NT I am homeless and need someones help in the Bay Area

Jan 5, 2004
So I am looking for someones help on here... I am currently homeless and have been since November... I am not homeless as a result of substance usage, criminal activity, etc... but whether i simply had a had time finding work after my job had pretty much screwed me over before that ( I was working under the table and the owners suddenly decided to close for the winter, which is the opposite of what i was told)... anyways I found a job at a pizza place (I'm a cook) in January and lasted a little over a month until they found out I was homeless and I was told they did not want homeless people working there (another under the table job)... I have been working no since the end of March and I have been saving up to get into a place....

Which leads me here... I've decided i don't want to live where i am now... Portland Maine... I've just grown to really dislike the place and I really need a change... I've decided to move to San Fransisco... I just can't find a reason not to... I've always wanted to go out there and I just figure this is the time... I don't plan on going out here and being a professional homeless person... I plan on coming out here and bumming it for a couple weeks and explore the city while at the same time throwing resumes and applications into the many restaurants that is out there... the truth is that I'm just not happy, regardless of my situation, and this just is not a place I find myself wanting to live...

Anyways the shelter I've been sleeping at offer a program in which they'll provide you with a free bus ticket to wherever you want to go... the only condition is that you provide them with someones number... they basically call you to confirm that the person coming out and staying with you... I am not asking to stay with you, in fact that is the last thing I want... I am not asking for anything from anyone... I do not want a free handout... what I am asking for is someone to help me out and tell the shelter that I am staying with you...

I'm doing this for a couple reasons... the main reason is that this would save me $250-$300... I'm moving out there regardless of whether I need to pay for ticket myself... just trying to get myself outta this hole as quick as possible...

If anyone has any questions I'd be happy to answer them... thank you...
Good luck man. Lived out of my car once. That !!%! was hell. Keep your head up and your nose clean.

Curious, what's your goal in SF?
Damn. You don't have ANY family that you can stay with? I'd be trying to get something stable before I made a cross country trip.
SF or matter of fact california has one of the largest unemployment rate in the country, im juss saiyan.

and yes what is your goal in sf?
OP..i'd come to DC/Nova. Somewhat stable econ.. less of a drastic journey
Move to New Hampshire man, I used to live there....everything is cheap, no taxes, no insurance required....a good place to get back on your feet. 
The only family I have is my mother and a little sister... I haven't talked to her in bout a year and have no desire to do so... she's done me wrong to many times and I'm just better off not having contact...

As far as going out there... I just really need a change... I'm 22 and just want to find a place I can call home... all I want outta life is to be happy and that will not be accomplished in Portland... I just want to go out and get my !+%@ together...
join the military, i think its really one of the great options for you right now.

regarding about moving to sf and stuff, you said you were a cook? what kind and what kind of work are you looking for here? what's your resume looks like? experience etc.
In your position, already homeless, I wouldn't leave a job to go somewhere you have no contacts, no plans and no one to help if nothing goes your way.

Get two jobs, stack your paper and THEN move.
Damn man, that's really sad to hear especially being so young. I wish I could help out in some way. IDK if going all the way cross country to SF is the best move for you though. Best of luck.
Good luck with your situation by the way....but in order to get some help out of NT, you are going to have to tell us some more info....why can't you get a real job? Why do you keep blaming others for your short comings?  It seems as though you don't take any responsibility for your situation...and that will NOT get you very far my man or female

Also I say the Bay Area because all theyre looking for is the area code to match up... and there are a lot of reasons why SF is my chosen destination... one of the best public transportation systems in the country... is very well known for the sheer number of restaurants and I'm a cook.. beautiful city... wonderful weather... housing prices are really not all that different than Portland... its just a place I can imagine living... and the medicinal marijuana is a factor as well... its the only thing I touch, including alcohol mostly, and the fact that I could do something I enjoy legally is appealing to me... but that's not even a huge factor in it...
co-sign on military. u can be a cook in the navy
I used to live in Cumberland, damn...Im in Orange County or else I would help...My sister is in Berkeley though???

What hs you go to etc...we HAFTA know some of the same ppl...
Get a job at a fast food place and maybe the deli section of a super market. Both those jobs have some kind of "cooking" involved and there fairly easy to get.
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

co-sign on military. u can be a cook in the navy

Originally Posted by moundraised23

i'd personally suggest SD over SF if its goin to be cali
maybe shoot down south
good luck to u ho

Dudes are hurting out here in SD. If you don't know someone, there aren't many jobs going around.
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