NT How Much Do You Owe In Student Loans? vol. But First They Gotta Find Me

Originally Posted by ps2child

Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Find you? HAHA Silly Rabbit. They garnish your wages, bank account, etc if need be.

your avy is the greatest of all time
Preciate it fam
Originally Posted by baseballer10p

Originally Posted by ricky409

Originally Posted by baseballer10p

started at about $100,000... down to about $80,000. I went to marquette, 4.5 years


for undergrad, famb??
lol yeah, for undergrad. i'm just trying to get it down to a manageable level so i can live without putting a quarter of my paycheck towards student loans. sucks
damn this ginger i used to date went there too, she had expensive tastes and i'm sure she didn't pay her own tuition but wow didn't know it was that much there
Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Originally Posted by Jehul

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

gotta find you? They have your SSN. School loans are the one thing you'll never hide from. R.I.P.
Truth. There's no way to get out of paying student loans (not even declaring bankruptcy).
Generation Y should  follow the path of their elders (babyboomers re mortgages) and pressure politicians to bail them out too.

* OP, I thought NT'ers ball so hard, what’s 50 grand in loans to a Nter like you?
Can you please remind us?
eh, denouncing your U.S. citizenship.. May not be the answer now, but sooner than later, it won't matter. I can name a few other countries/islands that got my name on them for life.
I'm maxed out in Fed loans, only private is $4g's.. There are quite a few ways to knock out the fed loans w/o ever paying a cent.

Nobody is going to consider your first option and your second statement is pretty vague...
I got out with about 8K, Id say the average/normal at UT-Austin where I graduated from is somewhere between 40-60K
Ironic this thread popped up. I'm doing my exit loan counseling right now, I'm at close to $30,000. I graduate next month.
Originally Posted by IamDavidRice

Originally Posted by UTVOL23


feels batman

Please explain this smh

Came out of undergrad with no student loans. This is all medical school  and it grows everyday. Minimum monthly payments alone are over$2500.
CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY!  Did this just happen to anyone else?  I have 12k on myedaccount direct loans and my dad has 13k still remaining from college.  I just logged in to check how much I have paid in loans (for this post) and SOMEHOW the loans have been paid off completely.  It says, "other" as the person/organization/angel that paid off the loan.  It is probably just a hiccup, but wondering if this is or has happened to anyone else?
About $23k from 4 years of undergrad at St. John's.

Managed to get graduate school paid for through a grad assistantship, luckily.
I'm going to be in the $120k range. Around 98% from medical school. I'm guessing I'll have it paid off within 10 years.
~100K when I leave in may

Got a couple interviews lined up, I plan on putting around 50% of my income toward paying them down for the next 4-5 years.

My degree is in Operations Management but I seem to only be getting recriuted for sales positions 
I owe between 10-12k. All this while I was going to Liberty
. I transferred to GMU and now I don't pay a penny. Get $200 back from grant money
Originally Posted by Hess Side 978

~100K when I leave in may

Got a couple interviews lined up, I plan on putting around 50% of my income toward paying them down for the next 4-5 years.

My degree is in Operations Management but I seem to only be getting recriuted for sales positions 
where you at fam? Silicon Valley seems to have a decent amount of Ops jobs and Sales Ops jobs.
Originally Posted by Wr

for ya'll in the 100k and up range. Were your fields of study lengthy, pricey school or both

Pricey.  I'm pretty close to that $100k range... and I have two years left
ill be graduating from NYIT in May with a Bachelors of Science and i owe about $11,000 between 1 year at St. Johns Univeristy (waste of time) and 2 years at NYIT.  I went to BMCC after St. Johns and BMCC was fully covered by grants and F.A.   I should have the loans paid off by next winter. 
Originally Posted by Jehul

Originally Posted by lilpro4u

Originally Posted by Jehul

Truth. There's no way to get out of paying student loans (not even declaring bankruptcy).
Generation Y should  follow the path of their elders (babyboomers re mortgages) and pressure politicians to bail them out too.

* OP, I thought NT'ers ball so hard, what’s 50 grand in loans to a Nter like you?
Can you please remind us?
eh, denouncing your U.S. citizenship.. May not be the answer now, but sooner than later, it won't matter. I can name a few other countries/islands that got my name on them for life.
I'm maxed out in Fed loans, only private is $4g's.. There are quite a few ways to knock out the fed loans w/o ever paying a cent.

Nobody is going to consider your first option and your second statement is pretty vague...


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