NT Confessions Thread......vol 2009 will bring better luck

- Tired of living check to check.

- 1st 9- 5 job I've ever had & its descent ( Accountant ) But this office gig aint for me ...

- Alternate sources of tax free income are in motion ...
x 10 I know, but
@ the same time.

- Still got that crush on a NT'ker. I see you slim ...
I honestly don't know whether I try too hard or not hard enough to make it work w/ my lady. I realize my short comings, but they can't be that bad canthey? I also realize hers, but we all have them, right? I'm totally confused RIGHT now..... so I'm gonna roll this blunt and think on it.
Originally Posted by akuratl02

Originally Posted by Piff Marley

I just beat another girl raw.

3rd one since last Thursday.

You should know better .... jump offs or Ex's ??? shame on you though ...
One ex, one semi ex/current chick, and one jump.

Going to get tested Thursday and again next Thursday.

@ me again.
I don't take college as serious as I should be. I really don't even want to be there.

I think I need to lower my standards a bit. I have the hardest time finding a girl that I can be with.

I need a job.

My priorities are all +@!*#! up.
First series of NT confessions:

Spent 2008 getting played by numerous women, including one I fell in love with, stupid ol' me.

Lost a friend over a chick; he forgot the ol' bros before hos rule. His loss.

Developed a drinking problem that I'm trying to fix now.

Had no money for kicks thanks to school so my heat is weak.

...somehow number 4 feels like it doesn't belong with the first three, but w/e.
Theres a big fat check waiting for us at the post office
a few problems were just taken care of.
Originally Posted by Piff Marley

Originally Posted by akuratl02

Originally Posted by Piff Marley

I just beat another girl raw.

3rd one since last Thursday.

You should know better .... jump offs or Ex's ??? shame on you though ...
One ex, one semi ex/current chick, and one jump.

Going to get tested Thursday and again next Thursday.

@ me again.
where do u stay in the dmv?
I realize the broad who might be great for me. Lives in Cali and I have no desire to make a effort for us to be together.

I've had unprotected sex way too many times. Sometimes my mind wonders, what if somethings wrong with my body bc of these acts.

I lie to my girl, when she asks about my past bc I care about her feelings too much. She prolly would be crushed if I told her the 100% truth.

Life just not goin right for me at this time.

I wanna go to AZ for the All-star week instead of spending V-day with my girl.
I really need to let go of my marriage and do what makes me happy
I'm looking forward to finishing radio/tv school in November
I'm really not happy with alot of things now except starting school next month
Originally Posted by MILLION DOLLAR STACKS

Originally Posted by Piff Marley

Originally Posted by akuratl02

Originally Posted by Piff Marley

I just beat another girl raw.

3rd one since last Thursday.

You should know better .... jump offs or Ex's ??? shame on you though ...
One ex, one semi ex/current chick, and one jump.

Going to get tested Thursday and again next Thursday.

@ me again.
where do u stay in the dmv?

I stay in central VA and DC.

Homebase is in central though.
i actually like lil wayne now
im going to return socks...unworn of course
i wear sunglasses in the winter...when its sunny naturally
im starting to realize that maybe i am kinda mean
i am just now beginning to forgive family for their wrong doings...i never prayed for forgiveness because i wanted my mean spirit to make them suffer
i make my ex buy me cookies even tho i have no plans of getting back with him
im tryna friendzone a guy without being mean but i dont know what to say.
- I am $68 away from being out of complete debt.
- I thought I was graduating this May but apparently I have one-semester left because I wasn't aware that I hadn't completed my electives. %%!%!$# CUNY

- I don't even think I want a girlfriend, I just need female accompaniment when I decide to chill.
-I just ran through $1700 in two weeks but it was well worth it. I got a lot accomplished and handled some grown man bia..

-I've recorded 2 songs this week, and will feature on another tomorrow

-I almost cut my hair because I didn't like the way it was starting to lock. luckily, I got it to return to a stage one fro so atleast I can start my locksover before I take that drastic snip-snip step.

-I've been stutter stepping my way to the hole A LOT for the past 2 years instead of driving strong to the rack and I just realized it. It's so muchbooty I missed out on
. I don't miss it cause I'm cool with what I got, but the curiosity is killing me right now since shorty's so faraway. Just gotta stay focused on my goals and keep temptation at bay I guess...

-I like the feeling of being responsible. I payed about $800 in bills last month and I've never paid a bill in my life till this year. It was a small priceto pay to get pops and my brother off of "baby bro's" back

-My girl is nuts, but ya'll knew that.

-I'ma have to hit the block to get what I need for V-day and our 1 year anny...damn

-It was the 4th quarter of the game before I realized, "Damn, I'm hosting my own superbowl patty aren't I?? Hmm......
". I barely sawanything but the last few drives (
) cuz I was making hotwings and cleaning up behind people all night

-Lastly, I smoked a dro blunt and felt damn near zilch.... I need to quit if my tolerance is like this now
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

Originally Posted by DearWinter219

I honestly don't know whether I try too hard or not hard enough to make it work w/ my lady. I realize my short comings, but they can't be that bad can they? I also realize hers, but we all have them, right? I'm totally confused RIGHT now..... so I'm gonna roll this blunt and think on it.
, ditto...
hold up Enphan, not tryna call u out or nothin.

but i swear i seen in some thread u said ya girl was talkin bout she dont love you no more. what happened wit yall
ever since i got Ninja Gaiden II 2 weeks ago. I've been playin it at least 7 hours every day. it would be more but i gotta go to class
I barely even pay attention in class anymore. the only time i ever listen is when NT starts to get boring.
I pretty much hate the people at the school i go to. But i dont feel like transferring because of a few people & i got family here
i think i've literally become addicted to NT. i dont think there's been a time when i got on the comp & didnt check NT at least once
my hygiene habits have dropped off because i never sleep in my dorm anymore. non Co-ED bathrooms FTMFL
i've let my body go, havent been to the gym in about 2.5 months, got myself a lil beer gut now, its sad

on the positive side; i've drastically reduced the amount of porn i watch on a weekly basis. It used to be at least every day & i'd fap everyday.Now i've cut it down to fapping maybe twice a week & porn bout 3 times
I rarely ever slap stuff on nation online because I hate how it looks... but real talk enPhan... on 74 and soul I feel you fam. I'mstupidly in love with this girl and even when I know she's wolfing, I take it too seriously. Low key, I'm afraid that I won't be theperson I've become if I lose her. Like, I've upped my grown man status A LOT and she gives me reason to keep it that way. If I lose her and I lose thefuture I'm working towards..................
....... there's really no words to describe it....Plus, se's been my methadone ever since I mether. She helps me to get past losing my mom in SO many ways. She even reminds me of my mom a whole lot. I'm gone...soooo gone...and I don'tever wanna have to come back
my math class got canceled, and the only one available was a class that started at 745...no way in hell i was going to wake up that early

so i told my mom it was full, and now shes asking me to meet with a counselor because she wants me to take one more now

i really should have just kept my mouth shut!

so now i need to make up a lie that no more classes were available that i liked
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