NT how do you get most of your women?

Confidence, no fear, quick convo [not takin' a lot of time to think of an answer/question], witty, and my Colgate smile at opportunities.
Also, make sure you make EYE contact and reciprocate body language.

Try this confidence builder:

Go to the mall with one of your boys, and make a 20 dollar bet to see who can get 10 numbers in an hour.

Even if you lose, you'll still come out with more confidence and a few more prospects.
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

Originally Posted by CreekShow

Just be confident and don't be afraid of rejection. Its gonna happen to the best of us. Also you can't be ugly. And if you are ugly know your standards and stick to them. Don't go hitting on a model chick if you're over there lookin like Rocky Dennis
You were going good until you got to the ugly part. I have seen ghastly looking dudes with the finest girls. Just because your "ugly" does not mean you have to stick to a lower standard..Thats something someone with low self esteem would think...hmmm...

I can see what you are saying but someone asking for advice that doesn't really go up to talk to girls at all might not wanna make a super hott girl theirfirst target. That's all im saying. If dude isn't real handsome he might wanna work up some confidence first. Get a few Ws under your belt with someaverage looking girls before you step your standards up. I guess I coulda elaborated a bit more
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