Now THIS is a refreshing read from the usual FB man-hating posts

When its real love, you will do whatever to KEEP your partner happy. All the other **** is just that.
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Then may I never be a cursed with such an unfortunate condition; for those whom I care i devote my unwavering support, however, less the need truly arrive, my freedom is a gift I cherish more than life itself. If i should ever feel trapped by the demands of another, my soul has died, and with it myself...this is a fate no one who claims to have my heart should desire, and no one demanding my freedom shall have.
I dont let my wife serve me or get me a plate, I can do it myself (and vice versa).

What Ive noticed is that all these guys who like being served by heir girls, are the same guys who are straight MOMMAS BOYS. Mommy does everything for them and because of this, they feel every women should do the same.

*****, grow a pair and Get your own, clean your own and take care of your own.

I hate it when my family members (females of course) serve their significant others a plate. I quickly shout out "DUDES GOT LEGS, LET HIM GET HIS OWN PLATE".

I can careless if he gets mad, Im not gonna let any of my family members be a servant to any of these unappreciative dudes.

I say the same thing when my guy cousins girl serves them a plate. But in this case I yell to the guys to get their lazy *** up and get their own ****.

A lot of you will disagree but whatever, Ive been married for 14 years and our relationship keeps getting stringer ever year. We're obviously doing something right.
I have no problem getting my own plate, but to say 'get your own plate, your legs aren't broken' is a joke. It has nothing to do with being a mommas boy. If I'm cooking you better believe I'll fix my girl a plate with no problem. Nothing should be expected but little things like that makes you appreciate your S.O. Also, you should ALWAYS thank the person for doing that. Again, nothing is expected.
"Womens rights" are a joke...there are so many automatic privileges women already have for just being women that men don't.

Things that are naturally expected from men are seen as groundbreaking when a woman does it, yet if a man taps into a womans world, he's not respecting womens rights.

It literally trickles down to women never having to pay to get in the club, men having to spend money that women don't, things of that sort.
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I've never been in a serious relationship nor wish to anytime soon. Most of these women just piss me off. A large reason is self entitlement, although it's not just women. Men who have this trait also anger me.

I think an ideal household should divide duties. Men take care of the inside, women take care of the inside. Me as a boyfriend/husband would make it my priority to bring home the bacon and fund the family. If the wife were to have a job, good. Put into the family funds too. Yard work, Cars, grilling, anything that requires tools would be my job. Wife should take care of the inside of the house, although it's only right to help with that as well. She just better not expect you to do it. I grill outside, I serve her. She cooks inside, she serves me.

Also, don't make me do petty **** you can do yourself. I love a strong woman. Don't ask me to do something your capable of doing yourself, I'd much rather offer to help.
"Womens rights" are a joke...there are so many automatic privileges women already have for just being women that men don't.

Things that are naturally expected from men are seen as groundbreaking when a woman does it, yet if a man taps into a womans world, he's not respecting womens rights.

It literally trickles down to women never having to pay to get in the club, men having to spend money that women don't, things of that sort.

Womens' right 1 : Never have to pay to get in the club

Womens' right 2 : Men have to spend money that women don't



I ll be damned if I ever set foot in this topic again.

You should all look up the word SEXISM .

"Womens rights" are a joke...there are so many automatic privileges women already have for just being women that men don't.

Things that are naturally expected from men are seen as groundbreaking when a woman does it, yet if a man taps into a womans world, he's not respecting womens rights.

It literally trickles down to women never having to pay to get in the club, men having to spend money that women don't, things of that sort.

Womens' right 1 : Never have to pay to get in the club

Womens' right 2 : Men have to spend money that women don't



I ll be damned if I ever set foot in this topic again.

You should all look up the word SEXISM .


Man I said it trickles down to that.

There are so many states where if a woman only claims a crime comitted to her, the guy gets arrested/locked up no question.

Why is it ok for a woman to hit a man, but if a man hits a woman, he's automatically in trouble?

That's no equality.

In the workplace:

Most companies, they want young, attractive women to attract's easier for 10 male customers to spend $$$ cause of an attractive woman, then 10 women spending $$$ over an attractive man.

Stop looking into it so much, you know this happens.

A guy is an ******* if he doesn't do anything for a woman, a woman is independent if a man does nothing for her.

A woman is strong/bossed up if she does nothing for a man, a man is a coward if a woman does things for him (provides financially, etc).

There are soooo many aspects of this but in the end, women have it easier than men.
I can careless if he gets mad, Im not gonna let any of my family members be a servant to any of these unappreciative dudes.

See this is the mindset that I'm talking about. No one is saying anything about being a servant, man. That would imply she's doing to against her will Or that he's forcing her to do it. Why does it have to be that way?

Why can't she just take it upon herself to fix the plate? (I can't believe we're still using this example) It's the little things!

So obviously it works for y'all cuz you've been married for so long (congrats btw :D) but what happens when y'all have kids? She only serves herself and makes everyone serve their own plate because she's no ones servant?

I totally understand that you'd feel some type of way seeing your family members do these things for their man, but just like how y'all have things that work in your marriage, others see nothing wrong with tending to their SO.
To me it's bigger then the serving a plate thing. Its alot (not all) of these women feel like they just need to look good and do nothing else as if them looking good is the end all be all.

Its the common courtesy, alot of these women can't cook, have no type of skills that our mothers and grandmothers did. I'm not trying to say their role is to cook and clean so don't take it that way. If a woman got a good job and is making her money, obviously she might not have the time to do such tasks.

Im moreso referring to the girls who got no formal education, no life skills, yet expect the world out of their man. They won't do nothing. Obviously men who date these girls are at fault for their bad choice in women but most these girls who rely strictly on their looks are in for a huge reality check as their one thing going for them starts to decline and men won't tolerate their nonsense since they don't look desirable anymore.
To me it's bigger then the serving a plate thing. Its alot (not all) of these women feel like they just need to look good and do nothing else as if them looking good is the end all be all.

Its the common courtesy, alot of these women can't cook, have no type of skills that our mothers and grandmothers did. I'm not trying to say their role is to cook and clean so don't take it that way. If a woman got a good job and is making her money, obviously she might not have the time to do such tasks.

Im moreso referring to the girls who got no formal education, no life skills, yet expect the world out of their man. They won't do nothing. Obviously men who date these girls are at fault for their bad choice in women but most these girls who rely strictly on their looks are in for a huge reality check as their one thing going for them starts to decline and men won't tolerate their nonsense since they don't look desirable anymore.

Couldn't say it better myself. Usually the women who are the loudest about this are the latter.
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I'm 100% fine with a woman doing nothing for me, I have a huge ego and feel insulted when people do @#$% for me like I'm an infant. BUT she better not get upset when I do the same. Don't @#$@$ about me never cooking for you, never running errands for you, etc. Unfortunately that's rare :lol:

Had an ex who was kinda like that :x :smh: She would literally tell me "I don't want you to do anything for me" and then get mad at me when she saw other dudes cooking/cleaning for their woman :lol:

There's no winning, either you're a simp if you do that crap, or you're an @#$ hole if you don't :smh:
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that feeling when your girl would pick you up and she had shrimp burritos made for you with a tray of cookies on the side 

brb took her for granted 
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Nah, I'm not jiving with this ****.

It's not a sign of not having respect for your man if you don't fix his plate at a public picnic/cookout. That's a courtesy and privilege if it's constantly done.

I wipe my *** with honor so I'm not even going any further.

Besides all that only woman I let fix my plate is my momma. Don't make no sense having shorty do it when Imma end up getting up using my legs anyway and getting what I want to eat.
lol@all you guys having problems with women... where do you find these chicks?

I've never dated/known a chick who would treat her guy like that...
I will say though I'm not aware of this new age women that's being labeled the independent woman treating me badly like that. There's some chicks you know are ******* straight up so why you making that chick your woman?

When I'm with the right chick she treat me right, cook for me and pamper a dude after a hard day. It's definitely mutual. If you treat them right shouldn't be no problem.

What it's really looking and sounding like in here is that y'all dudes can't woo these independent women so that they want to cater to you.
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