NT... ever experience the scratcher, hitter??? VOL. NO RAPING

I'm a biter

Nothing OD, but I love being bitten. The hickey-esque marks are a b to cover up though.

And I'll dig my nails in a bit but I never scratch. And getting my hair pulled is my other favorite
But I think most people like that don't they?

And I think guys get kind of a bum wrap when it comes to drunk sex. If he's drunker than her it's like oh well but if she's drunker than himit's an issue. Girls are always up in everyone's face about how they're equal to men, but if their judgment is equal shouldn't it be a two-waystreet? I'm not saying it's cool to take advantage of a girl at all but I just think it's kinda unfair to dudes.
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

I'm a biter

Nothing OD, but I love being bitten. The hickey-esque marks are a b to cover up though.

And I'll dig my nails in a bit but I never scratch. And getting my hair pulled when he hittin it from the back is my other favorite
But I think most people that don't they?

And I think guys get kind of a bum wrap when it comes to drunk sex. If he's drunker than her it's like oh well but if she's drunker than him it's an issue. Girls are always up in everyone's face about how they're equal to men, but if their judgment is equal shouldn't it be a two-way street? I'm not saying it's cool to take advantage of a girl at all but I just think it's kinda unfair to dudes.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Galvelocity

I'm a biter

Nothing OD, but I love being bitten. The hickey-esque marks are a b to cover up though.

And I'll dig my nails in a bit but I never scratch. And getting my hair pulled when he hittin it from the back is my other favorite
But I think most people that don't they?

And I think guys get kind of a bum wrap when it comes to drunk sex. If he's drunker than her it's like oh well but if she's drunker than him it's an issue. Girls are always up in everyone's face about how they're equal to men, but if their judgment is equal shouldn't it be a two-way street? I'm not saying it's cool to take advantage of a girl at all but I just think it's kinda unfair to dudes.
Nice add-in
Originally Posted by Galvelocity

I'm a biter

Nothing OD, but I love being bitten. The hickey-esque marks are a b to cover up though.

And I'll dig my nails in a bit but I never scratch. And getting my hair pulled is my other favorite
But I think most people that don't they?
My ex was like this. But she used to scratch like crazy. But she wouldnt realize she was doing it. Cuz when it would be over she would always justsee my back and be like daaaamn I did all that?
Had a chick who liked to bite my tongue for some reason so I took the high road and just kept it doggystyle.
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