Mar 28, 2004
those of you of age of course

I quit in about 08-09.  just a little bit started giving me headaches, stomach aches, and just an overall sick feeling
Never really got into it, never saw the point. Some people need to get drunk to have fun, which I can't knock. It does absolutely nothing for me, and is mostly an excuse for people to say/do certain things.
I'm 24 and I quit drinking and getting high this past year, I wanted to become a more functional, mentally and physically mobile individual. I feel like it has raised my standard of living, thats just me though as everyone is different. But yea I dropped those habits and haven't looked back.
Moderation moderation moderation.

Getting blackout throw-up drunk every time you drink is not how you do it. Drinking to get a nice buzz is fine. I also only drink on the weekends and on holidays.

Not everybody can have control, though. Those people should never touch alcohol.
Not a drinker but each time I tried it got nasty like halfway through drinking whatever I had. Is drinking just an acquired taste or just depends on what it is?
Taste nasty and it just makes you sick. Never was a heavy drinker. 

I still have a sip or two every now and then. 

I get more pleasure from the budz anyway. 
Not a drinker but each time I tried it got nasty like halfway through drinking whatever I had. Is drinking just an acquired taste or just depends on what it is?
A good bartender will properly mix a drink so that there is little alcohol taste. A jack and coke is always gonna be a jack and coke. Beer is definitely an acquired taste. Liquor isn't really a pleasant taste but you can find drinks that suit you. Find something fruity but with a strong name so the fellas won't rag on you. I like to get an Adios, from my regular bartender because it taste like a sour lemonade. 

I went super hard my freshman year and some of my sophomore year in college. Now I'm more of a social occasion drinker. I'll have a glass of wine when eating out with friends/associates. If I'm at a bar I'll have 3 drinks tops, and thats very seldom. There's no appeal in getting drunk for me anymore. When I'm partying I like to stay sharp and witty, which allows me to put much more refined game out to the women. I don't have the confidence issues I used to have, so I'm fine without it.

Like someone else mentioned alcohol can sometimes give me a headache even in small amounts now. If someone offers me to go for drinks, I'd suggest something i'll enjoy more. If they already are drinking I usually will say sure just one to avoid the "oh you're a square stick in the mud guy, you think you're better than us" conversation.

If you can't have just one... stay away

Personal Wellness >>> 
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i defiinitely cut back my drinking, never considered giving it up though. i used to drink to get drunk and that got old super quick.

now im more of experimental drinker, say like trying new beers or getting a new bottle of whatever to add to my collection 

i will say this though, i do keep my beer fridge stocked at all times. im the type of guy to drink a cold one while working on my truck or house project. 
never drank or smoke.

doesnt have to do with religion or anything. i just dont do it 

its not really apart of my makeup

some people look at me strange when i tell them but i dont eem care
As a person who used to drink a bit heavy on the weekend in early college, I have cut my alcohol consumtion by 90%. I haven't stopped completely, especially on special weekends or holidays, I usually stick to strictly light beer or disarrono.

I cut a majority of my drinking out due to it making me feel sick, and me not being a fan of being hungover.

I still blaze from time to time but I support those who stopped drinking/smoking to become better versions of themselves.

Got old. Got married. Had kids.

Sounds morbid, but there really just isn't time with our schedules b/c I enjoy getting blasted and not just buzzed. :lol: Taking care of a 2-year old with a hangover one time was enough for me.

Also, I moved away from the homies so I don't have real brahs to act a fool with anymore. :smh:

Seriously though, I did enough drinking during my on and off 8-year college career to quench the thirst of thirty men for a lifetime. Wed thru Saturday equaled me faded at the bar or a party. Hell, even after I graduated I would make it back to school every weekend to kick it with the homies. I miss it, but not enough to try to replicate it now. Best believe every time I go back home it's on though.
I am a big craft beer guy; I rarely ever drink liquor or wine

I would rather have 2-3 beers and call it a night

good beer every night with dinner >>>>>>>>> getting twisted
Just didn't want to expose myself to any possible detriments to my health (gym rat :pimp:) and overall self, present and future. My current 'stepdad' literally drinks everyday, which leads to him getting in his patented pseudo-philosophical mode, which results in him saying/doing some of the stupidest **** ever...and I never thought of him as the brightest on his sober days, so that says something.

Think some people I know drink just to 'fit in', which almost blows me even more. Don't knock anyone who drinks (who am I to judge?), but I just can't fade it.
I started and stopped in 2012, I couldn't get pass the taste.. I tried beer, brown and clear and its just not my thing.
I'll stick to trees.. I doubt very seriously I take another sip of liquor..
Because I don't have an addicted personality, I once had a DUI when I was 17. And I stopped drinking for 3 years then I started again when I turned 21 and I just acted like a normal 21 year old. I got into working out and cut off alcohol. I don't need it to function. I'm 27 now haven't drank in 2 years, I'm about to have a baby in a couple of months, I don't think I'll be drinking anytime soon. Believe me when I used to drink, I drank like a fish. I'd go to parties hitting the beer bong Til I passed out. We would play "100 club" where you have to finish two 40s and a 22.
Not a drinker but each time I tried it got nasty like halfway through drinking whatever I had. Is drinking just an acquired taste or just depends on what it is?

If you're talking about just basic mixed drinks (vodka and soda, whiskey and coke, etc.) ask the bartender to make it a tall. It'll be the same amount of alcohol, just more mixer. Be careful to not order a DOUBLE tall, because it's just double everything.

I often order talls if I don't plan on drinking a lot, but want something to sip on.
I'm a lightweight...i dont know why when most of my family are drinkers :lol:
When I was younger (15-17, the "cool kid" age), my friends and I drank all the time. It got to the point where I moved away from that crowd of friends that I realized I didn't need to drunk to enjoy myself.

I'll have a casual drink here and there, but I don't go out looking to get really drunk anymore.
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