NT Fitness heads, come in and talk

Feb 3, 2002
I was lookin around online for workout plans and diets and stuff just to switch things up. I exercise a few times a week, mostly weights, not enough cardio. Basketball on the weekends but not much cardio besides a treadmill once or twice a week. Have any of you ever bought a program off TV or online? When I wasbrowsing I saw an ad for "The Truth about Muscle Building" and other things like it. I was interested in somethin like this just to educate myselfmore since my gym routine tends to be the same. If anyone knows any good sites for info, let me know. I'm more interested in diet, things to avoid likeeating too late at night, alcohol, stuff like that. I already know how to lift weights, but i want to learn more about the non-weightlifting part tobodybuilding if that makes sense.
I'd love some meal ideas if anybody wants to share.. just general healthy, protein rich meals that anybody trying to live right knows how to make... alwayslooking for these
Diet is the key. And so is sleep, which a ton of people disregard. Time after time you will read about nutritionists, trainers, bodybuilders tell you that yoursleep plays as much of a roll in your metabolism and general health as anything. Anyway, most of us know what's generally bad for us when we eat....justtry not to eat it. Get rid of soda, beer, mayo, fatty dressings, candy, chips, etc. Stick to lean meats, good fats, and veggies along with fruit. Drink yourwater. And always try to get up and move around and do as much physical activity as you can. Play ball, go on walks, get on the treadmill, go outside, join aclass, etc. When it comes to the gym, ALWAYS be changing up your routine. You should never be saying "my gym routine tends to be the same." Your bodyneeds to be tricked for it to really succeed. If you are doing the same things today that you did last month you have gone too long. If you are doing the sameweight and reps as you did last month you are wasting your time. You make the time to get in there, you have the motivation to get/look better? Stick to whatworks then, dont waste your own time. For more info get on www.bodybuilding.com, www.menshealth.com and similar sites. Honestly if you were to spend an hour onMens Health you would find more info than you know what to do with (routines, new moves, new studies, meal plans, etc).

belle155 - Dont buy anything off TV, most everything you need can be found for free online.

Craftsy - You're probably similar to me, work 45 hours a week blah blah. (Maybe not). I have a desk job that often times doesnt let me leave at all duringthe day to get food. So I plan ahead every week and bring in food. I eat around every 3 hours.... turkey sandwiches, protein bars/shakes, beef jerkey, nuts,fruit, and plenty of water all day. Often bring in leftovers. At night i like to eat salads with chicken.

Hopefully some of that can help!!
Craftsy - You're probably similar to me, work 45 hours a week blah blah. (Maybe not). I have a desk job that often times doesnt let me leave at all during the day to get food. So I plan ahead every week and bring in food. I eat around every 3 hours.... turkey sandwiches, protein bars/shakes, beef jerkey, nuts, fruit, and plenty of water all day. Often bring in leftovers. At night i like to eat salads with chicken.
No 45 hour work weeks yet, but I am very busy from school and work and not home very much to eat, nor able to stock the shelves too much withfood. I like salads with grilled chicken too, and i try to do turkey sandwiches and fruit too... it's hard keeping fresh food around though.

Any suggestions on healthier food with longer shelf lives (maybe up to a month or more?) that can just be bought and throw in the cupboard for awhile? I findmyself without anything that hasn't gone bad whenever i go looking for good food in my house... i need to get more organized i guess, but a lot of healthyfood doesn't have preservatives, obviously, so it's tough staying on top of getting fresh stuff all the time.
Yeah, I got school aswell, I usually bring Tuna + FF mayo sandwiches, extra lean Ground beef/turkey/chicken with pasta, that type of stuff. For snacks I gowith nuts, PB, fruit.
Its too expensive to buy food when you gotta eat like every 2 hours.
my best friend uses nutrisystem...its like 300 for a month and 2 weeks of food. which aint bad plus he doesnt have time to cook. he trains in the morning, thengoes to work, then trains again.
Any suggestions on healthier food with longer shelf lives (maybe up to a month or more?) that can just be bought and throw in the cupboard for awhile? I find myself without anything that hasn't gone bad whenever i go looking for good food in my house... i need to get more organized i guess, but a lot of healthy food doesn't have preservatives, obviously, so it's tough staying on top of getting fresh stuff all the time.

Hmmmm....I would recommend going for a lot of frozen foods. My grocery store (Super Target actually) has really good big bags of chicken stripsthat are the non-breaded kind and last forever. You also can't go wrong with frozen fruit bags, veggies, etc. Healtheir boxed dinners (Healthy Choice, LeanCuisine) aren't awful for you either. I like to stock up and ya they will last for awhile.

You also can stick with natural peanut butter, nuts, jerkey, protein powders, even lower sodium soups now are pretty decent....those things last a long time.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

Any suggestions on healthier food with longer shelf lives (maybe up to a month or more?) that can just be bought and throw in the cupboard for awhile? I find myself without anything that hasn't gone bad whenever i go looking for good food in my house... i need to get more organized i guess, but a lot of healthy food doesn't have preservatives, obviously, so it's tough staying on top of getting fresh stuff all the time.
Hmmmm....I would recommend going for a lot of frozen foods. My grocery store (Super Target actually) has really good big bags of chicken strips that are the non-breaded kind and last forever. You also can't go wrong with frozen fruit bags, veggies, etc. Healtheir boxed dinners (Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine) aren't awful for you either. I like to stock up and ya they will last for awhile.

You also can stick with natural peanut butter, nuts, jerkey, protein powders, even lower sodium soups now are pretty decent....those things last a long time.

So, whats your typical meals like, lets say for a week????
So, whats your typical meals like, lets say for a week????

Word, my eating routine starts with whether I am working out before work or after work. But let's say I spend this week working out at night.

This is all spaced out from when I rise to around 5pm:

Egg whites, Toast with P.B., couple fish oil pills
Multivitamin and Green Tea
Turkey Sandwich with swiss, apple/banana
Green Tea
Heathy Choice box (usually something w/ chicken in it)
Pre-workout supplement (right now its SuperPump)

Workout at 5pm

100% Whey
Big Salad w/ chicken (light vinagrette), couple fish oils
Late night snack if need be

Water all day

You dont need to be perfect, as i mentioned JUST cutting out the crap like candy and chips and soda and heavy carbs is good enough for a lot of people totransform their bodies. So ya, you will learn to like things and see what you can and cannot handle. I rarely if ever use condiments, I don't drink sugarycoffee, I don't eat ice cream or heavy dairy, and i never have soda (I do like my beer though on the weekends
). It's not a diet, it's just a routine and you CAN make it enjoyableso you stick with it. Also depending on your physical activity per day you can up your calories as need be. Right now I'm going light on carbs for thismonth and I've lowered my cardio sessions. I'm 6'2'' 185 right now.
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

Any suggestions on healthier food with longer shelf lives (maybe up to a month or more?) that can just be bought and throw in the cupboard for awhile? I find myself without anything that hasn't gone bad whenever i go looking for good food in my house... i need to get more organized i guess, but a lot of healthy food doesn't have preservatives, obviously, so it's tough staying on top of getting fresh stuff all the time.
Hmmmm....I would recommend going for a lot of frozen foods. My grocery store (Super Target actually) has really good big bags of chicken strips that are the non-breaded kind and last forever. You also can't go wrong with frozen fruit bags, veggies, etc. Healtheir boxed dinners (Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine) aren't awful for you either. I like to stock up and ya they will last for awhile.

You also can stick with natural peanut butter, nuts, jerkey, protein powders, even lower sodium soups now are pretty decent....those things last a long time.

Some good suggestions, thanks man!
Good suggestions RyGuy... I've taken the last 6 months off from all strenuous physical activities to give my body time to recuperate from what I did toit in the Army (TONS of Ruck Marches, running on concrete at at very slow pace, etc.). My knees and back were all kinds of jacked up, so I've just beendoing light bike riding and stretches/light lifting for a bit. That, and I've kind of spoiled myself with eating... after two years of eating food in Iraq,I decided I'd enjoy myself for 6 months.
My body feels goodthough, so I'm ready to start back up.

I'm going to be getting back into working out and eating right (starting Monday). I've already been to Trader Joes and replaced most of the crap foodin my house with the healthy stuff. Now I just have to get motivated!
Originally Posted by RyGuy45

Any suggestions on healthier food with longer shelf lives (maybe up to a month or more?) that can just be bought and throw in the cupboard for awhile? I find myself without anything that hasn't gone bad whenever i go looking for good food in my house... i need to get more organized i guess, but a lot of healthy food doesn't have preservatives, obviously, so it's tough staying on top of getting fresh stuff all the time.
Hmmmm....I would recommend going for a lot of frozen foods. My grocery store (Super Target actually) has really good big bags of chicken strips that are the non-breaded kind and last forever. You also can't go wrong with frozen fruit bags, veggies, etc. Healtheir boxed dinners (Healthy Choice, Lean Cuisine) aren't awful for you either. I like to stock up and ya they will last for awhile.

You also can stick with natural peanut butter, nuts, jerkey, protein powders, even lower sodium soups now are pretty decent....those things last a long time.

Frozen anything is bad for you, good chances are its processed
No 45 hour work weeks yet, but I am very busy from school and work and not home very much to eat, nor able to stock the shelves too much with food.
Co-sign...Going to school from 8 AM to noon, then going straight to work until 5 after that, it makes eating enough throughout the day realtough...That, and I'm broke as ever.
Originally Posted by ady2glude707

Frozen anything is bad for you, good chances are its processed

Not necessarily. There are lots of organic, whole, unprocessed frozen products on the market now. You just have to look at what you're buying to makesure.
Ya, all about eggs for Breakfast, but I opt of Oats instead of toast, but I'll do both sometimes.

Ryguy - how is superpump? (its NO supp right?)
I'm thinking about taking NO xplode in the new year since the last time I was on that I did notice a difference.

My meals are usually aside from breakfast.

(Chicken Breast + WW Pasta or some sort of Carb + Spinich + Fruit) x 5

Not many snacks for me, gotta have those full meals, damn fast metabolism...
can i get some sites to look at? i can google it so dont tell me that but i want to know from someone that already knows good sites what they look at.
bodybuilding.com is what I used back in the day.

Books are useful too.
Here is my base diet for cutting.

2 scoops of whey upon waking up.

Meal 1-1 cup oatmeal with about 3 egg whites, and two whole eggs. Multi

Meal 2-1 cup cottage cheese with fruit

Meal 3- Lunch..Chicken Breast with veggies and rice, usually brown.

Meal 4-Can of Tuna with fruit, or 3 again.

Meal 5-Preworkout 1/2 cup oats with 3 egg whites..1 scoop of whey..Tea spoon of glutamine in water.

Meal 6-Postworkout, 2 scoops of whey in water. Banana for fast digesting carb to rebuild muscles

Meal 7-Chicken Breast/Steak/Tuna/ or Egg whites with veggies and sweet potato..Multi

Meal 8-Before bed. 1 cup cottage cheese and 1/4 oz of almonds.
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