NT: Do you believe in Karma

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

I was outside before I realized because I was gonna pull out some money to get some lunch and saw the extra $$$. I was like Eff it, until the crazy biker dude damn near clipped me. I dont need that.

One time I saw this homeless lady with her kid on the subway and gave her my last $10. On my walk home I find a crisp $100 bill. Was so shocked. I figured it was good Karma and kept it. didn't know who to give it to. Ended up buying a round for my friends at the bar with it the next day. whatever

" i'm walking out counting my comeup and nearly...."

Initially sounded like you were going to let sleeping dogs lie....but anywho.
Yup, everything we do has consequences; that's how we learn. You project positive energy, you'll get positive energy and thus for negative energy also. There's also positive energy in negative energy if you look at from the karma standpoint. For example, a person with cancer is for the better because that person is being corrected by karma; sounds a bit harsh don't it.
Of course. But following karma seems to be like being a [fake] "Muslim" today. All the wannabes claim to follow it, but at the end of the day, you can tell who actually cares. I also feel some people believe in the ideals (do good, good happens. Do bad, bad happens) but when you give a name, they deny they follow it.
thanks for the insight Ladies and Gents. I was def gonna let sleeping dogs lie and pocket the money until the bike nearly got me. I figured it was a sign to do the right thing.

I'm not gonna lie, I stay trying to do the right thing just because it feels right but I would like some posituve energy my way. I mean I dont believe in the theory of the universe having a way of balancing itself but there should be some checks and balances to measure one's integrity, outside of the law.
I do believe in a way, but with your situation the way you described, you were counting your money while walking in the middle of the street....?
not karma, that's bad judgment
Stole from a homeboy smh only did it once...child hood friends who are not connected with the dude I stole from broke into my old house...
No, don't really believe in karma, #$%* happens, bad people get lucky and good people get screwed. It's life.
I can't stand is when people use karma as in excuse tho. "oh I got a ticket, I knew my karma was bad"  No clown you got a ticket because you blew past the feds doing 85 in a 55, that has nothing to do with karma.
Nope. I know some terrible people who are living lovely.

I know some great people who are suffering.
i used to but i can't anymore, not after what happened last month

lost $5000, no not gambling. won't go into specifics. 100% i didn't deserve it.
 Recent example: I got really frustrated and yelled at the bank rep on the phone cuz they messed up my info..and I never get fussy with ppl helping me because I try to be considerate of other ppls feelings, especially if they're just doing their job. A week later, I get the worst attitude from a customer at my job...the worst in the 9 years I've been working here. I thought about the bank lady after and thought....yeah
I believe in karma, but i also believe that a lot of the good and bad karma comes from our own inner joy or guilt.
I use to when I was younger to an extent but becoming more rational and logical about reality it's just another man made construct with a transparent pseudo-philosophical veil thrown on it to force ppl to conform to certain behavioral patterns.

The amount of ppl I've met that have done so many horrible things and are living great compared to the ppl who do good things and bad things occur in their life just lets me know that karma is not a real thing. #@%* just happens to ppl some times randomly, some times by design by other ppl's intent not through some metaphysical system of checks and balances. So I'm not buying the crap about karma hasn't got back to them yet or it'll show itself in how that person dies.

We got pedophiles getting away with their crimes living lovely with a family and money that simply die of old age. You can't tell a father whose daughter dies due to a drunk driver about karma same way you can't tell a drug dealer cutting his product with rat poison and goes and flips it for more money and gets out the game scott free about karma. All the examples ppl give are just bull %%## based on how they want to perceive things and it's not evidence of anything.
Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

i dont....but i like this answer
Originally Posted by southernbeast

I believe in it only in this way...

If you do good things you'll end up surrounding yourself with good people. In return these people you surround yourself with will help you out when you need it. Do I think giving a stranger money will directly effect me? No. But I do it anyways because I am a good person.
"good" is a subjective qualifier though. Who ultimately determines what "god" is to dole out positive consequences for "good" actions or deeds? the topic at hand isnt even an example of true karma...more like social perversion of what karma really is explained to be. karma is not fate or an immediate cause and effect type of deal...it's not even paid out until after death and reincarnation.

But to answer the question...no. Karma as in, if you do good/bad actions in your life, some force in the universe makes it so that the good/bad actions are done to you to maintain some semblance of omniscient balance (the law of averages
)? Nope.But I do know that if you do bad things to other people and are generally hateful to others, people won't necessarily be in your corner. I believe in actions have consequences, but not that their consequences are guided by a mystical force for a sense of justice.
I wish karma was real. Its just a "cutesy" way to try to keep people in check

bad things happen to good people and vice versa. just be a good person because its the right thing to do, not cause you want to be in the correct revolving door (or cause you want to get into heaven)
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