NT Fitness heads, come in and talk

check out trader joes or whole food markets for good food/organic selection - you can also buy oatmeal there in bulk.
RyGuy always comin through with good workout/diet advice. Everything I read in magazines online is up to par with what he says, so yes, he's legit.

Guys check out MensHealth.com too, they have some good stuff. Also read their magazine and Men's Fitness. I do on the regular and it helps a ton.

Sleep and cardio are probably the most important things you should be doing. If you're trying to cut and feel you hit a plateau with cardio, start liftingas well. People don't realize that weight lifting is a great calorie burner just as much as cardio.

Hope I helped anyone. And my email is [email protected] if you guys need anything else, my brother is close to getting his personal training license so I liketo think I know what I'm talking about.
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