I know this info isn't concrete. But I thought I'd share it anyways.
When I went to Nike sportswear to pick up my pair I was discussing this shoe with the employees. The AFM was released as a general release. Like literally EVERY place got them (champs, finishline, sheikh, shoe palace etc.) but Nike thought they would be less popular than the Barkley POSITES. So they actually made less. So eventhough they are technically a GR , a lot less pairs were made.
When I was in line I ended up being 7th because of cutters. The first 6 people got 12, 12 , 9 , 9.5 , 9, 8.5 . the guy behind wanted a 9.5 they only had a 10 or 8. I asked about the 12 but they said they had sold out, but had a 13.
So my guess is the "FSR" went like this
8- 1
8.5 - 1
9 -2
9.5 -2
10 -2
11 - 2
11.5 - 2
12 - 2
13 - 1
So 15 pairs for 1 store ? Especially a Nike store is LOW quantity man.