NT Corporate BROTHAS...Serious question regarding hair

no, I get it, I really do. t's sad, not nonsensical...like you said "must be nice."

most people just have to do what they have to do to make those in charge forget their workers are people long enough to cut them a check. 

you know how the rest of this conversation goes...group economics, community investment, independent skill development, viable entrepreneurship, something something blah blah blah.
I heard something about ceasers (Anything below a #5) being unacceptable/not a good look in general in a corporate environment

Is this true?
I recently saw a picture of Aaron McKie and this dude cut off ALL of his facial hair.

I wonder if HE did that on his own or if that is a rule.

Black men, never shave your mustaches man.

It is 2019 man. I wish we would cut the nonsense out.

Just because white men call it professional shouldn't mean that is set in stone
i agree as long as your facial hair is taken care of
can't just rock a schoolboy q and expect to be taken serious
Whole time, I see plenty of "modern men" in the workplace with different parts, crazy facial hair, etc.

Although times are changing (I was able to work a corporate job when starting my locks, aka the "rough stages"), it is a shame that this double standard still exists.
One day an older (and rather perturbed) Black man was being let go.

The position I held was one that he had to see on his way out.

He must have been in his 50's while I was in my late 20's.

When he saw me he asked about my hair.

"Did your hair look like that when you got this job?"

He went on and on about it, even going so far as to ask if I was from a single parent household.

I had enough empathy to know not to take the words of a man losing his job personal.

What did register to me though is that this man, who probably lived his whole life according to same philosophy of some of you here, was being let go.

His hair didn't save him.

This confirmed what I already knew.

What he did not know is yes indeed I have a Father.

A Father who came up in the 60's and spent his whole career in the U.S. Army reaching the rank of CSM...with an Afro, that he kept until he passed from this Earth.

His afro was well kempt and within regulation of course but nonetheless he proudly wore his hair naturally.

I've worn an unkempt, 4C super Wakanda coiled up, never seen a barbershop, much less a comb in 7 years, Frederick Douglas.

Because my hair is so coily its a lot longer than people think. I keep it conditioned and clean...but definitely uncombed and natural.

Do my own line ups / trimming in the bathroom status ever since my favorite DC barbershop had to go out of business (H-street / gentrification) and I got tired of trying to find a good barber in my area.

I've been working (knock on wood) in some of the most corporate environments DC has to offer...both in and out of Government and Federal contracting.

The bottom line is that if the reason they don't hire you / fire you is your hair, it's not your hair.

If your KSA's can bring profit to a business or further a government mission then we enter into a mutually beneficial arrangement.

What's not on the table is my cultural identity.

That is not for sale.

Believe it or not, even people who don't like it respect it because I take my profession as seriously as I take my culture. I wear ties, dress shirts, slacks, dress shoes, no sagging, no unprofessional attire, no logos all over my clothes on casual Fridays, none of that. I stay out of gossip, mind my business, don't "date" at work (often), keep my business to myself, don't mix work and pleasure, and maintain my professional bearing, am a team player, and support the mission as best I can by not calling out all the time, staying late, coming in early...but keep the bass in my voice, speak intelligently, and most importantly not kissing anyone's *** or compromising my integrity in order to "fit in".

Once you bend the knee you'll never stand again.

You cant unsuck what you've sucked or unkiss what you've kissed.

Trust me, a CEO, CFO, EO, Director, etc in my arena can smell a fake brown nosing boot liking *** kisser from a mile away.

I actually LOVE the energy that comes with being who I am. If you're a low cut caesar type brother or a dread wearing brother like my 6 figure earning best friend who also works in corporate America...do you.

Now TBH I realize working in DC exposes people to diversity in a way that working other places might not...but I still get looks here from both Black and White people...some positive and some negative but when I look in the mirror I see me.

Not what someone else wants to see.

That's more valuable than anything anyone could ever pay me.

I'm Ok missing out on working for / with people who want me to change who I am instead of placing value on what I know.

Side note:

Went to an HBCU (Hampton) at a time when the faculty frowned on dreads, unkempt afros to the point that a black male could not walk across the stage w/o a low cut.

They taught conformance instead of teaching us how to start our own businesses that serve our own communities.

Not sure about how they do things now but this isn't ancient history...this is the 90's.

Modern day brown paper bag test.
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One day an older (and rather perturbed) Black man was being let go.

The position I held was one that he had to see on his way out.

He must have been in his 50's while I was in my late 20's.

When he saw me he asked about my hair.

"Did your hair look like that when you got this job?"

He went on and on about it, even going so far as to ask if I was from a single parent household.

I had enough empathy to know not to take the words of a man losing his job personal.

What did register to me though is that this man, who probably lived his whole life according to same philosophy of some of you here, was being let go.

His hair didn't save him.

This confirmed what I already knew.

What he did not know is yes indeed I have a Father.

A Father who came up in the 60's and spent his whole career in the U.S. Army reaching the rank of CSM...with an Afro, that he kept until he passed from this Earth.

His afro was well kempt and within regulation of course but nonetheless he proudly wore his hair naturally.

I've worn an unkempt, 4C super Wakanda coiled up, never seen a barbershop, much less a comb in 7 years, Frederick Douglas.

Because my hair is so coily its a lot longer than people think. I keep it conditioned and clean...but definitely uncombed and natural.

Do my own line ups / trimming in the bathroom status ever since my favorite DC barbershop had to go out of business (H-street / gentrification) and I got tired of trying to find a good barber in my area.

I've been working (knock on wood) in some of the most corporate environments DC has to offer...both in and out of Government and Federal contracting.

The bottom line is that if the reason they don't hire you / fire you is your hair, it's not your hair.

If your KSA's can bring profit to a business or further a government mission then we enter into a mutually beneficial arrangement.

What's not on the table is my cultural identity.

That is not for sale.

Believe it or not, even people who don't like it respect it because I take my profession as seriously as I take my culture. I wear ties, dress shirts, slacks, dress shoes, no sagging, no unprofessional attire, no logos all over my clothes on casual Fridays, none of that. I stay out of gossip, mind my business, don't "date" at work (often), keep my business to myself, don't mix work and pleasure, and maintain my professional bearing, am a team player, and support the mission as best I can by not calling out all the time, staying late, coming in early...but keep the bass in my voice, speak intelligently, and most importantly not kissing anyone's *** or compromising my integrity in order to "fit in".

Once you bend the knee you'll never stand again.

You cant unsuck what you've sucked or unkiss what you've kissed.

Trust me, a CEO, CFO, EO, Director, etc in my arena can smell a fake brown nosing boot liking *** kisser from a mile away.

I actually LOVE the energy that comes with being who I am. If you're a low cut caesar type brother or a dread wearing brother like my 6 figure earning best friend who also works in corporate America...do you.

Now TBH I realize working in DC exposes people to diversity in a way that working other places might not...but I still get looks here from both Black and White people...some positive and some negative but when I look in the mirror I see me.

Not what someone else wants to see.

That's more valuable than anything anyone could ever pay me.

I'm Ok missing out on working for / with people who want me to change who I am instead of placing value on what I know.

Side note:

Went to an HBCU (Hampton) at a time when the faculty frowned on dreads, unkempt afros to the point that a black male could not walk across the stage w/o a low cut.

They taught conformance instead of teaching us how to start our own businesses that serve our own communities.

Not sure about how they do things now but this isn't ancient history...this is the 90's.

Modern day brown paper bag test.


I am copying and pasting this and sending it to every group chat I am in..

Respect to you dude

I am copying and pasting this and sending it to every group chat I am in..

Respect to you dude

Appreciate you bro!

Have I missed out on jobs because of my hair or skin color? Probably.

Just know that those places were not for me anyway.

Had job interviews / offers but turned them down just because Fox News was on in the lobby.

You already know walking into places like that. Its on for a reason. This is the Trump era.

Asked the (young black female) receptionist if the company made her put Fox News on.

She told me "Yeah - There's a lot of military working here / coming in here to do business".

Word? SMH.

I realize I don't speak for everyone so I won't down a brother for making a different choice.

Just dont speak in absolutes as if we all must cut our hair / conform to someone else's standard in order to be successful in life.

It's simply not true.

It's about having the courage to be who you are and own your decisions, whether it be to conform or not.

Conviction. Stand on it.

Either way, be wise with your money and have a war chest saved up.

Aint nothing like FU money!

Ever hear someone say "Don't bite the hand that feeds you?"

My Dad taught me to bite that hand first.

The second you give that hand the power to feed you, you give it the power to starve you.

We are born with our own hands....for a reason.
Appreciate you bro!

Have I missed out on jobs because of my hair or skin color? Probably.

Just know that those places were not for me anyway.

Had job interviews / offers but turned them down just because Fox News was on in the lobby.

You already know walking into places like that. Its on for a reason. This is the Trump era.

Asked the (young black female) receptionist if the company made her put Fox News on.

She told me "Yeah - There's a lot of military working here / coming in here to do business".

Word? SMH.

I realize I don't speak for everyone so I won't down a brother for making a different choice.

Just dont speak in absolutes as if we all must cut our hair / conform to someone else's standard in order to be successful in life.

It's simply not true.

It's about having the courage to be who you are and own your decisions, whether it be to conform or not.

Conviction. Stand on it.

Either way, be wise with your money and have a war chest saved up.

Aint nothing like FU money!

Ever hear someone say "Don't bite the hand that feeds you?"

My Dad taught me to bite that hand first.

The second you give that hand the power to feed you, you give it the power to starve you.

We are born with our own hands....for a reason.
Great posts back to back :pimp:
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