Now I'm one fir humor, but do you think this was done in good taste? discus

I bet he's one of those, "Oh he's a cool black guy, we can tell racist jokes around him and he's totally cool about it" negros.
Kid has no self respect and puts being accepted at the top of his list. Funny thing is he will try to holla those bunnies but they will reject him and call him white. People will respect you for being you, not doing anything to be "down". Cornball brother is an understatement he's a disgrace to his family and race.
if dude woulda went like the "Wilfred" look, and had a nice costume, he woulda been a p-magnet. coulda had boppers poppin scooby snacks all over the place.

but dude just looks devoid of life in that picture, which makes it seem like its inappropriate.
Kid has no self respect and puts being accepted at the top of his list. Funny thing is he will try to holla those bunnies but they will reject him and call him white. People will respect you for being you, not doing anything to be "down". Cornball brother is an understatement he's a disgrace to his family and race.
kid looks pathetic, but t is funny that his stupid *** agreed to this, shows how stupid some ppl are
seriously tho....a n word just decided to rock a collar and be subserviant to some white people for halloween.

if you gonna be a slave at least be a cool one like Django
**** that id never be scooby
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