No Fap 2k14 Vol. Together we can make it.

Catching STDs and creating children for Christmas :smh:

I'm the POK, bruh

Pull out king...

Plus the two day rule.

I'm straight

So i guess nobody wants to do No Condom December... guess i'm on my own
girl just told me we're not ever going back to condoms

Wet dream was messy smh just had this random wet dream about this chick I'm talking to , woke up on a damn puddle , mind you Saturday is gonna make 2 months since I last fap .

this happened to me earlier this year around the same time of being at the two month mark. You're almost to the complete reset! hold out don't mess yourself up like I did going back to the old fapping ways!
this happened to me earlier this year around the same time of being at the two month mark. You're almost to the complete reset! hold out don't mess yourself up like I did going back to the old fapping ways!

Had to walk away and run a mile last night I was so damn close to go back to fapping , it was calling me .
,can't believe I'm a week in, I still find myself watching porn though so that's how I know I been doing it too much. Starting now I will try to do both not fap AND watch pron
We should do No Condom December..........Pull Out Game Strong..... who's down.

I've been doing no condom since high school fam. Yall using condoms letting the government control you with fears of stds to rob you of the pleasure smh

:lol: not serious about the last part that's something I tell my boy when he says strap up and gives me this speech on how it can save my life
i'm familiar with the 3 day rule in stocks, but what's the 2 day rule?
if you clean your pipes... It takes two days for your sperm to have the strength to impregnate.

It's the reason why couples can have sex frequently and not get pregnant...

The man milk hasn't been given time to fully recover
I believe I might have some adrenal gland issues. I googled it and there seems to be a connection with masturbation and adrenal burnout, which can cause a myriad of symptoms that most people tend to overlook. Makes sense since jacking off is pretty much a fight or flight response. I recently went 6 days no fap and I could feel a difference in energy and in mind. I felt more calm and didn't flip out in traffic. Then I woke up one morning and absolutely had to jerk off. It felt weird watching porn at 5am before work. I also go to the gym 5 days a week and that makes me hornier. I jerk off probably 10-14 times/week.

It's all going to stop now though. I know this is going to make me feel healthier. Check out this article:
Frequent masturbation and ejaculation stimulate acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions excessively, resulting in the over production of sex hormones and neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin. Abundant and unusually amount of these hormones and neurotransmitters can cause the brain and adrenal glands to perform excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion and turn the brain and body functions to be extremely sympathetic. In other words, there is a big change of body chemistry when one excessively pratices masturbation.

Note: Masturbation is a healthy sexual behavior. Like other behaviors, when over practiced or addicted it can lead to both psychological and physiological imbalances.
The side effects of such changes to the body include:
Fatigue. Feeling tired all the time
Lower back pain
Stress / Anxiety
Thinning hair / Hair Loss
Soft / Weak Erection
Premature Ejaculation
Eye floaters or fuzzy vision
Groin / Testicular Pain
Pain or cramp in the pelvic cavity or/and tail bone

If above symptoms are experienced, you need to restore the balance of brain's acetylcholine / parasympathetic ratio, reduces the level of sex hormones in the body, and sedates sympathetic nervous function, or the symptoms would become worse.
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