NT fambs....my own brother got me. For 10 Deadstock pairs of sneakers...what do I do? *update page 6

My dude I remember you saying you were from an Middle Eastern family. I know exactly what your talking about with the mother enabling her youngest child. Your stuck in a really hard position. Where we are from, family is everything. To think that your own brother would steal twice from you is despicable. Personally, I havent run into that situation, but if I were you I'd press those charges. I dont think kicking his *** is gonna solve anything, and might really ruin the relationship with your mother. I feel for you man, that must really suck. Keep us updated
فتوى (FATWĀ)

You know what to do op.
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Sorry to hear OP.

I'd try to confront him, get his reaso.ing behind his actions.

Most likely the shoes are gone,sorry breh.

If you do end up clapping him dont do it when youre really emotional. Youre gonna be seeing red which in turn you can catch a case for.
Aint worth it breh,yall both gonna be losing.
Wait till you cool down if you do decide on it.

To the people that say its just shoes,like Jay p said its the principle. Famb can f you just like anyone can.
It's family, you handle family business within the family.

If he's already on the streets, then yah he definitely has that street mentality of robbing and stealing especially if he has a habit. Confront him, tell him you want your stuff back, and see what he says. I mean yah it sucks you lost your crap but that's just materialistic stuff that can eventually be replaced. Losing a sibling cannot be replaced.

Personally I would never allow any body in my family be on the streets. I would take a long leave from my job, and drive out to some remote location out in the woods, and work it out with him. No cell phones, no drugs, nothing but survival instincts and see if that time together can bond and mend the issues. You gotta spend the time, energy, resources to help him out fam.
That has to be a terrible feeling. Once again I'm sorry man. I hope everything works out. I wouldn't listen to your mom. She's blinded by her love. You need to do what you have to do. Press charges, whoop his ***. The whole nine.
I - for once - am not listening to a word my mom says at this point. I'm pressing charges, and than I'm hurting him when I see him.

My aunt took my grandma who suffers from dementia to a lawyer and made herself a power of attorney which is effective now even though she's still alive....my grandma unknowingly signed everything over to my aunt :smh: including personal decisions

I have to get permission from my aunt to even see my grandma smh

**** is foul but she was thirsty for my grandma house and money :lol:
Terrible :smh:

:smh: at your moms for "let god deal with it" :smh: :rolleyes

You messed up when that 600 went missing and you didn't raise the issue, he took it as he could press you again ( he did ).

Yeah, what the hell does god have to do with getting your $600 back? It's like she doesn't care your brother is a thief and stealing big amounts of money from you.
My aunt took my grandma who suffers from dementia to a lawyer and made herself a power of attorney which is effective now even though she's still alive....my grandma unknowingly signed everything over to my aunt :smh: including personal decisions

I have to get permission from my aunt to even see my grandma smh

**** is foul but she was thirsty for my grandma house and money :lol:
You can have that voided by claiming she was under undue influence by your aunt and she has a lack of capacity due to her dementia....
My aunt took my grandma who suffers from dementia to a lawyer and made herself a power of attorney which is effective now even though she's still alive....my grandma unknowingly signed everything over to my aunt :smh: including personal decisions

I have to get permission from my aunt to even see my grandma smh

**** is foul but she was thirsty for my grandma house and money :lol:
You can have that voided by claiming she was under undue influence by your aunt and she has a lack of capacity due to her dementia....

Can't remember it word for word but the back of it stated something about agreeing to sign it even if she had mental incompetence...I'll have to look at it again when I go by my moms crib....it was public record so she got it once we found out which is another story in itself :smh:
^^ I would inquire with a lawyer in your state and see if you have a case it can't hurt most of the time you can have a free consultation I wouldn't let that slide if I were you and you were getting screwed out of seeing your grandmother and her assets...

P.S. sorry to derail the thread and sorry to hear what happened to you OP
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Sorry to hear about it OP.

Hopefully you get your stuff back. As for your bro, dude needs help. And hopefully, it's the last time he pulls this stunt on your family.
Damn, i'd be sick too. If he is on some hardcore drugs.. there is a bigger issue than a couple stacks.

Your bro probably has no source of income so he saw that stealing from you was the only way; his mentality.

If you REALLY don't give a **** about your lil bro anymore then whatever let him learn the hard way of living in the streets not knowing where his next meal is gonna come from, eventually he will run out of money and pop up sooner or later, but then again he is your lil brother.

Tough situation, well you already informed the police im sure he is going to be caught ASAP the way he is living life. He's done for man.. you are going to sue the F out of him and get your money while he is in prison.. Or you can try to talk to the kid one last time and see if you can actually help him.
I'm conflicted.

Part of me wants to say track him down and put him in a ditch, and the other part wants me to say find him and get him the help that he needs.

I feel like he's beyond help at this point, though, being as he has the stones to steal from you not only once, but twice.

I wouldn't be concerned about the sneakers or the loss of $, honestly.

I really think helping your brother out should be your #1 concern right now, as hard as that may be.

Cousin, uncle, aunt, I would say **** them, but this is little bro...

Sucks, man.

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OP how are you not sure whether your brother is on drugs or not? That's something you and your fam should have been aware of by now.

If you are 100% sure that he has a drug addiction then beating him up isn't going to help. He isn't stealing just to be an ahole, he's doing it because he needs his next fix and doesn't see any other option.

If he is an addict then you guys need to show him love, not violence.
You aint never seeing those shoes again.

Chalk it up as a L and keep it moving.
Dog he's at a** whoppin status off top brother or not..
1. Stole 6 Hunnid dollars from you out of your room.. Didn't even respect you enough to ask u to let him hold a few dollars..
2. Hit u up for 10 pair of deadstock shoes.. 10 my G!!! Homie only has two feet..

Aint no telling what else he's stolen from you and your momz fam.. Just imagine if you were living on your own going through a rough patch, that 600 would've been a killer..

I'd F him up on site.. Its the principal.. You better check him before somebody with no love for him does.
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