NT Gardeners Thread

Start small. You are doing it right. Tomatoes and pepper are simple ones.

There are so many resources on YouTube but I mess with

Hollis & Nancy's Homestead - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPVn9bDOp3DfMMKjPrEsIOw/videos

Self Sufficient Me - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/markyv69/videos

Home & Garden - YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbxbwh7MV5YOJ2HMzAu2zDg/videos

What about herbals? Cilantro in particulars

Thank you for your service
What about herbals? Cilantro in particulars

Thank you for your service
The herbs are very easy man.

If you want to start it from seed, just get what you need.

Those can be planted in pots as well, if you have limited space.

You really feel good eating stuff you grew man. I just gifted somebody some Arugula, COllard Greens, and Red Cabbage.

You will have PLENTY of TOmatos though. Get some Basil while you are at it too.

Keep us updated!
Gardeners be annoying sometimes.

I got a neighbor who is always leaving grocery bags of squash on my front porch. The **** I'm gonna do with a bowling ball sized squash. Got me ****** up if you think I'm gonna make a ratatouille.

Once you let them give you that first bag of their yields, it's a wrap. Auto-delivery. They think they're doing you a favor but we all know they outgrew their own demand and need to get rid of it.

I need that same energy when it's persimmon season.
Gardeners be annoying sometimes.

I got a neighbor who is always leaving grocery bags of squash on my front porch. The **** I'm gonna do with a bowling ball sized squash. Got me ****ed up if you think I'm gonna make a ratatouille.

Once you let them give you that first bag of their yields, it's a wrap. Auto-delivery. They think they're doing you a favor but we all know they outgrew their own demand and need to get rid of it.

I need that same energy when it's persimmon season.
saute that squash like benihana
its :pimp:
Here’s a pic I just took from the backyard of the banana tree
She grew it in that tub
Gonna plant it in the new backyard for her this weekend
I would def be interested in growing some chili peppers and spinach

my mom has a crazy garden and my bro is a landscaper so maybe I got da green thumb trait
West Coast like BC?

You go there often?
Ya. Try to go out there once a year. Its very nice, esp in the summer.

If youre an outdoors type person id definitely recommend it over Toronto. Plus the air is just different :lol:
Yea, I have been twice. Once took a drive from SEA.

You are right, there is something in the air man. So peaceful.
We’ve been debating on building some gardens beds, out backyard doesn’t a ton of sunlight. We were given some starter plants yesterday.

Thinking about putting the raised bed to the right of that house looking thing. That spot gets the most sunlight throughout the day.

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DCAllAfrican DCAllAfrican any other YouTube channels or resources you like? I saw the ones you posted on the page before this

I got some cayenne pepper and baby spinach seeds the other day. Gonna plant them next week

was just gonna put them in the ground in my moms garden but she said I should get those rectangle planter boxes (like you’d have hanging under windows) or some regular plant pots

I need to figure out the soil and everything too
cs02132 cs02132 I will just randomly post folks I reference

Watch "Self Sufficient Me" on YouTube

Watch "Gary Pilarchik (The Rusted Garden)" on YouTube

Watch "HortTube with Jim Putnam" on YouTube

Watch "Home & Garden" on YouTube

Watch "Urban Gardening" on YouTube
I dug out some of the ground underneath, lined it, then filled it with just about a cubic yard of a mixture from a local supply. I’m open to any and all suggestions.
I dug out some of the ground underneath, lined it, then filled it with just about a cubic yard of a mixture from a local supply. I’m open to any and all suggestions.
I wish I would have known you were jumping out there, I would have sent you this.

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