NT I am homeless and need someones help in the Bay Area

OP you sound like a bum...alcohol and medicinal marijuana? this is one of the reasons why you need to go to Cali?  
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Also I say the Bay Area because all theyre looking for is the area code to match up... and there are a lot of reasons why SF is my chosen destination... one of the best public transportation systems in the country... is very well known for the sheer number of restaurants and I'm a cook.. beautiful city... wonderful weather... housing prices are really not all that different than Portland... its just a place I can imagine living... and the medicinal marijuana is a factor as well... its the only thing I touch, including alcohol mostly, and the fact that I could do something I enjoy legally is appealing to me... but that's not even a huge factor in it...

you keep saying im a "cook" but what kind? but the last sentence kinda scares me regarding about coming out here for drugs (marijuana) i know its not a huge factor but it still is a factor. seriously. i work in a food and beverage industries now for quite some time, and im not sure someone will hire you if your only experience based on what you told us is working in a pizza place and or they are all under the table.
Originally Posted by pookieman

OP you sound like a bum...alcohol and medicinal marijuana? this is one of the reasons why you need to go to Cali?  

Hate to kick the dude while he's down, but...
Weed is not a good reason to move somewhere. You're better off staying in Portland if that's high on your list of pros...


You're broke and homeless wasting money on weed? C'mon man...
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

In your position, already homeless, I wouldn't leave a job to go somewhere you have no contacts, no plans and no one to help if nothing goes your way.

Get two jobs, stack your paper and THEN move.

I already don't have any contacts or help out here... and nothing is really going my way out here either... and it'd be really difficult to hold two jobs as I have a hard enough time getting enough sleep as it... I get done at work at about 12:30 am and don't get to sleep till about 3am... I am kicked out the shelter at 7:30 and there are not really any other places to sleep... I have a little under 2000 saved up right now so it isn't like m heading out without anything... just trying to save myself some money...
How good of a cook are you? Like what kind of restaurant did you work at before? Your reasons for choosing SF really aren't that good. However, if you're homeless, I suppose weather becomes a strong factor and theirs is great.
$2000 in SF will be gone in less than a month. Sleep? You that comfortable that you're worried about sleep over getting out of that situation?
this gotta be a troll thread..........gotta be .....like medicinal marijuana should not be a factor for your move b

nah but i send my best wishes
Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

In your position, already homeless, I wouldn't leave a job to go somewhere you have no contacts, no plans and no one to help if nothing goes your way.

Get two jobs, stack your paper and THEN move.

I already don't have any contacts or help out here... and nothing is really going my way out here either... and it'd be really difficult to hold two jobs as I have a hard enough time getting enough sleep as it... I get done at work at about 12:30 am and don't get to sleep till about 3am... I am kicked out the shelter at 7:30 and there are not really any other places to sleep... I have a little under 2000 saved up right now so it isn't like m heading out without anything... just trying to save myself some money...

Bro did u see my post??
Originally Posted by Brolic Scholar

Originally Posted by pookieman

OP you sound like a bum...alcohol and medicinal marijuana? this is one of the reasons why you need to go to Cali?  

Hate to kick the dude while he's down, but...
Weed is not a good reason to move somewhere. You're better off staying in Portland if that's high on your list of pros...


You're broke and homeless wasting money on weed? C'mon man...
Originally Posted by pookieman

OP you sound like a bum...alcohol and medicinal marijuana? this is one of the reasons why you need to go to Cali?  


clean up your act OP. none of that is any good for you right now
You should consider moving to oakland. Rent is waay cheaper and its only a few train stops away from sf. Just do research on which neighborhoods to avoid
Originally Posted by pookieman

OP you sound like a bum...alcohol and medicinal marijuana? this is one of the reasons why you need to go to Cali?  

You cannot survive on 2k in SF. It will be gone by the end of the month. Its expensive compared to where you are from where there is a very low cost of living. My friend who moved out there said that if he didn't have an internship that covered his rent and expenses then he would still be in NY. You seriously need to sit down and think about this. Stay in Maine for the time being and draw up a plan. This is something that'll effect you for a long time.
Yeah man I'm from the Bay and I don't think SF would be the best place for you to get back on your feet at. I know the advice of some stranger on the internet might not mean that much to you but you should try moving somewhere close by where you can stack for a little bit and then move out to SF with some savings
Dude, you ever consider NOT living in a metro area? Living in smaller towns will save you some dough and you might have an easier time finding a job. For the amount of cash you have on hand in my area you could move here and live for a few months.

I don't think running away to an expensive city with nothing but 2 g's is the best game plan. You already have one job out in Portland, right? I know you're down emotionally and you want to get the hell out, but you can't be impulsive right now. You will not last in San Francisco. I've never been in your situation but you're only 22 years old. Maybe you can get food stamps? Just see what the government can offer you. 

-Government/community support (if any)

-Stop spending money on dank (it's hard to believe, but getting keyed is the last thing you should be doing)

-Stay at the shelter

-See if any of your family can help you out in some way

-Find a second job and save or get more hours at your current job

-Save up for community college or join the military

I don't know the situation with your family, but goddamn man, I don't think any mother would want her son homeless. You're still young. Are you sure there's no way she can support you? I'm not going to tell you to get your *+!% together. You're a grown +$$ man. What I am saying though is that you have options that can turn this situation around and I suggest you take them before this gets worse.

And please don't post this kind of *+!% on NT if you're only going to hear what you want to hear. 

Stay up! 

Originally Posted by CelticsPride34

The only family I have is my mother and a little sister... I haven't talked to her in bout a year and have no desire to do so... she's done me wrong to many times and I'm just better off not having contact...

As far as going out there... I just really need a change... I'm 22 and just want to find a place I can call home... all I want outta life is to be happy and that will not be accomplished in Portland... I just want to go out and get my !+%@ together...
How did your mom and sister do you wrong? 
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