Not sure if SRS or trollin Vol. WUT?

Dec 3, 2009
I'm I the only one with the
next to their inbox?

Inb4 Humble Braxton III comments.
Yeah I marked all of them as unread to be able to feel like the man in the privacy of my screen, ya dudes i swear
Originally Posted by ksteezy

I'm I the only one with the
next to their inbox?

Inb4 Humble Braxton III comments.

Humble Braxton III indeed
Oh look how unpredictable...

And the Irony of this dude CJ calling me a cornball
In related news, I've been seeing this at the top of my pages for the past couple days. Anyone know how to fix it?
Nah, but seriously...How do you have 163 unread messages?...

This is not FB, and you're not a Nice looking, half naked female... explain
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Nah, but seriously...How do you have 163 unread messages?...

This is not FB, and you're not a Nice looking, half naked female... explain

I really don't know, unlike many of you seem to think, I'm actually a chill dude and have had many conversations with NTers...I think sometimes when you reply to a pm directly from an email notification, they stay in your inbox as unread... :Kanye shrug::Our of 365 conversations 163 have remained unread and sometimes I forget to reply to some PMs...
Originally Posted by ohboydanny

In related news, I've been seeing this at the top of my pages for the past couple days. Anyone know how to fix it?
Aren't the ads based on your browsing history?
Originally Posted by BigPoppaBaker04

Originally Posted by ohboydanny

In related news, I've been seeing this at the top of my pages for the past couple days. Anyone know how to fix it?
Aren't the ads based on your browsing history?

Originally Posted by ohboydanny

In related news, I've been seeing this at the top of my pages for the past couple days. Anyone know how to fix it?

you been trading pics with young ayo?
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