At least you got a piece of the pie. And i dont know why your tripping when it wasn't even official.
Originally Posted by HighRep87

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by dbbabd

NT man I just need a place to vent. Ok so this girl i been talking to ( not official bf/gf but just about) we spend most of our time together and i treated her so good. I feed her, we slept together 6/7 days
, had sex, jusst everything together . I was basically her only friend on this campus and she even told me she loved me first. We had been carrying this on for about 3/4 months. So fast foward to this weekend. She goes to another college to visit her best friend from back home and its my girls bday. I dont trip but long story short she came back to my room the next night after she got dropped off by her bestfriend, we lay in bed and cuddle and talk about her bday weekend. The next morning i wake up and see a damn hickey on her neck. I played it cool and said "what the hell is that on your neck", she says "oh ntn (with a lil crappy grin)". I had soo much work due in less than an hour so i let her leave without scolding her for the hickey. So i wrote her on FB while in class sayin " yo its over, you doin ya thing and not worried about me obviously". and we had a argument over FB. 2 hours later her status is. " ShaWty sAy hE waNna Be mY oFFicAl [boY]..hAHa yEa u S0 SpEciAl boY". Man NT i dont know what to think. She does like to play games to make me mad and think other things but i am done with her. But i just feel so played that she would put that as her status. This is just a Vent post. Why cant woment appreciate a good man, then all of them complain about how we dogs. Its over for these collge females now. NO MORE TRICKN AND NO MORE TREATIN.....just str8 beatin.

What are you her grandfather?
And she's not even your official girl, if you were so worried about her you would've been made that official.
Stop crying.

that is like a slap in the face there.
Love the responses

Kinda weird how you two are intimate for all those months and she goes and does that(Whatever she did...).. I understand you two aren't"official" and I don't think she is wrong(again, for whatever she did, its all speculation as of now)but don't people gain feelings for oneanother when they are @ that point in their relationship/friendship(Having sex)?? I mean, are we not Human? LOL
" ShaWty sAy hE waNna Be mY oFFicAl [boY]..hAHa yEa u S0 SpEciAl boY"
I expect you to keep taking more L's in the future if you simp a ho that types like that for 4 months
Scolding huh? Move it along. You got some right? Case closed.

Someone insert B Sigel's stoneface pic.....

somebody throw this kid a party

but yo it sounds like you were tryin to do much too early
if you spend enough time w/somebody you cant help but to start feelin for that person, i dont care what nobody says. but the fact you acknowledged yourselfyall werent official speaks for itslef. but at the end of the day dont try to get back at her or nothin like that jus take it easy and move on youll be coo
Originally Posted by vasweetz


Did you not say you guys weren't official??? Well there you go...


OP YOU shoulda minded ya own damn business, now you got nobody to talk and cuddle with smh.

no grammar check needed, yea i said minded.
Aye brisco don't sweat it. She's a RUNNER! Just go ahead and let her do her thang, you can't turn a ho into a house wife
if it wasn't "official" whatever that means, why didn't you just shrug it off and get yours still?
What's keeping it from being "official"? Were you messing around with other females?
Originally Posted by Piff Marley

Originally Posted by dbbabd

NT man I just need a place to vent. Ok so this girl i been talking to ( not official bf/gf but just about) we spend most of our time together and i treated her so good. I feed her, we slept together 6/7 days
, had sex, jusst everything together . I was basically her only friend on this campus and she even told me she loved me first. We had been carrying this on for about 3/4 months. So fast foward to this weekend. She goes to another college to visit her best friend from back home and its my girls bday. I dont trip but long story short she came back to my room the next night after she got dropped off by her bestfriend, we lay in bed and cuddle and talk about her bday weekend. The next morning i wake up and see a damn hickey on her neck. I played it cool and said "what the hell is that on your neck", she says "oh ntn (with a lil crappy grin)". I had soo much work due in less than an hour so i let her leave without scolding her for the hickey. So i wrote her on FB while in class sayin " yo its over, you doin ya thing and not worried about me obviously". and we had a argument over FB. 2 hours later her status is. " ShaWty sAy hE waNna Be mY oFFicAl [boY]..hAHa yEa u S0 SpEciAl boY". Man NT i dont know what to think. She does like to play games to make me mad and think other things but i am done with her. But i just feel so played that she would put that as her status. This is just a Vent post. Why cant woment appreciate a good man, then all of them complain about how we dogs. Its over for these collge females now. NO MORE TRICKN AND NO MORE TREATIN.....just str8 beatin.

I wouldn't stress over this one.

Yea man..bizzybody
Originally Posted by 703 Hwy

Post her FB so Fresh Product can send her the link
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I didn't send her the link fam.. Someone sent me a Print Screen and I posted it in thatdudes thread. I don't throw salt on the next man.[/color]
but you hugged her, loved her!

why you holla, why you bother?

get wise kid, open ya eye lids!

once in a while i dive in it........

say you like to lay up dawg an play footsie.

ahahhaa that track is so classic
That's why you gotta reserve emotions. when someone knows they have all of you, they hold thatp ower over you.
Originally Posted by dbbabd

so this girl i been talking to ( not official bf/gf but just about)

I was basically her only friend on this campus and she even told me she loved me first.

we lay in bed and cuddle and talk

"what the hell is that on your neck", she says "oh ntn (with a lil crappy grin)".

Game. Set. Match!
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