No Star Trek into Darkness thread?

Terrible movie and a slap in the face to Trek fans. The more I watch of Abrams work where he is a writer the more convinced I am he sucks.

This movie like its predecessor are full of your run of the mill plot holes but also those that are covered up by things that aren't even possible in that universe in any time period. For reference ST Voy was 100+ years after this so just imagine the tech gap. Now before you say I'm nitpicking I had actually forgave these issues after the first movie just becuase I had new ST to watch.

This movie goes a step further and enters the realm of blasphemy. This lazy bastard Abrams took one of the greatest plot points from ANY movie but another ST movie and reused it reversing roles and then having the characters use damn near the exact same lines (see STWOK). I almost walked out of the theater and I have never felt that way even for S3 which got a chorus of boos when the credits hit. This made every issue I had forgiven creep right back. Even if I ignore all of that the movie is very predictable with very minimal character development.

If you're a casual fan or not at all this may be enjoyable for you.

It's not even worth watching these types of movies anymore especially if you know about the respective franchises. They have decades of source material and they put out something that's mediocre just so that they can keep on rebooting them after a few years.
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That's what I figure, I think it is similar case with IM3. Reviews are great but to those who are true fans, it's like the Mandarin fiasco all over again. I'm not a Trekkie so I don't know what was wrong with the first one so I did enjoy it plenty.

Yes...but different.

If you tell me that you're going to reboot something by erasing everything on the board and starting fresh....that is one thing. That is your interpretation of the series while of course drawing from the source material.What they did for these ST movies was tie in another universe (previous series and movies) using an existing character in that other universe (Spock) which leaves it open for critique against anything that has happened. That's how I see it at least so I feel penalized because I know what has happened.

In the case of IM3,

I think the outrage with the Mandarin bate and switch was that they made it, laughed about it, and then didn't provide an equally menacing character who somewhat resembled the source material. That movie has issues far beyond the comic book source material though.

Again, I think if you only know Star Trek in general from pop culture or had a mild interest then the movie is enjoyable. When I saw the 2009 ST for the first time it was definitely fun and enjoyable but I knew I could never fully accept it because of things I knew. STID was actually enjoyable until the villain reveal and then it went off the grid completely for me when they used the plot points and lines exactly from a previous film.
I'm not a Trekkie by any means, but this does leave me alittle worried about how Abrams is gonna handle Star Wars where I think a good portion of NT is avid fans of.

I think he's a Star Wars guy so they may be ok but.........remember Lost.....that's a stain on his record for me :lol:
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That's what I figure, I think it is similar case with IM3. Reviews are great but to those who are true fans, it's like the Mandarin fiasco all over again. I'm not a Trekkie so I don't know what was wrong with the first one so I did enjoy it plenty.

Yes...but different.

If you tell me that you're going to reboot something by erasing everything on the board and starting fresh....that is one thing. That is your interpretation of the series while of course drawing from the source material.What they did for these ST movies was tie in another universe (previous series and movies) using an existing character in that other universe (Spock) which leaves it open for critique against anything that has happened. That's how I see it at least so I feel penalized because I know what has happened.

In the case of IM3,

I think the outrage with the Mandarin bate and switch was that they made it, laughed about it, and then didn't provide an equally menacing character who somewhat resembled the source material. That movie has issues far beyond the comic book source material though.

Again, I think if you only know Star Trek in general from pop culture or had a mild interest then the movie is enjoyable. When I saw the 2009 ST for the first time it was definitely fun and enjoyable but I knew I could never fully accept it because of things I knew. STID was actually enjoyable until the villain reveal and then it went off the grid completely for me when they used the plot points and lines exactly from a previous film.

I understand that but based on the first film, everyone's future has been altered, not just the main characters. The death of Kirks father and the destruction of that ship could have a domino effect on everything in the ST world. Again, I am not a Trekkie and I haven't seen the new one yet so I am not sure what is wrong with it but I thought that whole scenario in the first film kind of give Abrams a clean slate and he can do what he wants w/o affecting the older events because this is somewhat a new reality, right?
I understand that but based on the first film, everyone's future has been altered, not just the main characters. The death of Kirks father and the destruction of that ship could have a domino effect on everything in the ST world. Again, I am not a Trekkie and I haven't seen the new one yet so I am not sure what is wrong with it but I thought that whole scenario in the first film kind of give Abrams a clean slate and he can do what he wants w/o affecting the older events because this is somewhat a new reality, right?

That's right - they're calling this an alternate timeline so the different universes can live in parallel without contradicting each other.
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yea, i hated the old star trek as a series and everything, but this new series is a fresh rebirth. havent seen the new one yet, but the first one was way beyond my expectations. im sure this one will be too.

still star wars > *
I understand that but based on the first film, everyone's future has been altered, not just the main characters. The death of Kirks father and the destruction of that ship could have a domino effect on everything in the ST world. Again, I am not a Trekkie and I haven't seen the new one yet so I am not sure what is wrong with it but I thought that whole scenario in the first film kind of give Abrams a clean slate and he can do what he wants w/o affecting the older events because this is somewhat a new reality, right?

Abram's interpretations of the characters were one of the highlights of both films. Some of the characters were developed for the better (Uhura). But.....I'll just deal with one of the major plot points in ST 2009

which was transwarp beaming.. That was when Kirk and Scottie were on the planet with Spock and needed to get back to the ship which was a long way away. Spock with knowledge from 100 years in the future and told Scottie "Hey you solved this equation in the future that allowed this tech to be developed. Hey now that I gave you the equation you should be able to make that work with what you got right?" Nah, not possible. That's like me going back to the late 1800s and telling Alexander Graham Bell "Hey man I know you just invented the telephone and now you can talk to someone down the street. Here's the equation to talk to someone right now across the world." He may actually understand how to do that but the tech of his time makes it impossible. Same applies in this case. You can't mess with the course of human evolution like that.
The movie was excellent. Go see this in IMAX 3D you definitely will not regret it, the visuals were spectacular. Solid 9/10 from me, the actors all did a great job specifically Zachary Quinto and the guy who played John Harrison.

One thing bothered me though,

The "death" scene with Kirk was way too cliche for me. Anyone could have seen that coming from a mile away. I thought that it really ruined the emotional scene between Spock and Kirk. Would've been nice to see Abrams stray from the norm and do something different.
Lots of action this time out...The lens flares though :smh:...For **** sakes the lense flares have me with a perminant headache...
i know nothing about star wars and the only thing i had seen was the previous film. I really enjoyed this one but it bugged me that almost the whole movie takes place on the ship.. i want to see other planets. The first hour was great..the 2nd half was kinda meh. still recommend it though
Review: Star Trek Into Darkness

J.J. Abrams genuinely surprised me with his 2009 adaptation of Star Trek. Now on a much grander scale, Star Trek Into Darkness seemed like it was going to surpass his first effort by leaps and bounds. Exploring the human element of the crew, Into Darkness shifted tones from its predecessor, showcasing a more sadistic villain and testing the will of Captain Kirk, Spock and the strength of their relationship.

With his second effort one-thing stands true, bigger isn’t always better. The first film felt fresh and exciting while Into Darkness was a handful of explosions away from a Michael Bay porn spectacular. (Which is ironic since writer Damon Lindelof jokingly considered calling the film Star Trek: Transformers 4.)

Picking up where we left off, we see Captain Jim Kirk (Chris Pine) aboard his ship, full crew on hand, Spock (Zachary Quinto), Uhura (Zoe Saldana), Bones (Karl Urban), Scotty (Simon Pegg), Sulu (John Cho), Chekov (Anton Yelchin) and more all believing in their captain following their last escapade. Spock and Kirk are seemingly civilized with each other when an attack on the Federation occurs forcing a full-on manhunt for new villain John Harrison. Benedict Cumberbatch plays Harrison, a mastermind of battle, intelligent, stoic and fearless, he’s unlike anything Pine and co. have faced.

It’s no secret that Cumberbatch plays the evil Khan, thus has been the rumor for over a year. What has been a secret to audiences until it’s release was how run-of-the-mill this second installment is. Cumberbatch is a force; terrorizing Kirk, Spock and the Enterprise, imposing his will on mere mortals seemingly being unstoppable. Abrams directs the film with a wishy-washy script that benefits from a few one-liners by Pegg while suffering through the boring, asinine actions of Pine.

The attack on the federation and killing of high ranked officials send Kirk on a mission to apprehend Khan. Aboard a new ship with 72 missiles pointed at him as ordered by Peter Weller’s Admiral Marcus, Khan surrenders but this is only the beginning of his plan. Locked in isolation, seemingly unable to do harm, his manipulative ways get the best of Kirk’s ambitious attitude forcing him to use Khan in order to save his ship and crew.

While the first film saw Kirk try to earn his way into the captain’s chair, Into Darkness is more-so a showcase on what he has to do to keep it, putting this crew and ship before him in order to really earn those stars on his shoulder. Giving life to the film also is Quinto as Spock who shined in the first film and does even better here. As previously mentioned the film is very human, and dives into the emotions of these characters, especially Spock who is half Vulcan and half human. He finally shows his vulnerability in this film and it’s more so with Kirk then it is with love interest Uhura.

As Khan tries to level Kirk’s command from the inside, Kirk must find a way to suppress his ego and think like a leader. His actions lead to putting Sulu in the captain’s chair while he and Spock try to accomplish the task at hand.

On the surface, Abrams delivers a bigger film full of pomp and circumstance with more intergalactic firepower and action then one can take. But this actually detracts from the story being told instead of enhancing it. Towards the start of the film there’s a action/fight sequence with Klingon’s that is so cheap and poorly executed you’d think it was choreographed by the say people in charge of the old Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Power Rangers films. There’s no doubt that the film is visually impressive and the cast overall does their job but there’s more to making a good film then pretty moving pictures.

I can’t seem to get over Pine’s stale performance, from his imposing and aggressive bushy eye brows to the asinine decisions he makes as a captain, it’s all just a mind boggling, frustrating mess. Perhaps it’s because I’m not a Trekkie but I can’t get behind him as a character or a leader in this film.

Cumberbatch as Khan is actually one of the best performances of the year in my eyes; he really stands out in the film more so than any action sequence or other character we see. His authoritative and menacing disposition puts Captain Kirk to shame every time they share the screen together, it’s rather comical. Once you throw in the expected, on-point comedy from Pegg with Quinto’s Spock you almost feel like there is salvation for the script and film, but it never fully comes together. I suppose it’s entertaining for the most part, but feels a bit long winded at times and the early set up takes too long to get going. An edit of about 20 minutes would have been greatly appreciated as well. The supporting cast of Urban, Saldana, Cho, Yelchin and Greenwood are downsized to almost useless levels. A shames since Urban and Cho are great in their respective roles yet we only get them in small doses. You end up not caring about these characters that are so vital to the maintenance of the mission and ship.

The cheesy, embarrassing, head-scratching ending seems to crumble a part what seemingly was a solid climax. In general Star Trek Into Darkness doesn’t feel like that much of a different film from the first aside from Cumberbatch’s stellar performance. While Quinto is one of the only other redeeming qualities of the film, the relationship between Uhura and Spock is laughable, as their chemistry and interactions seem far from genuine. Abrams is moving on to Star Wars so perhaps his heart wasn’t fully into this film as it felt like a rehash more then a rebirth. More sequels are not needed for this film, unfortunately I feel like there will be many more.

Rating: C
Saw the film today, I enjoyed it.

On the matter of plot holes that seem to run afoul of the established ST mythology, I thought the "issue" was addressed in the first movie that Abrams was creating an alternate ST universe--a new version of the mythology--that ran parallel to the known and established ST mythology?

I mean, was that not the significance of the older Spock/original Spock (played by Nemoy) appearing in the first and current movie; to serve as a reminder of the co-existence of these alternate realities/mythologies, however conflicting the may be? The minute they broke the temporal prime directive in the 09 ST, you were assured that they wouldn't keep with tradition, and honestly I aint even mad...:lol:

Like I said, I enjoyed it. Sure if you nitpick, you'll find things worth lambasting, but why ruin the entertainment for yourself?

IMAX 3D... worth every penny

go in without high expectations and trying to analyze every plot hole and you will leave feeling great :smokin

go in with high expectations and try to point out every error on the film and you will still leave :D

great show
WHAT A MOVIE! Enjoyed every second of it, and this is coming from someone who has never watched Star Trek. I haven't even seen the first movie but after watching this one, I'll definitely be seeing it. Also, like everyone said watching this in 3D is a must.
Plot holes seem to be way overused these days.

Movie was entertaining and enjoyable.

someone explain to me why Kahn put his own people in torpedoes? If he had access to them, why did he need to hide them? Why not just wake them up? And why in torpedoes, when it seemed like he knew that admiral Marcus was going to fire them on that Klingon planet.

That's the only thing that really confused me, though it may have been said and I missed it.
Although I hated the film, I'm glad everyone else enjoyed it especially those who have never seen anything Star Trek. I hope an appreciation is gained for the franchise in some manner.

As I've stated before the first on was enjoyable and I forgave the issues that I believed were plot holes for the sake of it just being back on screen. Overall here is my real issue with the second but only if you've seen it.

The movie was actually very entertaining and I was cool up until Khan was revealed. He was the main villain in ST Wrath of Khan 1982 which is considered either 1 or 1A in the movie rankings for the series. So already at this point Abrams should have tread lightly. Up until till that point the character was done very well. His intellect, tenacity, and overall superiority was on display. Then the dude Abrams completely ripped a major plot point for STWOK. In that movie Khan is about to destroy the enterprise in a last ditch effort to get revenge on Kirk. Spock goes and restores power so the ship can escape. Kirk comes to the glass and they say their goodbyes and what not and Spock dies. The scene in Abrams film was roles reversed and basically word for word. That's lazy and I can't rock with it.

Spock was actually dead at the end of the movie. The tribble part was so predictable in this one.
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