NT:How Good is Troy Polamalu?

i'll end this early ... ED Reed is better ... /thread

but to answer ur ? ... he is very good ... i mean look @ that def. w/o him
Most valuable player on a defending super bowl champions team.

They look horrible without him playing.
hes very good but his style of play often leaves him out of position.
fortunately he has the physical tools to recover quickly. and him and ed
reed play 2 different positions
Originally Posted by cRazy dav0

i'll end this early ... ED Reed is better ... /thread

but to answer ur ? ... he is very good ... i mean look @ that def. w/o him

Originally Posted by King Beef

Most valuable player on a defending super bowl champions team.

casey hampton isnt even the best player on that dline. they rotate him out for about 60 percent of the snaps.
hes way overweight and teams can always run off his weak side
The difference between Ed and Troy is non-existant and if there is a difference is pretty minute. Ed Reed creates points better than anyone so that is prollywhat separates him from Troy.
Originally Posted by solarius49

casey hampton isnt even the best player on that dline. they rotate him out for about 60 percent of the snaps.
hes way overweight and teams can always run off his weak side

i know this is just bait... somebody is trying to set me up here. so i'm just going to shake my head at you in disgust. not because everything you saidwas incorrect, but because you have no idea what his role in that defense is... and apparently you believe the best run defense in the league during his timehere in the burgh has nothing to do with him.

He is not the best player on the line, that much is true... he's also probably close to retiring though, so i'm not sure how he would be.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

The difference between Ed and Troy is non-existant and if there is a difference is pretty minute. Ed Reed creates points better than anyone so that is prolly what separates him from Troy.

as a lifelong steelers fan.. i'll say it now, Ed Reed is a much better safety than Troy.

I don't even really consider Troy a football player in comparison to Ed.... Troy is a great athlete, he has good closing speed and does a nice job in runsupport. He's not a great tackler, doesn't have great hands, and isn't the best in coverage. But he makes up for a lot of that by putting himselfin favorable position.

Ed Reed does all of those things better, and add to that he is a ball hawk as good as any I've ever seen... then, once he gets the ball, he's one ofthe better returners I've ever seen with it. He can hit you hard as almost anybody and make plays on passes. He's a machine.
Troy's skills in runs support are superior to Ed Reed's without a doubt. Ed is a better playmaker and better in coverage but I don't really thinkEd's tackling ability is really much better than troy's. While Troy definitely only makes those ankle tackles, I think he covers ground better thanReed does once the ball is caught. I'll retract the statement, Ed is better but it isn't a wide a gap as people on NT make it out to be imo.
He is a great player. Him and Reed are much different players, hard to compare but Ed is better. However for Pitt, Troy fits perfectly which is all thatmatters. What sort of answers did you expect, that he sucks?
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Troy's skills in runs support are superior to Ed Reed's without a doubt. Ed is a better playmaker and better in coverage but I don't really think Ed's tackling ability is really much better than troy's. While Troy definitely only makes those ankle tackles, I think he covers ground better than Reed does once the ball is caught. I'll retract the statement, Ed is better but it isn't a wide a gap as people on NT make it out to be imo.

Much better response, and I agree with most of it.

Steelers def. need him back in the lineup ASAP.
I never quite understood this argument. They're two different players, really.

Albeit Reed is better, but still...
Okay okay...as a Steelers fan I despise the Ravens, BUT the arguements on this thread have been somewhat accurate to some extent...Troy and ED are both greatplayers no doubt about it. Troy is very good in recognizing plays and disrupting and offense, especially run plays. and when he does guess incorrectly, likesome of you have pointed out, he has amazing recovery speed to get himself back in place to make a play. Thats why LeBeau allows him to roam before the snapbecause he knows that Troy has that ability so he's not worried. 2nd, If you think that Troys presence doesnt have an effect on our D then yourmistaken...When hes there, its much more difficult for an opposing QB to determine where our zone blitzes and rushes are coming from. Troy is a better runsupport saftey but Ed Reed is a much better ball hawk than Troy in terms of Baiting a QB to throw his way when he thinks Reed isnt there or cant make a play.and Once he gets the ball its pretty much pick 6. However, No one here who watches football and watched The steelers can say that Troy isnt as athletic or cantmake the same plays Reed can. Reed makes the coverage plays a little more often then Troy and honestly he gets a huge boost cause hes so good at returning hisint's for TD's. Anyways, to sum up, I think Troy is one of the TOP 2 safetys in the L obviously Reed is the other one. If Troy continues to make playsand stay healthy he'll make the HOF for sure

One of the Top players on one of the decades most consistently dominating Defenses + 2 Rings + stats and probowls and all pro bids = HALL OF FAME
Troy is one of the best to play the position IMO. I can't say he's better than Ed though. Yet, I can't say Ed is better either. They're boththe best right now.
Both are good at what they do. They both roam the fields not really covering anyone, but do so in different styles. Troy can be found closer to the LOS whileReed will be deep. Hence the number of picks Reed gets. But the play different safety too. Reed is a FS Troy is a SS. However, both are reinventing both safetypositions.

But Troy isnt the teams MVP. It would have to be someone on the front 7. Whether its Hampton, Smith, Farrior or Harrison. Its porbably Hampton. He commands adouble-team, and he shuts down the run.
I think Troy is one of the most exciting players in the league. He's a physical freak on the field and while Ed Reed is probably a more intuitive player,Troy accomplishes more in his position and helps his team more than Ed Reed in his. Last years AFC Championship game confirmed that for me.
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