under any circumstances...tweetingin real life can get you in a straitjacket or your @** kicked depending on where you are. I don't think it should be any different online. Point is,Twitter sucks, you prolly suck if you use it, and whoever came up with that $++%@*%% should be hung upside down, filled with candy and beaten with a stick. Butthat's just one man's opinion..
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