NT brothas, do you talk to white women? And if no, why not?

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Weekz

ugh this again. i dont care. a human being is a human being.
i wish americans would realize this, in other english speaking countries (namely the uk and canada) race relations aren't nearly as poor.
i dont get why we in the states cant get past color.
Way to name the only other two countries where race relations are better 
switzerland and france (shocking isnt it?)
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Alot of sistas that get mad for a black man having or marrying a white women are really mad because they don't know how to hold onto or even get a black man to begin with.  At end of the day alot of brothas have the option to date or get with a white women while sistas on the other hand don't.  I didn't start to talk to or really notice white women until college, one of the best eye-opening experiences of my life

still waiting...


Originally Posted by Enchanted1

White chicks cool...

But how can you turn down a beautiful sista
most beautiful creature on earth.

a black women can fit ANY taste... they come in EVERY SHAPE and form. you cannot find a different race of women that a black women's body cant achieve....

try me.

StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by iwantakazoozle

i'm a girl but i'm black and i've only ever been with white guys. the guy i like now is half-black, but that's as black as i'll go. unless he's like REALLY light-skinned to where i wouldn't notice that he's black. i just want to get a guy with a college education and no criminal record, definitely NOT saying that all black guys fit that criteria. i just don't feel like dealing with the drama.


i been saying this for the longest, fambs.

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

replace men with women and criminal record w/attitude/gold digger/baby mamas and you'd get co-signs instead of being called a troll tho

Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Do I?

I live in Utah fam

But seriously tho, I would date anyone that I liked
im probably generalizing but are you a mormon?
Originally Posted by Stay Lurkin

Do I?

I live in Utah fam

But seriously tho, I would date anyone that I liked
The one in the foreground and the one behind your right asscheek
Yea, all the time. Most of em whine a lot but they cool. I'm black and I am attracted to all races. I will talk to, sex or date anybody I want to. $%% what anybody else thinks.
Originally Posted by Weekz

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Weekz

ugh this again. i dont care. a human being is a human being.
i wish americans would realize this, in other english speaking countries (namely the uk and canada) race relations aren't nearly as poor.
i dont get why we in the states cant get past color.
Way to name the only other two countries where race relations are better 
switzerland and france (shocking isnt it?)
He did say English speaking countries tho....
Originally Posted by iwantakazoozle

i'm a girl but i'm black and i've only ever been with white guys. the guy i like now is half-black, but that's as black as i'll go. unless he's like REALLY light-skinned to where i wouldn't notice that he's black. i just want to get a guy with a college education and no criminal record, definitely NOT saying that all black guys fit that criteria. i just don't feel like dealing with the drama.

i acutally feel this way with american black women.  very chip on the shoulder.  its like their female elders pass it down.  they automatically lookin for mister perfect from the get go.
Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by Weekz

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Way to name the only other two countries where race relations are better 
switzerland and france (shocking isnt it?)
He did say English speaking countries tho....
thats true.......... i did specify english speaking.  i guess then australia has no real beef with "black people" in the american sense. they have deeper issues with the native peoples who also have dark skin and down there they are considered black people.
but if we were to ignore the english speaking countries thing for a second, most of western europe has better relations with blacks than america.
Originally Posted by Weekz

Originally Posted by iwantakazoozle

i'm a girl but i'm black and i've only ever been with white guys. the guy i like now is half-black, but that's as black as i'll go. unless he's like REALLY light-skinned to where i wouldn't notice that he's black. i just want to get a guy with a college education and no criminal record, definitely NOT saying that all black guys fit that criteria. i just don't feel like dealing with the drama.

i acutally feel this way with american black women.  very chip on the shoulder.  its like their female elders pass it down.  they automatically lookin for mister perfect from the get go.
if that's your perception i accept it. perception is unique to the individual and you have the right and blessing to experience the world around you in any way that comes naturally. i'm not an argumentative person, so i don't feel the need to berate anyone for their personal opinions or proclivities... unlike some people in this thread. 
like i said, just because my experiences with black men have always been bad doesn't mean that everyone's will be and i encourage other women to date whatever makes them happy. i really don't put forth energy in bashing black men in casual conversation. a question was asked, i gave my perspective. 
Originally Posted by mytmouse76

replace men with women and criminal record w/attitude/gold digger/baby mamas and you'd get co-signs instead of being called a troll tho

Replace black men with white men and white women with black women and it's immediately a racist thread

I'm not black so I might have a different point of view but I don't get why you wouldn't date/marry someone of another race just because of their race. That is mad discriminating. I don't know, I'm younger and more innocent than most people on the board so maybe I would never understand but that really makes no sense to me.
Originally Posted by Weekz

Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by Weekz

switzerland and france (shocking isnt it?)
He did say English speaking countries tho....
thats true.......... i did specify english speaking.  i guess then australia has no real beef with "black people" in the american sense. they have deeper issues with the native peoples who also have dark skin and down there they are considered black people.
but if we were to ignore the english speaking countries thing for a second, most of western europe has better relations with blacks than america.
Sorry to break it to you bro, but that just isn't true. 
Originally Posted by Weekz

Originally Posted by pookieman

Originally Posted by Weekz

switzerland and france (shocking isnt it?)
He did say English speaking countries tho....
thats true.......... i did specify english speaking.  i guess then australia has no real beef with "black people" in the american sense. they have deeper issues with the native peoples who also have dark skin and down there they are considered black people.
but if we were to ignore the english speaking countries thing for a second, most of western europe has better relations with blacks than america.
Sorry to break it to you bro, but that just isn't true. 
Originally Posted by Weekz

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Weekz

ugh this again. i dont care. a human being is a human being.
i wish americans would realize this, in other english speaking countries (namely the uk and canada) race relations aren't nearly as poor.
i dont get why we in the states cant get past color.
Way to name the only other two countries where race relations are better 
switzerland and france (shocking isnt it?)
i'm pretty sure the us has the largest black population out of all of these places and you have to take historical context into consideration. the origins of the blacks in a place like the uk (former british caribbean colonies, mostly) are different from the origins of the bulk of american blacks (trans-atlantic slave trade) thus the relationship and interactions between the two groups will be different. also, it's not as if life for blacks is perfect in any of those countries.
of course.  I call it "getting my Kobe on."  My boys swear I only like white girls but the truth is that I'm down with females of any race.  White girls just tend to catch my attention especially since their chest game is usually "racks on racks on racks." 
Originally Posted by iwantakazoozle

Originally Posted by Weekz

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Way to name the only other two countries where race relations are better 
switzerland and france (shocking isnt it?)
i'm pretty sure the us has the largest black population out of all of these places and you have to take historical context into consideration. the origins of the blacks in a place like the uk (former british caribbean colonies, mostly) are different from the origins of the bulk of american blacks (trans-atlantic slave trade) thus the relationship and interactions between the two groups will be different. also, it's not as if life for blacks is perfect in any of those countries.

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by Weekz

Originally Posted by pookieman

He did say English speaking countries tho....
thats true.......... i did specify english speaking.  i guess then australia has no real beef with "black people" in the american sense. they have deeper issues with the native peoples who also have dark skin and down there they are considered black people.
but if we were to ignore the english speaking countries thing for a second, most of western europe has better relations with blacks than america.
Sorry to break it to you bro, but that just isn't true. 
this is my experience in france and switzerland and the uk.  my friend who goes to spain every summer says theres no issue and my friend who is italian and goes to italy every summer said that race relations have gotten better.  i already know holland is good because of a lot of jamaicans/rastas live there and a lot of surinam people live there.  so what makes my statement not true.
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Originally Posted by iwantakazoozle

Originally Posted by Weekz

switzerland and france (shocking isnt it?)
i'm pretty sure the us has the largest black population out of all of these places and you have to take historical context into consideration. the origins of the blacks in a place like the uk (former british caribbean colonies, mostly) are different from the origins of the bulk of american blacks (trans-atlantic slave trade) thus the relationship and interactions between the two groups will be different. also, it's not as if life for blacks is perfect in any of those countries.


 that's not what i'm saying at all. i'm showing that racism isn't uniquely american, there are good and bad people in all groups. i'm sure he could find good and bad people in any country, so it's not fair to judge american white people and say that white people in the us are more racist than the uk. i know plenty of great white people in the us and i'm sure they'd like him as long as he's a good person.
you're very defensive, bitter black man syndrome? 
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by mytmouse76

replace men with women and criminal record w/attitude/gold digger/baby mamas and you'd get co-signs instead of being called a troll tho

Replace black men with white men and white women with black women and it's immediately a racist thread

I'm not black so I might have a different point of view but I don't get why you wouldn't date/marry someone of another race just because of their race. That is mad discriminating. I don't know, I'm younger and more innocent than most people on the board so maybe I would never understand but that really makes no sense to me.
That is because that thread would have a bunch of white guys justifying their preferences based on racial superiority and disrespecting Black women.  There is nothing wrong with having a preference, tall, short, light, dark, etc.  However, when that preference is based on feelings of superiority, then it becomes a problem, especially when these feelings of superiority are based on stereotypes that were prevalent during a dark time in our country's history.

With that said, in this thread I do not see any blatant disrespect towards white women.  Correct me if I am wrong.  If this thread was about Black women we would most likely see comments about them being animals and rats and all types of other nonsense. 
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