NT, go ahead and introduce yourself... Hi my name is....

20 years old
Cleveland, Ohio

My life is an absolute mess right now. I've never really had any kind of responsibility, and nobody really pushed me to strive for anything; it'sreally catching up with me.
I'm in love with a girl whom I believe has similar feelings for me, but won't be with me right now because of the aforementioned deficiencies.
I also consider myself a writer of sorts; it's the only academia-related subject I've ever really excelled in.
I feel like a recluse at times; I only go out once in a blue moon. Writing, reading a good book, or watching a game is much more appealing to me.
In just the past few days, I've started to wonder if I have a developing gambling problem. I can only imagine what will happen when I turn 21.
I enjoy observing people. I guess that explains my affinity for sociology.
I can argue with anybody about anything; knowing what I'm actually talking about is a minor detail.
I by no means excel at it, but I love photography.
I conceal my temper very well. I'm an incredibly peaceful person until you push that particular button.
I am that guy MvP, come from a family line of rulers of rulers. Noble descendant, pragmatic, above average, cocky yet confident, lively but introverted,competitor yet graceful... I am one of a few.

My goal in life:

to achieve excellence

the motivation:
My Name is Bobby

- 22 years old
- 6'0 (Tall for a filipino
- Love the way my girl ride for me
- Do Anything for my fam
- West Coast
- Always Chillin
- Make money any way possible
- Freestyle
- Grape and Peach Optimos
- Hennessy
- Manny Pacquiao
- Merc you on fight night round 3
- Go For Mine
Hello, my name is Ivory

I'm from Atlanta and I'm a nymphomaniac. I love sex, can't get enough of that funky stuff.

I like clothes, I like to shop, I like to drink, I like pr0n, I like to see people naked. I like shrooms, I like pills, I like guns, I like nature, I likeeggs, I like milk, I like steak, I like NT, I like the fact that I like sex so much. I like music, I like movies, I like the fact that I like the fact that Ilike sex so much. I like to wear my girlfriend out, I like her too. I like seeing women in panties, I like sex with my clothes on, I like watching animals doit women, I like that I'm me, I like me. I like the internet, I like to swing my thing in the mirror, I like saying nasty things. I like to watch kidsfall, I like taking pictures , I like to sleep naked, I like getting erections for nooo reason, I like pissing off people, I like to kiss, I like Joe Montanna,I like the Hawks. I love Atlanta
My name is Guiliano, Named after my dads best friend who got shot and killed, (He was Italian)

Im 16, NYC HS Student

Working in Food Prep in a Restaurant, Any Money i can get goes to my sneaker collection/buy clothes

Just taking a Day at a time, having sex 3 times a week which is dope, I Dont Smoke Unless its free and theres biddies, im not cheap i just dont feel the needto pay for a natural plant that comes from earth and at most i will just take 2 pulls, just to get a little buzz, I love my friends and fam, idk what else tosay...ttyl

Edit, Im Peruvian
Hi my name is Tim:

-I'm 21.
-I'm black and filipino.
-I'm probably one of only ones in General that loves kicks.
-I'm currently unemployed.
-I look high all the time (long eyelids) even though I'm not.

-I occasionally sleep with my ex's even though that's against my principles.
-I really don't feel like working (but I really need to get a job).
-I've never owned a car (parent's car and public transportation FTW).
-I'm absolutely infatuated with latin girls (although black and filipino girls are coo too).
-Football is better than Basketball.
-Whatup, I'm Rodney and I'm turning 20 in a few weeks.

-I'm a psych major at UMBC, but I wanna be a teacher after undergrad.
-I just came to the realization that I'm afraid of success and I'm pretty sure I'm the personification of unfulfilled potential.
-Besides that, I'm a pretty nice guy once you get to know me. I'll do just about anyone a favor if they really need it.
-I don't prescribe to any religion and I don't believe in karma.
-I need a job.
-I'm very strong about my opinions, pretty stubborn about them most of the time. I'll listen to your argument, but I won't be swayed.
-I like to keep a lot of stuff to myself.
-I'm somewhat Afrocentric, but my GF is Filipino. It confuses people sometimes.
-I'm growing my hair out for dreadlocks. I could start now, but funds are an issue.
-I love my mom.
-I like kicks, but it's an expensive habit that I haven't been able to participate in all year.
-The only thing you can do to REALLY piss me off is touch my hat or call me Rod. Other than that, we can be cool.
Sup, I'm 18 from Brooklyn, NYC

I'm in Pharmacy school (laziest/worst student in my college by far
I like sports (basketball/soccer)
I love hip/hop especially underground, hardcore east-coast rap
I'm really interested in guns/gangs/war/crime and violence for some reason
I'm kinda worried one day someone will push me too far and i'll just snap and off them
I day dream about committing crimes when I'm bored
Originally from Egypt and I actually plan on moving back and living there, even though NYC is pretty cool
I don't care about shoes or fashion like most NT'rs
Starting to
too much
I enjoy playing poker or video games and just chillin
I'm kinda sad that I'm not a better Muslim
Pretty good with money, been investing for a while and now I'm savin for a nice car
Some people think I'm shy or quiet but the truth is I ignore them because they are lames
I need more "real" friends but most people I meet are cowardly herbs

My name is Kix..

I am 6'1, and bi-racial.
I play ball, and don't get along with any of my teammates.
I despise ignorance.
I Love Miles Davis, and Nas circa 94.
I am the funniest guy you'll never meet.
I was a state champion in highschool
I am self conscious about my hair-nothing else.
I don't need a woman for happiness, and I think that bothers women I have had in my life. I appreciate all kinds of music from a social, and technicalaspect. I feel life is black and white, there is a right and wrong way for everything.
I am EXTREMELY sarcastic, to the point where I think people believe I hold certain ideals that i don't.
What up im Cameron

From Pittsburgh
Found NT Lookin for Jordan Release Dates in 04 and Ever since then...
Cop Kicks/Clothes and D/L Music religiously

For the most part im a laid back dude who likes to get the partys poppin/clubs etc.
I Hoop every morning at 7am sharp to start my day off
I dont smoke anymore but i def pop bottles
I am Taylor Gang Orrr Die
I love my city,My crew, My Life.
My name is Trav. I was born on the South Side of Chicago. Lived there until moms gave my pops the ultimatum of getting his life together or she leaving him. After that pops joined the military, so by the age of 10 I had lived in Italy, New Jersey, Germany, and Kansas.

Parents separated and I moved back to Chicago in 92. I won't even lie, it was kind of scary. I still had some old friends there, but I was used to goingto Department of Defense schools and being the only Black dude in my class. I mean living a real good life. So being back around my people and living in thehood was a little scary but necessary.

my first fight I lost
I was swinging, my arms bugging, adrenaline pumping
Oh %!@!, this little ***** thugging
I mean, I was thirteen
I was nursing a knot on my face
But no chose another time and a place
That I would revenge my last fight cuz the same %!@!
Ain't gonna happen that just happen last night
Knuckle-game changed quicker than lighting
Hit 'em, slice 'em
Either stick 'em or blast pipes, its the fastlife

My brothers and I adapted well. A little too well for my mothers liking. We all got a whole lot more aggressive and basically learned the rules of survival. That would have been cool, but my mother decided that she was going to try to get back with pop and work things out because she wanted us to be back in Whitesociety, I guess that's what she calls it. So we moved to KY. Parent's divorced for good and moms decided we'd stay down here.

So that's how I ended up where I am now.

I've been through a lot, and I've seen a lot. I had to drop out of college in 03 due to a Spinal Cord injury. Docs said I'd never walk again. They were wrong, although my football dreams ended with the injury.

But yeah, I bounced back like round ball.

If you heard my whole story, you'd probably say something like "bless your heart" or god forbid " I feel bad for you" and I'dprobably respond back with something sarcastic to make you reevaluate your statements.

I don't think that I'll die of old age, and I'm alright with that.

Two mottoes I live by:

The sooner you realize that there is no universal rule that saws life is supposed to be fair, the quicker you can pickyourself up and adjust.

Your life is what happens when you're making other plans, so love your hard times because they make you a man, things mayhappen that you don't understand, but the one who endures is the one who wins.

Ladies tell me that I have a problem opening up and committing. But when I look around and see all these dudes psyche's getting wrecked by socalled love, I realize that the problem I have is one of those good problems.

I'll graduate in a year with a degree in political science, and after that I'm either going to law school, or I'm going to join the foreignservice.

I enjoy writing, and I'm kind of nice with words, and I'm ashamed that I'm not using my craft the way I should.
So my name is , Edward, 19 years old

- going to college ( kinda messing up)

- Havent had a gf for year now.. but occsionally do drunk girls..

- Smoke whole lotta buddah

life been pretty confusing, loosing more friends than gaining, meeting girls that are nothing but flings... Dont know wht to do with my life.. i dont thinkschool for me, but im still going just to make my parents pride, my goal was to be a Highschool history teacher but that is fadding away..

right now training to join LAPD... and hoping to join the forensic team... if nothing turns out the way i wanted to.. going to join the army...
right now training to join LAPD... and hoping to join the forensic team... if nothing turns out the way i wanted to.. going to join the army...


Had to laugh. You must be smokin anthrax when you post. With the little knowledge we have about you & your Ducktales are you 4real w/ this?

brb ... I'll formally introduce myself in a min ...
... thisdude.
yes im for real about joining the academy.. -_-..

no ducktale in this post unfortunatly.. lol

DIRT's the Name
gettin MONEY the game

Tall, Dark, and HANDSOME
DiMe PiEceS I attracts Em

COOL, SMART, GOOD fellow type of DUDE


I'll cuss your GRANDmother toO!
I'm Lala.
I'm a female.
I eat alot, alot,alottttt.
I reside in Texas.
I'm asian/pakistanian
I'm a photographer in the making.
I'm shmingle.
I'm a myspacer.
My Celica Gt is gone 'till Feb-+%$.
.....is this a the end?
+The name is Saymore, or Say for short. The nickname explains my persona as I'm relatively quiet and unassuming..until you get to know me.
+I'm a college graduate. English major, education minor. I love kids and plan on teaching m.s. or h.s. I'm currently workin w pre-k.
+I write poetry, music, and plays. I want to start a production company so through my work I can say more...
+I'm the baby of the family, youngest of 3. I was raised in a two parent household and was brought up on faith and values. My father is my inspiration(RIP). He proudly saw all three of us graduate from college. My mom is a master gardner, has a sincere caring soul, and is the most righteous person I'veEVER known, besides Jesus.
+my favorite artists include Nas, Kanye West, and Talib Kweli. I also love most r&b. I like to listen to conscious music. And please believe I love mostall the oldies!
+I'm a deep thinker. I'm artsy, original, and love being spontaneous.
+I'm a triple minority (black gay female). I'm a stud (<<like Snoop in my avy from "the wire"), for those that don't knowthat's a male identified female, its more than dressing like a dude its having more in common with them mentally, physically, and emotionally. Most all myfriends are male, a couple cool females that are more like sisters to me. I got a gf of 4.5 yrs that I plan on settling down with. We're currently longdistance to get our careers established. She will be a nurse/massage therapist, I'll be a teacher/author.
+I like wearing fresh kicks, but I'm not into hype, I usually end up with the pairs that are underrated.
+I now live in the south and plan to move to ATL this summer.
+I'll be 24 next Saturday (dec 13th). I'm pretty much everything the sagittarius is described to be.

Anyways, that's me in a nutshell, its nice to get to know you all better, don't be a stranger!
Hi my name is Crank Lucas aka Crank aka C.Lucas aka Lucas aka See Loo Cuss aka C.L.

I drive a charger

I live in Jersey

and I like to photoshop NTers

thats the most you're getting out of me

oh yea and my line up is fresh
I'm jess
i'm black
i was born in may
i'm 29
i drive 2000 blazer
i'm a constant procrastinatior
i never used illegal drugs
i believe in god but don't go to church
i think i'm addicted to tv and food
i really miss nyc
i hate living in a small town
i love sourdough bread
i'm unemployed and tired of staying home
i really wish i had my old job back (dhl)
i should go back to school and finish my degree
hi, im cq23,
im afraid of change, germs, and not being liked.
contrary to popular belife, i actually didnt go to that girls house and smash/ lie about smashing. that is girl is not even a close friend
Im typing this on my phone and it has a 200 char limit. }:

i also am a very regretfull person, even if i have 100 years to think and analyze a situation, as soon as i decide on something, iregret it
Originally Posted by DearWinter219

Rilla... what, you expected a gov't name!? Hell nah. Anyway, I like to musicate (that's the verb form of what it means to be musicafied). I also like to test my litteracy, argue, smoke, and breathe. I'm basically a protypical NTer then, huh? I like browsing open ended threads an sharing my opinions witjh you guys. I get tired of arbitrary rank this or that threads poluting my NT home, the music forum. Sometimes I'll argue against what you've said just to see if I can win with solid logos (Word to Aristotle) even if I don't believe what I'm saying. I can't help it, my dad was a good 15 years removed from law school when he skeeted me. I'm from the hood and I embrace it head on, yet I despise ignorance in general. How cool is that? I get to be an authentic negro AND be intelligent and positive. Who'da thunk it? I'd say I bring my sarcasm, humor, insight, wisdom, and even my vunerabilities to this board because honestly, it's the best placee on the dubya dubya dot. With that said, nice to meet you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and................ he's cool....and I'm out.

I never understood why people said this
Your parents gave you that name
not the government
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