Not knowing where your money went unappreciation.

Jan 1, 2010
I swear I had like 6g's a minute ago ($3000 was from insurance settlement money) and I guess I spent it all on going out and all that other #$%@. Man I took that for granted lol. Now I have no money left. Feels bad man. Goodnight NT.
I never understood how people can't hold onto their money. It cannot be that difficult to put aside a few bills every once in a while and save up for tough times. Blowing 6g's takes a #%%% ton of effort.
Originally Posted by aznlilrs

I never understood how people can't hold onto their money. It cannot be that difficult to put aside a few bills every once in a while and save up for tough times. Blowing 6g's takes a #%%% ton of effort.

it doesnt take that much effort but still i dont see how you can blow it without knowing the next time you'll be gettin a substantial back. a lot of timesi have problems spending money lol 
Man I ain't saving #%* What's the purpose of holding on to it? Yea have a few dollars put up for bills but I'm spending it. Just makes me go harder to run that money back up. Treat yaself don't cheat yaself.
Seeing how much money you spent on food when your bank statement comes in the mail is just as bad.
just had it this month well for july... blew it all on getting my credit back str8
i know that exact feeling. its insane how much money you can spend on food and just random stuff.
i have rules for myself if i don't have atleast ___ amount of dollars in my account i wont spend anything. i dont care what sale is going on. i dont even take showers home anymore i go to the gym just to shower
Keep your receipts if you want to know where all your money is going.

It is annoying trying to keep track of it all though.

Once you see all the useless stuff you spend it on, you'll just
Originally Posted by OHyeah10

i know that exact feeling. its insane how much money you can spend on food and just random stuff.

this. sometimes i think someone stole from my wallet.
It's all food and gas for me. I buy myself something nice every now and then but seriously food adds up.
I go out for lunch 5 days a week and gotta get gas every week that's like 50 just for gas. Don't even want to add up how much I spend on food
DMoney82 wrote:
Man I ain't saving #%* What's the purpose of holding on to it? Yea have a few dollars put up for bills but I'm spending it. Just makes me go harder to run that money back up. Treat yaself don't cheat yaself.

why did I read this in stinkmeiner's voice?
Cant believe I went thru so much money over this weekend. Didnt do anything important either. Just partying and bs that I dont remember
I tell myself I wont spend money, get halfway through the week sucessfully then some how convince myself to spend money

My downfall is ball sneakers and food
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