NT, Do You Pay Everything On First Date? Vol: Am I Cheap?

Must be me but paying for the first date seems wayyy too serious in a sence....

Like if I pay then its so obvious that I want that good fast. If I go out with a female its always on the friend tip, cause trying to wife a chick can def turn her away.

but paying on a first date might be the best bet if you barelly know the girl and NEED to impress her some how. Just seems like a possible waste of money... might pay the second date... if she earned it
Man yall got it backwards.  its not whether if you're going to pay for the dinner or not, its WHERE you taking her on that first date.  ive been talking about this with both males and females..you take her on a really cheap date and eat with her and pay.  this will determine whether if shes just in it for food or there to just be in company with you.  you got to see where her head is at.  The price of the dinner shouldnt be the first impression, its the connection between the two of you.  i can take a female to get some chicken wings with french fries and eat it with her at the bench and call that a date.  if she doesnt like it, she really wasnt into me now, was she?
Originally Posted by RFX45

For the most part, I pay for the date but my general rule is I cover the first 3 dates.
After that, it depends on how everything is.
First off you mix up one on one get together's and group outings so they don't know when the first date was to begin with.....

Then you never pay. Even try to get her to pay for you.
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23


 Even NT knows I'm smashing ask about my resume kid 

but I've stopped posting girls I smashed cuz you guys are really some snitching simps

tellin girls I've smashed I put pics of them on NT....what part of the game is that 

we supposed to be FAM....fam don't snitch on fam word to mike vick 

(not speaking to you specifically chi, just the people it applies to)
Men go on TOO many first dates in their lives to pay for the first date each and everytime around.

LOL @ The "You must be a scrub if you don't pay for her" logic. Ok.

No, females need to deserve the right to have my hard earned $ spent on her.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Men go on TOO many first dates in their lives to pay for the first date each and everytime around.

LOL @ The "You must be a scrub if you don't pay for her" logic. Ok.

No, females need to deserve the right to have my hard earned $ spent on her.

At most, Ive been on 6 first dates in my 24 years.
depends...i mean if were friends or like were not really talkin yet I wont pay. But i mean in the pass I did pay everything for a girl i really wanted
Originally Posted by DanzInRealLife

I don't believe in the whole guy paying for everything mindset.

First date: 50/50

Then if it went well and it looks like we'd go on a few more, I'd take him out and then he take me out for the next. I like to keep it all even.
This right here is cool for me.  Once we start going together you can get  me paying for dates and the like before that naw.   It's not about being cheap its about working your way up to that imo.

I can see where your coming from with the 50/50 but I've never been brave enough to do so

like I can't ask a girl out like lets go to a movie (or whatever it may be) and get there and be like

"yo that'll be $10.50"

You just discuss it before Biff and haven't had chicks complain about it.
Originally Posted by Nasdaq

I usually pay.

I like when a girl offers to pay her share. Shows that she wants to contribute.

Or offer to at least leave the tip at the meal.
LOL It really doesn't show that she wants to contribute. It is simply a test to see if you will say, "That is ok. I will get it."

Seeing that is what most dudes do. Females don't offer to pay on the first date even if they "offer." That is just a pleasantry.
LOL @ Dudes having girls for years and still not letting them pay for anything. I have a few friends like that and don't get that logic. Guess that makes some folks feel like they are in control. I view it as the other way around though.

@ Diego, most men go on many first dates in their lives. WAY too many to come out of the pockets to pay each and every time.

I don't agree with the, "Whoever asks should pay" logic. MOST of the time the dude is going to propose the idea of going out. So just because I am the first to VERBALIZE the offer means I am obligated to pay? Why?

I suggest going out on FREE events for the first few dates or things VERY cheap. As I said, a person needs to EARN the right to have any real $ spent on them. They don't deserve it they way some folks just give it to them.
And what is cheap? Is that just some term that folks that spend their $ foolishly use to feel good about their foolish spending? I never gave a damn about appearing to be "cheap." Big difference between cheap and broke. If cheap means spending $ only on WORTHY things then I am cheap.

But really, many of you COULD get away with not spending on the first date if you just TRIED. I saw a few folks in here ADMIT that they were just scared to do it. Picture that. Folks are SCARED to tell a STRANGER that they don't want to spend THEIR OWN MONEY on them. Just sit and think about that
There are no rules to this...just do what YOU think is right. Some of yall are overthinking this to the point where all rationale judgment is clouded.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

lol...ya'll know DC is just seething with this stuff..
Yea I just hate my first response was on Page 5.

But I just wish folks wouldn't be so conditioned when it comes to this and TRIED the "dark side." Yea it might throw some females away if you make them pay for their own portion (NEVER has happened to me BTW), but most of us lose 75% of the women we encounter. So we might as well try to change something from the jump.

LOL @ Someone saying gentleman must pay on first date. No such thing as a gentleman. Fairy tale terms.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

lol...ya'll know DC is just seething with this stuff..
Yea I just hate my first response was on Page 5.

But I just wish folks wouldn't be so conditioned when it comes to this and TRIED the "dark side." Yea it might throw some females away if you make them pay for their own portion (NEVER has happened to me BTW), but most of us lose 75% of the women we encounter. So we might as well try to change something from the jump.

LOL @ Someone saying gentleman must pay on first date. No such thing as a gentleman. Fairy tale terms.

   Why even go out with them then?
I dont understand why dudes insist on going to dinner with a girl and then try to give em the JO treatment. If you have no intentions of spending money, then you shoulda just told shorty from jump that its all about sex. Its 2010, girls would still be cool with it. 
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